home · Personal growth · How does a person's personality manifest itself? The person who influenced the course of history: examples. People who changed the course of world history. Is it possible to change yourself

How does a person's personality manifest itself? The person who influenced the course of history: examples. People who changed the course of world history. Is it possible to change yourself

20. Activity and personality

The concepts of activity and personality have broad connections. In the process of activity, the formation and development of personality takes place, whether it is a game, communication or work. Activity is always carried out in a certain system of relations of one individual with society and other individuals. It requires the help and participation of other people. The results of activity have a certain impact on the world around, on the life and fate of other people, who are specific individuals. The activity of the personality always finds its expression not only in relation to things, but also in relation to other people. The activities of full-fledged mature individuals are characterized by moral and physical mutual support in work, collectivism, and labor enthusiasm.

The personality of a person not only develops in activity, but also manifests itself in it. Thus, the joint socially useful activity of a friendly, organized team develops a person's collectivism, organization, the ability to connect their interests with the interests of the team. The basis of the developed by A.S. Makarenko's theory and practice of educational work, the leading influence of activity on the formation of personality was assumed. The whole life of the team of his pupils was organized on the basis of the inclusion of all children in various activities that require the manifestation of certain personality traits (purposefulness, discipline, courage, honesty, responsibility, perseverance). For example, night trips and vigils organized by Makarenko to protect the colony from thieves and ill-wishers required the children to overcome fear, to show restraint and self-control. Gradually, the habit of bold behavior developed. The common activities of the colonists contributed to the development of a sense of comradeship, mutual understanding and trust among the children.

The development of various activities, and at the same time the personality of a person, is a complex and lengthy process.

In an infant, activity is limited to several simple innate reactions - defensive (pupil constriction in bright light or loud sound, screaming and motor restlessness in pain), food (sucking), labyrinth (calm down when swaying) and somewhat later - orienting-exploratory (turning the head to stimulus, object tracking, etc.). The first conditioned reflexes begin to form in an infant from the eleventh to twelfth day. On the basis of conditioned reflexes, during the first year of life, exploratory behavior develops (grasping, examining, manipulating), with the help of which the child accumulates information about the properties of objects in the outside world and masters the coordination of movements. Under the influence of learning and imitation, from the age of one, the child begins to form practical behavior that helps him master human ways of using things and their purpose. From the first days of life, the child begins to communicate with people, to master communicative behavior, which helps him achieve the satisfaction of his needs and desires. The child begins to master various activities: communication, play, learning, work. Gradually, in the course of development, under the influence of upbringing and training, the child's activity takes on conscious, purposeful forms, discipline and organization are developed.

Activity contributes to the development of various mental processes of the child: perception, imagination, memory, thinking. On their basis, in the process of socialization, the development of individual human properties takes place, the formation of temperament, character and abilities that make up the structure of the personality takes place.

21. Cognitive activity

Cognitive activity is the unity of sensory perception, theoretical thinking and practical activity. It is carried out at every step of life, in all types of activities and social relationships of students (productive and socially useful work, value-oriented and artistic and aesthetic activities, communication), as well as by performing various subject-practical actions in the educational process (experimenting, designing , solving research problems, etc.). But only in the process of learning, knowledge acquires a clear form in a special educational and cognitive activity or teaching inherent only to a person.

Understanding speech facilitates these cognitive processes, and yet mastery of speech is not a prerequisite for conducting all the exercises in this chapter.

Some children acquire cognitive skills much faster than speech comprehension - for other children it is quite the opposite. Since both types of information processing are essential for adaptation in the external environment, we consider it useful to follow the path preferred by the child and not make a formal distinction between speech understanding and cognitive activity.

At a higher level of speech development, the names of objects and family members are given, as well as the understanding of sentences consisting of two words and prepositions.

Of the many types of schoolchildren's activities, cognitive activity is not limited only by the framework of education, which, in turn, is "burdened" with educational functions.

Cognitive activity is not something amorphous, but always a system of certain actions and knowledge included in them. This means that cognitive activity should be formed in a strictly defined order, taking into account the content of the actions that compose it. When planning the study of new subject material, the teacher first of all needs to determine the logical and specific types of cognitive activity in which this knowledge should function. In some cases, these are cognitive actions that have already been mastered by students, but now they will be used on new material, their boundaries of application will expand. In other cases, the teacher will teach students to use new actions.

The principle of the unity of the psyche and external activity indicates the principal way for the formation of cognitive activity. Since mental activity is secondary, new types of cognitive activity must be introduced into the educational process in an external material form. Pedagogical psychology must also reveal the main lines of the process of transforming the external, material form of cognitive activity into an internal, mental form.

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Psychology and pedagogy. Crib Rezepov Ildar Shamilevich


Disclosure of the psychological mechanisms of education is impossible without understanding the sources and conditions for the development of the child, the formation of his personality. The determining condition for the existence of the development of a person as a social being, the realization of human needs, that is, the condition for the development of a person as a person, is that multifaceted activity or a combination of different types of activities in which a person is included. Development, complication of activity determine the development of the child's psyche. Therefore, the solution of educational tasks should be based on the psychological laws of the subordination of human activities, their dynamics. When building a system of educational influences, it is necessary to take into account the nature and characteristics of various types of activities in which the child is included, their meaning, scope and content, because it is in the process of developing activities, expanding and complicating them that social relations are formed, which are the basis for the formation of personality.

Activity development of a person leads to the appearance of its various types and forms, which are combined, subordinated. At the same time, there is a hierarchization of stimuli of activity - motives, due to which different types of activity are carried out. There are many motives that differ in content, arbitrariness, degree of awareness, primary and secondary, directly and indirectly inducing, etc. A single, interconnected system of motives for activities that arises in their development constitutes the psychological basis of the personality. The degree of such unity and connectedness, the breadth of connections and relations of a person with the world on the basis of different types of activity serve as the initial parameters for the development of the individual. It is known that sometimes the same motives are realized differently in behavior, and different motives can have outwardly the same forms of manifestation. Depending on the motive that guides the child, various personality traits are formed. Behavior is usually motivated not by one, but by several motives different in content and structure, among which stand out leading and subordinates. The change of leading motives, the formation of ever higher moral motives characterize the development of the motivational sphere of the individual. The necessary change in the ratio of motives, their hierarchy is provided by a purposeful organization of activity.

The peculiarity of any activity lies in the fact that the results of its constituent actions under certain conditions turn out to be more significant than their motives.

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Personality is the set of patterns—thoughts, behaviors, and feelings—that make up who you are. And what do you think? Models can be changed. It needs to be worked on, but if you are really committed to this idea, then anything can happen. Remember, however, that your old self is likely to be shone through regularly as our beliefs and thinking are shaped by our life experiences.


Laying the groundwork

    Write your plan. This is a two-step action: what do you want to change and what do you want to become. You cannot have one without the other. Achievement requires a lot of effort, you will need to know which fight to choose before you start.

    • How will your projected new character contribute to your development as a person? At this stage, many people come to the conclusion that what is needed is not a change in personality, but rather one small habit that has a negative impact on your interaction with other people. Small enough?
    • If there is someone you would like to be more like, recognize what you want to emulate. Don't just look at the person and say, "Yes, I want to be like that." Understand what exactly you admire - how this person copes with different situations? Way of speaking? How to walk or move? More importantly, what contribution does it make to that person's well-being?
  1. Tell someone. One of the reasons why Alcoholics Anonymous is so successful is because you bring out things that aren't usually talked about. If someone else encourages you to be accountable, then you get extrinsic motivation that you wouldn't get otherwise.

    • Talk to a friend about what you want to achieve. If you trust this person, they will be able to push you in the right direction (either tell you that you are funny or keep you on track). The extra brain power and a pair of eyes further away from the picture, if you like, will help you figure out how to behave and what impression you're making.
  2. Set up a reward system. It could be anything. Anything. It can be as small as moving marbles from one pocket to another, or as big as a vacation. Whatever it is, make it worth it to you.

    • And set breakpoints on it. If you can walk up to that pretty girl and be able to say something, great! It's already something. If you can walk up to her next week and be able to tell a whole anecdote, great! Reward yourself for everything, it's a difficult task.

    Changing the thought pattern

    1. Don't label yourself. When you think of yourself as a shy and withdrawn person, you use that as a prop. Why don't you go to that party on Friday? …That's it. You don't have a reason. When you stop thinking of yourself in one way or another, the world opens up to you.

      • You are constantly changing. If you think of yourself as a nerd, you may find that you have these characteristics. But if you understand that you are constantly growing and changing, then you can open yourself up to opportunities that inspire that growth, opportunities that you would otherwise shy away from.
    2. Stop thinking in "fixed" terms. Just like with labels, stop thinking only in black and white. Guys, it's not scary, authority is not evil, and textbooks are really useful. Once you understand exactly what your perception things define it for you, you will see more options and therefore more behaviors.

      • Some people view certain traits as “fixed” and this greatly influences their behavior. The opposite of this would be "growth" thinking, in which the beholder sees features as malleable and ever-changing. These ways of thinking develop in early childhood and can greatly influence personality. If you think things are "fixed," then you don't believe you can change them. How do you see the world? It can determine how you see yourself in a relationship, how you resolve conflicts, and how quickly you bounce back from setbacks.
    3. Banish negative thoughts. Just stop. The beauty of your mind is that it is part of you and therefore you control it. If you've caught yourself thinking, "Oh God, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't," then you probably won't be able to. When that voice starts speaking, shut it up. It won't do you any good.

    Changing sensation patterns

      Fake until you create. There is a saying in Zen Buddhism that you need to go out through the door. If you want to become less shy, approach people and talk to them. If you admire those who read a lot, start reading. Just dive in. People have bad habits, but there are ways to change them.

      • No one needs to know that deep down inside you feel that you are going through life to death. Do you know why? Because soon enough it will pass. The mind has a wonderful ability to adapt. What once sent shivers down the spine, after a sufficient period of time, will become an old favorite hat.
    1. Pretend to be a different person. Okay, the impersonation method got a bad rap, but if Dustin Hoffman did it, then we can try it too. With this method, you are completely immersed in someone else. It's not you, it's the new creature you're trying to be.

      • It's 24/7. You must adopt the habits of this new character in any situation. How does he sit? What is the expression on his face in a calm situation? What worries him? How does he kill time? Who is he associated with?
    2. Make time for quirks. Okay, telling you to completely give up who you are and take on a new persona just by the power of thought and habit is ridiculous. There is no way you can stick to it 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Therefore, give yourself the allotted time to feel how you want.

      • If you're throwing a party on Friday that you're terrified of, tell yourself that on Friday night or Saturday morning you'll take 20 minutes just to be completely worried about it. 20 minutes of absolute illogicality and unproductiveness. But apart from that, nothing. Stick to it. Do you know what will happen? Eventually, you'll find that you don't have to spend any time on it at all.

    Changing Behavior Patterns

    1. Throw yourself into new conditions. In fact, the only way to see change in yourself is to add something new to your life. To do this, you will need to adopt new behaviors, new people, and new activities. You can't do the same thing over and over and expect different results.

      • Start small. Join the club. Get a job outside of your skills and abilities. Start reading about it. Also, don't go back to the old conditions. You don't want to spend time with people who are doing the opposite of what you're trying to achieve.
      • Put yourself in conditions. If you are afraid of spiders, go into a room with one. Day by day, a centimeter closer to him. You will end up sitting next to him. Still later, you'll keep it. Constant exposure dulls the feeling of fear in the brain. Now take the "spiders" and replace them with whatever is your target.
    2. Keep a diary. You will need a fairly strong sense of self-awareness to stay on track. Keeping a journal will help you sort through your thoughts and analyze how you dealt with this change. Write down what worked and what didn't so you can fine-tune your method.

    3. Say yes. If you find it difficult to throw yourself into new conditions, think of it this way: stop turning down opportunities. If you see a sign that you previously considered uninteresting, then look again. If a friend asks you to do something you know absolutely nothing about, go for it. You will become much better at this.

      • But remember to make safe decisions. If someone asks you to go jump off a cliff, don't do it. Use your brain.

    Adding the finishing touches

    1. Dress up. Okay, clothes don't make a person, but they can help you get in the right mindset. While it doesn't change your personality at all, it can serve to you a reminder of the person you are trying to become.

      • It could be something as small as a hat. If there is anything that points to this new personality for you, keep that in mind. This way, you are more likely to stay in tune with yourself and reduce cognitive dissonance.
    2. Adopt habits. Clothing and thought patterns may not be enough. Think about what this new personality would do and do it. Will she seek social interaction? Stay away from social media? Read an economic magazine? Whatever it is, do it.

      • It doesn't always have to be something big - small things work too. Would she wear a pink handbag? Would he listen to a specific band? Get in character as much as possible.
    3. Settle down. Now that you've made these new habits and probably new friends and new activities, you may feel a little cramped. Now it is important to accept yourself, whoever you are and wherever you are. Dig in with your nails and decide you're staying.

      • Psychologically eradicating yourself is risky. If you succeed, you may need time to feel that you are truly “you”. Relax. This feeling will come if you keep your desire close to your well-being.
    4. Think about your new identity. Have you really achieved what you wanted to achieve? Do people think more positively of you now that you act and dress differently? Are you ready to sacrifice yourself for the sake of imitating the ideal person?

      • Many people will realize at this stage that what they need is not a change of personality, but an acceptance of who they are and a willingness to try to improve themselves instead of hiding under the artificial image they take on in public.

The formation of a personality includes the assimilation of cultural values, as well as the formation on the basis of them of a stable individual system of values ​​and orientations that determine activity and behavior.

But social requirements and norms are perceived by each individual selectively and personally, therefore the orientations and values ​​of the individual do not always coincide with public consciousness.

What is personality

It is important to understand what a person is. This concept is often confused with the concept of individuality, especially in relation to children. Often parents say that their 4-year-old child has already formed a personality because he loves certain music. But psychologists note that the preference for certain music in kids does not speak of personal characteristics, but of individuality. It also includes temperament, some abilities, etc. This has a lot to do with the formation of personality, but is not a determining factor.

Awareness of oneself as a person in children occurs when certain criteria are defined:

the child fully uses personal pronouns;
he can describe himself, even at a primitive level, tell about his own problems and feelings;
he has self-control skills. And children's tantrums due to minor reasons speak of insufficient personal development;
the baby has basic ideas about the concepts of "bad" and "good". He knows how to refuse what is "bad", to give up momentary desire for the common good.

Personality formation factors

Despite the fact that the personality is mostly formed in the course of communication with others, there are some factors in the formation of the personality that can influence this process:

Initially, the formation of personality is influenced by the genetic characteristics of a person, which he received at birth. Heredity is the basis for the formation of personality. Similar qualities of a person, like physical features, abilities, influence the formation of his character, as well as the method of perceiving other people and the world around. Heredity explains a lot of personality traits, its differences with other individuals, since there are no 2 identical individuals;

Another factor that is important in the formation of personality is the influence of the physical environment. The nature that surrounds a person affects behavior, takes part in the creation of personality. For example, scientists associate climatic factors with the emergence of different civilizations. People who grew up in different climates are different. The most striking example is the comparison of people from the steppe, mountain and jungle. Nature influences us in many ways;
The third factor in the formation of personality is cultural influence. Any kind of culture has a specific set of values ​​and norms. It is common to members of the same group or society. Therefore, representatives of each individual culture should be sympathetic to such values ​​and norms. Because of this, a modal personality appears, it embodies general cultural features, they are instilled by society in its members in the process of cultural experience. It turns out that the current society, with the use of culture, creates sociable individuals who easily make social contacts and cooperation;

another factor is the social environment. It is worth recognizing that such a factor is considered the main one in the course of the formation of the qualities of an individual. The influence of such an environment occurs through socialization. This is such a process by which the individual learns the norms of the group so that through the formation of the "I" the uniqueness of the individual is manifested. Socialization takes many forms. For example, there is socialization through imitation, generalization of various forms of behavior;
the fifth element that forms personality is the person's own experience. The essence of its influence is that a person finds himself in various situations where he is influenced by other personalities and the environment.

The formation of the child's personality

Let's figure out at what age the child occurs. If we take into account some factors, it becomes clear that the child is not able to be a person before the age of 2. Usually, this happens after the baby learns to speak, share opinions with others, think about his own actions.

More often, psychologists note that the age of three is a significant point when a child develops self-awareness. But by the age of 4-5, he is fully aware of himself as a person who has some characteristics and values. It is important for parents to understand the process of becoming a child's personality, as it is associated with an approach to education.

How deeply the child understands himself as a person depends on the requests that can be made to him. For a baby, you need to have an understanding about the characteristic signs of psychology at various stages of development. Children under one year old do not know how to keep their emotions in check, therefore it is pointless to explain to them that crying in the street is shameful and ugly. They are still entirely focused on momentary needs. At this stage, it is important for parents to understand that this is normal behavior of the child, he does not need to be punished for this.

Another situation: the baby is a year and 3 months old. Parents consider him an adult, because he knows how to walk and say some words, go to the potty. In general, he is already somewhat adapted to the control of emotions. After all, after a serious conversation, he will stop screaming, knows how to be affectionate if he needs attention. But the baby uses the ability to control himself in such a period selectively when it turns out to be important for him personally. And here again, mom and dad consider him spoiled.

And this behavior in this period is natural. Having the initial ability to self-control, the baby does not yet have the required motivation to limit himself. He does not understand where the positive, where the negative. A certain moral maturity appears after 2 years, and sometimes even by 3 years. It is associated with serious developments in social experience, better mastery of speech.

It turns out that, in accordance with the current ideas about the formation of a personality, the upbringing of crumbs up to a year is built only on the organization of suitable conditions for versatile development. After a year, the child already needs to be introduced to some of the norms of society, but do not immediately demand their observance. After 2 years of age, it is worth appealing to moral standards more persistently, but after 3 years you can demand compliance with the rules. If at 3.5-4 years old the baby constantly offends peers, spoils toys, then this is evidence of gaps in education or psychological problems.

The role of parents in the development of the child's personality

The role of parents in the formation of the child's personality and value system is very high. There are some rules that should be followed so that over time the baby does not face the problem of perceiving his own personality:

Formation of an adequate self-assessment.

You should not compare the baby with the rest, in any direction. This is very important in the matter of comparing personality traits. It is important for a child to understand that he is good in himself, and not in comparison with someone else. If you want to praise the baby, then do not use the comparative degree.

Encourage communication.

It is important to ensure that the baby interacts with adults and peers. So he will be able to socialize faster, see the norms of behavior on his own experience.

Do not ignore the gender aspect in education.

From 2.5 years to 6, the baby experiences the oedipal phase. In the process of it, the child should form an adequate gender self-identification, as well as the first idea about the relationship of the sexes. At this stage, you need to be attentive to the baby, give him care and love. But do not pay attention to provocations, show by your own example how relations between spouses are formed. Wrong behavior of parents will cause the child to form an Electra or Oedipus complex and other disorders.

Teaching morality and ethics.

Explain in detail to your child what principles of ethics are the basis for communication between people. Explain the concepts of honesty, positive and negative. The inability of the crumbs to measure their own behavior and social norms leads to conflicts and failure.

Personal development

The process of personal development is not smooth. The nature of this process is rather spasmodic. Comparatively long (about several years) stages of fairly calm and even development are replaced by short (about several months) periods of significant and abrupt personality changes. They are important in terms of the significance of personality changes and the consequences for the psyche. They are not in vain called critical stages of development, crises. They are quite difficult to experience on a subjective level, which is reflected in the behavior of the individual and her relationships with other people.

Age crises create some psychological boundaries between periods. In the course of personality development, several age-related crises stand out. The brightest of them are at 1 year old, at 3 years old, from 6 to 7 years old, and also at 11-14 years old.

The formation of a person's personality occurs in stages. Each period naturally emerges from the previous one, it creates a prerequisite for the next one. Each of the stages is mandatory and necessary for the normal development of the individual, because. represents favorable conditions for the formation of some functions of the psyche and personality. This feature of age is called sensitivity.

In psychology, 6 periods of personality development are distinguished:

from the moment of birth to 1 year;
interval from 1 year to 3 years;
from 4-5 years old to 6-7 years old;
from 7 years to 11 years;
in adolescence - from 11 to 14 years;
in early adolescence - from 14 to 17 years.

By this time, the personality reaches sufficient maturity, but this does not mean the end of mental development.

Another important property of development is irreversibility. This eliminates the chances of a recurrence of the age period. Each stage is different and unique.

March 18, 2014, 04:21 PM

Personality and activity. The process of formation of the personality of a professional is determined by the synthesis of opportunities, abilities, activity of the individual and the requirements of the activity. The main meaning of the content of the problem is reduced to the formulas:

- "manifestation of personality in the profession", i.e. in the choice and mastery of a profession, in the satisfaction of personal cognitive interests;

- "development of the personality in activity", which is reflected in the formation of professionally oriented qualities of a person (his body and personality traits), expanding the scope of knowledge of the world around him, developing the forms and content of the subject of communication.

The formation of a professional's personality is characterized by internal inconsistency in the processes of individual development of a person - uneven changes and heterochrony (time difference) of development phases, as well as the dependence of mental development on changing various types of activities on a professional path and for short periods of time.

The professional activity of a person sets the direction for the development of his personality. Each profession forms similar interests, attitudes, personality traits, behavior, etc. In this regard, we can talk about identification of a person with a profession, that is, about the process of adapting a person to the requirements of a particular activity. Sometimes personality traits acquired by a person manifest themselves in other life conditions and situations.

The negative manifestation of this process is the so-called professional deformation of personality, when professional habits, thinking and communication style and other personality traits are hypertrophied and reflected in interaction with other people (for example, doctors have rude humor, a decrease in the level of emotional experiences, teachers have authoritarianism, categorical judgments, instructive manner of communication, etc. ).

· Identification of a person with a profession is the process of adapting a person to the requirements of a particular activity.

Professional deformation of personality - hypertrophied development of professional personality traits.

The development of the personality of a professional is facilitated by the construction of the "image of I" of a professional, i.e., the idea of ​​​​oneself as a professional, as well as the creation of an image of a professional as a reference model of his personality - the ratio of these two images, the assessment of their mismatch, the development of a strategy for approaching the reference model and the desire for it determines one of the ways of personality development.

Not every work activity develops a personality, and not every development of professional abilities is equivalent to the development of a personality. It, like the emergence of a need for work, is associated with the achievement by the subject of a sense of satisfaction from the process and results of activity, the presence of a desire to overcome difficulties and the success of solving complex problems, the desire to show their capabilities in the labor process.