home · Health · How to grow pineapple at home: optimal conditions for the growth and development of a tropical plant. How to plant a pineapple at home from the top? Pineapple cultivation

How to grow pineapple at home: optimal conditions for the growth and development of a tropical plant. How to plant a pineapple at home from the top? Pineapple cultivation

For many people, a very interesting and unusual activity is growing pineapple from green top. However, if someone suddenly sees such an exotic plant, for example, from his relatives or acquaintances, then he, of course, will certainly want to have the same. And all because pineapple has a very spectacular appearance and is an evergreen plant. That is why he can transform any room. And on top of that, if you provide him with proper care, you can even see the appearance of small fruits. In order to learn how to properly care for pineapple at home, you need to study the step-by-step instructions below.

Step 1. How to choose a pineapple

In order for your venture to be successful, you need to choose the right planting material. The fruit must be healthy and ripe, while it should be noted that an unripe or, on the contrary, overripe pineapple is not suitable for this purpose. You should also pay special attention to the seed, or rather, the leaves. In the right fruit suitable for planting, the fruit should be dark green in color, healthy, and very hard to the touch. In the case when yellowness appeared on the leaves or they acquired a brown tint, such a fruit, of course, should be put aside. If you go to the market for pineapple in cold weather, then be extremely careful, as it can be frozen and definitely not the same.

The central part of the fruit should be yellow and not too hard. By the way, if you suddenly notice that the pineapple is damaged, then it is better not to purchase it. You can also smell this fruit, and it should have a quite pleasant smell. If you have any doubts about the fruit you have chosen, then buy two at once, but only in different stores in order to increase your chances.

Step 2. Preparing the Top

First of all, the top of the fetus must be carefully removed. To do this is quite simple. Grasp the bunch of leaves tightly so that it is completely in your hand, and slowly turn it around. This action is very similar to unscrewing the cap on the bottle. As a result, the stem should come out without much effort.

However, in the case when the pineapple is unripe, it will be impossible to separate the top using the method described above. An ordinary kitchen knife will come to your aid. They carefully cut the leaves with the spine, while the knife should be held at an angle of 45 degrees. Then be sure to remove all the remaining pulp in order to prevent the formation of rot on the workpiece.

After that, the stem, located at the lower base, must be carefully cleaned, removing all the leaves to a height of 2-3 centimeters.

Step 3. Rooting the top

In order for the top to take root, it must be placed in a container of water at room temperature. It should be immersed in the liquid by 3 or 4 centimeters. Absolutely any container is suitable for this purpose. For rooting, the top is placed in a well-lit place, while so that the sun's rays do not fall on it. Also, there should not be a draft or a sharp change in temperature. After 4-6 days, the roots will begin to grow.

Step 4. Planting and growing

To plant a pineapple, it is better to immediately take a larger pot, or rather, it should be 20–30 centimeters in height and 30–35 centimeters in diameter.

However, in the event that a pot of this size is not at hand, the top of the fruit can be planted in a pot with a diameter of 10-15 centimeters. But after the plant becomes larger, it must be transplanted into a larger flower pot without fail. Otherwise, the leaves will begin to dry out, and there will be no flowering. Experienced flower growers advise repotting this plant as it grows.

There must be holes in the flower pot so that excess liquid can flow through them. Then you need to make a three-centimeter drainage layer. For planting, you will need loose and very nutritious soil. You need to deepen the prepared pineapple top up to 3 centimeters. Within six months, fertilizers, or rather mullein, will need to be applied to the soil. Fertilizer is carried out 1 time in 1-2 months. Be sure to put the flower pot in a warm and bright place.

Do not forget about systematic moderate watering. For this, only settled water is used, and if possible, rainwater. In the event that watering is too plentiful, rot may form on the roots. And when watering is too scarce, the leaves of the plant will begin to dry (the dried tips must be carefully trimmed). As a rule, watering is done after the topsoil dries out a little. It is also systematically necessary to moisten the leaves with warm water, and also, as necessary, wipe them with a damp cloth (for hygienic purposes).

Growing pineapple at home is not so difficult. And in the event that you take care of it correctly, then after only 2–2.5 years flowering will come, and after a while you will be able to enjoy a delicious and fragrant fruit grown by yourself.


A bit of geography and history

Pineapple in natural conditions grows in the tropics, that is, it is a heat-loving plant that prefers the sun and high temperatures. At the same time, pineapple tolerates drought quite easily.

In Russia, this fruit appeared in the 18th century, and it was usually grown in greenhouses. However, in the apartment it is quite possible to get the real pineapple fruits.

How to choose pineapple for growing at home

Planting material - pineapple fruit - can be bought on the market or in a regular store. At the same time, the fruit that you acquire not just for eating, but also for further cultivation, must be ripe, not green, but not overripe either.

It is advisable to choose a fruit with a dense skin of a dark golden color, without any spots and damage, not very soft.

Also, the pineapple you bring home should have bright green leaves sticking out of its top. Juicy greens on his tuft is a prerequisite for you to be able to grow a pineapple. The leaves should not have any damage, brown spots, yellowness.

If you buy pineapples in the winter, be careful - there is a high probability of getting a frozen fruit, and it doesn’t matter if you bought it in the market or in a store. It will be impossible to grow pineapple out of it at home.

Thus, planting material is very important. It should be:

  • young;
  • healthy;
  • ripe, but not overripe;
  • not have damage, stains or cuts;
  • not to be frostbitten, to have a bright healthy seed (this is what the top of the pineapple with leaves is called).

It is best to purchase pineapple, the top of which you are going to root, in the summer or early autumn. At the same time, it is advisable to buy not one pineapple, but two or three, in order to increase the chances of rooting.

How to prepare a pineapple for planting

Of course, not the whole fruit should be planted in the ground, but its top (the so-called crest). That is why it is necessary to carefully approach the choice of the fruit and the condition of the leaves.

The top should be carefully cut off with a very sharp knife to avoid damage, and then remove the lower leaves from it - about 4 rows so that the "stump" is visible. The size of this "stump" should be approximately 1 cm.

The leaves below can also be cut off or simply pinched off about 2-3 cm from the base. After that, you should very carefully remove the pulp from the inside so as not to damage the leaves. You can gently pull it out with a teaspoon, being careful not to scratch the walls of the fruit.

The cut on the pineapple should not be done completely straight, but at an angle of 45 degrees. If the fruit that you purchased is ripe enough, then you can not cut off the top, but simply, holding the leaves with your hand, carefully unscrew this fruit from the pineapple. As a rule, with such a separation of the tuft from the fetus, there is less damage, if, of course, you act carefully.

After that, the top without pulp should be turned over and left for a while to dry. This is done so that the top of the wound and damaged by the knife heals. After about a week and a half, the cutting of the seed itself, and the sections of the leaves on it, will become hard and change color.

This means that the tip is ready for further manipulation. Please note that you can only dry pineapple in an upright position!

This is done so that all the nutrients from the leaves go to the part of the top in which the roots will form, and contribute to good root formation.

How to sprout pineapple roots

After the top has dried, it must be placed in an opaque container with water. You need to lower the top into the water so that it sinks a few centimeters there, approximately to the level of the lower leaves.

The water should be at room temperature and should be changed every two to three days to prevent it from becoming cloudy. Water must be defended.

The container with the top should be placed in a lighted place where there is no danger of drafts and direct sunlight. Now you need to wait until the roots appear. As a rule, this happens after 10 days.

You can do it differently and root the pineapple directly in the ground. To do this, you need to take a small pot, the diameter of which is slightly larger than the diameter of the top, and fill it with a substrate consisting of peat and coarse sand.

At the bottom of the pot, you need to put drainage, and then deepen the top of the pineapple there, inserting it into the ground to the lower leaves. Two or three days before you are going to plant a pineapple, you need to spill the earth in a pot with boiling water for disinfection.

Immediately after planting, you need to sprinkle warm water on the pineapple crest and put cellophane on it to create a greenhouse effect. Plastic bottles can be used instead of cellophane.

You need to put this structure, like a container with water, in a bright place, but avoid getting sunlight on it.

After about three to four weeks, the pineapple will have roots. and it can be transplanted. While the top of the fruit takes root, it is not necessary to water the substrate, it is enough just to sprinkle abundantly on the crest with warm water every day, removing the cellophane.

How to plant a pineapple

After roots have appeared at the top of the pineapple, it can be planted directly into the ground. You can purchase the usual potting mix for indoor plants, it is quite light and loose.

The pot should immediately be taken large enough, at least 20 cm high and at least 30 cm in diameter. In a smaller pot, the pineapple will become very uncomfortable very quickly, the leaves will begin to turn yellow and dry, and the flowers will not appear, not to mention the fruits. Therefore, a large landing capacity is very important, this rule cannot be neglected.

A pot for planting pineapple must have holes for water to drain, because pineapple roots do not tolerate excessive moisture. Therefore, drainage of at least 3 cm is also required, poured onto the bottom of the pot.

The pot is then filled with soil, and the top of the pineapple is planted in it, deepening it by 2-3 cm to the lowest leaves. After making sure that the soil does not get on the leaves, the ground around the plant should be lightly tamped.

If you rooted your pineapple not in a container of water, but in the ground, you first need to make sure that the roots have already appeared, and only then do the transplant. It is not difficult to make sure that the pineapple is rooted.

You just need to slightly pull it up by the crest and bend it to the side. If this requires some effort, it means that the tuft clings to the ground with its roots, and it can be transplanted to a permanent place.

How to care for a pineapple

A pot with a seedling should be placed in a well-lit place, because pineapple is a light-loving plant that needs sunlight.

The soil in the pot should always be moist, but overwatering should be avoided because the roots of the pineapple can rot. The plant should be watered with warm, settled water. ideally - rain. Watering should be regular and moderate - this is how you can achieve constant light moisture in the soil in a pot.

Also, the plant should be regularly sprayed with water, and also wipe its leaves with a damp cloth. If the leaves begin to turn yellow, then the plant does not have enough moisture. Do not be afraid to sprinkle water on the leaves - the accumulation of water in the lower sinuses is very useful for the plant, the water is absorbed by additional roots.

Pineapple needs feeding. Approximately once every two months it needs to be watered with a solution of mullein - this top dressing works great on a young plant. Also, pineapple can be fed with mineral fertilizers for bromeliads.

In summer, pineapple can be put on the balcony or taken to the country, only it needs to be protected from rain. Pineapple loves sunlight, so if your summer is cloudy, as well as in the autumn-winter period, the plant needs additional illumination. The light day of a pineapple must be at least 12 hours, otherwise you will not wait for flowering or fruit.

The temperature in the room where the pineapple lives should not fall below 18-20 degrees, otherwise the plant will feel very uncomfortable, and this will again affect its growth and flowering. The roots of the plant also love warmth, so the pineapple should not stand on a cold windowsill or ceramic coating, otherwise the roots will begin to freeze.

After about two and a half to three years, with proper care, the plant should bloom. Flowering lasts an average of two weeks, while the flower changes color and smells like pineapple. The fruit ripens for about six months, it depends on the variety.

Keep in mind that after the pineapple bears fruit, it will die, but will leave behind many small shoots that can be grown further. The plant does not die immediately, it can last more than two years, but this death is inevitable.

Babies that remain after a pineapple are much easier to grow than from a tuft, while they are much stronger, and develop and bloom faster. As they grow, they should be separated from the mother plant and seated in pots.


Is it possible to grow pineapple at home

By learning how to grow a pineapple at home, you can easily cope with this long, but not difficult process, especially if you have experience in floriculture. To taste sweet homemade fruits, you need to do the following steps correctly:

  1. Select planting material;
  2. Prepare the ground;
  3. Sprout the green top;
  4. Root a pineapple crest in a container;
  5. Provide appropriate care

If you follow the instructions for growing pineapple step by step, after 2.5-3 years there is a high probability of eating the fruit. Of course, the grown pineapple will be smaller than the purchased ones, but it will completely retain its unique taste and magical aroma.

Choosing a Pineapple for Planting

It is impossible to grow a fruiting pineapple if you carelessly approach the choice of planting material. When choosing, carefully inspect the selected fruit. It should be ripe, as evidenced by the attractive yellow-brown color of the skin. Hard skin means immaturity, and softness when pressed, on the contrary, indicates overripe fruit.

Do not trust the information that green pineapple ripens at home if you hold the fruit upside down for a couple of days or place it in a bag of apples. Without a doubt, the pulp itself, due to the processes taking place in it, will become sweeter. The starch will turn into sugar and spread evenly throughout the fruit. However, the rosette needed to grow a pineapple will die off.

Choose pineapple with juicy, green, whole leaves with slightly dried edges. Gray spots indicate damage by worms; it is better not to acquire such a fruit. A small sprout may appear in the outlet - a guarantee of future flowering, allowing you to grow homemade fruit.

Smell is one of the main reference points. To grow a delicious pineapple, sniff at its base. Suitable specimens beckon with a sweet aroma. A sour smell means overripe.

Buying a pineapple in spring or summer increases your chances of growing the fruit. To be safe, purchase and root two fruits, but in different stores. It is very likely that at least one of them will take root.

Before growing a pineapple at home, you need to prepare it for germination. For further reproduction, only the top of the leaves, resembling a green crown, is required. You can separate it from two ways:

  • Grasp the leaves with your hand and carefully twist them out, as if you were unscrewing the cap from a bottle. You will be left with a leafy top with a small dense stem.
  • Cut off the green rosette along with 1-2 cm of the fruit and remove the remaining pulp with a knife to prevent rotting of the planting material.

In both cases, the "tail" is left, ready for landing. If white dots are visible at the base, do not damage them - these are the beginnings of future roots. Clear the lower part of the outlet from the leaves by 1-2 cm. Tear off the leaves perpendicular to the stem so as not to injure the small roots. Treat all cuts with a saturated solution of potassium permanganate, epin or ground charcoal, which will reduce the risk of decay and accelerate the germination of the root system.

Leave the top for a couple of days to dry out and prevent the pineapple from rotting. It is advisable to hang the planting material so that it does not touch anything. It is believed that this increases the likelihood of growing pineapple.

It is unlikely that it will be possible to grow a pineapple without the formation of roots. Be patient, put the dishes with the seedling in a bright place and change the water every 2-3 days. After 2-4 weeks, the roots will sprout and the pineapple can be transplanted into a pot, after drying the outlet for 2-3 hours on a paper towel.

Capacity and soil

The selection of soil mixture and capacity is an important condition for growing pineapple. Choose a pot that is 2 cm larger than the cut diameter of the planting top. Flowerpots from 15 cm in diameter and a volume of 3-4 liters will do. The plant has a weak, shallow root system, so choose a container that is not too deep. To drain water, a drainage layer of expanded clay or pebbles, 3-4 cm wide, is laid on the bottom. This will protect the root system from decay.

As a soil for pineapple, a universal mixture that does not require additional fertilizer, or special soil for palm trees or tropical (bromeliad) plants, is suitable. To grow pineapple, you can prepare the substrate for planting yourself by mixing peat and river sand in a 1: 1 ratio. The main thing is that the soil is permeable to both moisture and oxygen.

To grow and protect a healthy pineapple, you need to decontaminate or prepare the ground. Spill it with boiling water or a solution of potassium permanganate. After a day, the dried green socket can be planted in a pot. Slightly moist soil is considered optimal for pineapple.

planting pineapple

Gradually, we got to the main stage, where we learn how to properly plant and grow a pineapple. After the seedlings and the future “place of residence” are ready, make a hole 5-6 cm deep, taking into account the dimensions of the cutting. It is not advisable to plant the bottom layer of leaves in the ground. The soil around the young plant is carefully crushed, trying not to damage the underdeveloped root system. The planting recess can be sprinkled with a small amount of ash or crushed coal.

After planting, pour the pineapple with settled water at room temperature and provide it with a suitable microclimate. To grow a tropical seedling, a temperature in the range of 20-25 ° C is required. To do this, build a mini-greenhouse out of polyethylene, a glass jar or a plastic bottle and place the pot in a well-lit area, avoiding direct sunlight.

Homemade pineapple takes root and takes root for about 2-3 months. At temperatures above 25 degrees, the process will be reduced to 1.5-2 months. The appearance of new leaves is a sure signal of development and growth. The leaves of the rosette will dry out and be replaced by new ones. Try to carefully cut and remove dead parts of the plant.

To grow a fruit, during the rooting period it is important:

  1. Protect the crest from condensation, which provokes rotting and mold;
  2. Water the soil once a week;
  3. Ventilate the greenhouse;
  4. Protect the plant from temperature changes and cooling;
  5. During the day, move the pot out of direct sunlight so that the pineapple does not suffocate.

plant care

Often, experienced flower growers argue about the nature and whimsicalness of a homemade pineapple. One side believes that the plant is capricious and requires a lot of attention. On the other hand, there is a completely opposite opinion. It will be possible to understand this as soon as you decide to grow a pineapple yourself. We'll show you how to take care of it.

The basic rules of care include watering, observing the temperature and light conditions, timely feeding and transplanting. In addition to observing these conditions, it is necessary to ensure the correct place in the apartment, depending on the season. For example, in the summer the pot can be taken out to the balcony. When it rains, it is better to bring pineapple into the apartment, protecting it from excess moisture.

In autumn and winter, pineapple will fit perfectly on the windowsill by the window. Make sure that the fruit does not fall under the draft and is at a sufficient distance from the hot battery. If the leaves begin to dry and curl, then the pineapple is standing in a draft and needs to be moved to another place.


As you already understood, temperature is one of the decisive factors in caring for pineapple at home. The plant is very afraid of the cold (at 18 degrees it falls into "hibernation"), at the same time, it is difficult to tolerate heat. The optimal temperature conditions are as follows:

  • Spring and summer from 22 to 30 °C;
  • In autumn and winter, from 18 to 21 ° C. The maximum mark in winter is 27 ° C


The fruit lives in the tropics, so it feels good in arid soil. On the contrary, excessive moisture can cause weakness, and possibly death. Water the plant when the soil in the container becomes dry. The earth should not dry out completely, but stagnation of liquid is best avoided. Moisten the substrate once a week with settled or filtered water at room temperature.

In summer, a tropical guest needs more moisture (up to 3 times a week). In winter, watering can be reduced to once every two weeks. Unfortunately, you won't be able to grow a healthy pineapple if you don't "feel" the plant. For example, drying leaves will indicate a lack of water, and an unpleasant smell in the container, or, even worse, the appearance of mold, are sure signs of excessive watering. If mold is found, it is best to move the pineapple to another pot, otherwise it may die. If the trunk rots, stop watering until the condition stabilizes.

If the new home resident is standing in an open and ventilated area, you can lightly spray the greens. The leaves will absorb moisture, and the excess will simply evaporate. In other cases, it is good to irrigate the soil with a spray bottle, and wipe the leaves with a damp cloth. So you protect the outlet from the accumulation of moisture and decay.


6-8 hours is the minimum required for proper development. In the summer, put the pot on the window or take it out to the balcony or garden, with a little shading. It is optimal to place the plant on a warm, sunny, south side, however, eastern and western windowsills are also suitable. In winter, you need to remember about the short daylight hours, it can be extended with the help of fluorescent lamps.

Pale leaves indicate insufficient lighting - the pineapple needs to be moved to another place and highlighted with a lamp.

top dressing

Of course, in order to grow a pineapple fruit in a pot, you need to fertilize the soil. The plant itself cannot be called overly demanding on top dressing, but during the growing season (April to October) nutritional support is needed. Enrich the soil with organic fertilizers 2 times a month. As a recharge, special flower mixtures, a 0.01% solution of iron sulfate or humus from cow dung are suitable. If you intend to grow fruits without the use of chemicals, then use natural top dressing. Read the information on the composition of the mixture on the package, alkali and wood ash adversely affect the growth of pineapple.

In winter, top dressing is not necessary.


A year after planting, move the pineapple to a larger pot. It is advisable to carry out this procedure in early summer. About a third of the new capacity should be occupied by a drainage layer. Fill the rest of the volume with soil: peat, river sand and fertile soil in a ratio of 2: 1: 3.

An annual transplant and an increase in capacity will allow you to grow a healthy pineapple. Gently move the earthen ball with roots into a new pot using the transshipment method.


Along with how to grow, many beginner flower growers are concerned about the question of how to make pineapple bloom. In nature, the first flowers appear at the 26th month of the plant's life. At home, this happens after 1.5-2, most often for 3 years.

The green rosette of leaves begins to grow and form small root buds that can later be used to grow new fruit. In a few months, a bud is formed, and a flowering period begins, lasting about two weeks. Numerous blue-violet bright flowers open for just one day. At the end of flowering, remove dried leaves, and the pineapple will move into the stage of fruit development.

It is possible that the flowering period will not come, even if all the conditions for proper development have been met. Do not despair and give up trying to grow a homemade pineapple. Flowering can be stimulated by fumigation or treatment with an aqueous solution of acetylene and ethylene. In the latter version, ordinary apples will come to the rescue, releasing ethylene during storage. Just put a couple of fruits in a pot with a house plant.

If these measures did not work, it means that the pineapple has not reached the desired age or is susceptible to some kind of disease that prevents flowering.


The fruit ripens within 3-7 months, depending on the conditions of care and the variety of pineapple. If you followed all the instructions in trying to grow a pineapple, you can enjoy a sweet homemade fruit. Since the plant is herbaceous, it will die immediately after fruiting, leaving small lateral shoots suitable for propagation.

Keep in mind that pineapple is susceptible to pests:


Planting pineapple at home

There are two ways to plant a pineapple at home - by seeds and with the help of the top. To get the desired result, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic rules for carrying out the landing method you have chosen.

Planting pineapple seeds

If you want to grow pineapple using seeds, it is advisable to purchase them in a store. The fact is that in most commercially available fruits there are either no seeds at all, or they are small and unripe and therefore not suitable for planting. But paying attention to the seeds - the bones that are in the fruit you bought, is still worth it, because they may turn out to be quite suitable for sowing.

Pineapple seeds suitable for sowing are flat, semi-circular in shape, have a reddish-brown color and reach a length of 0.3-0.4 cm

In pineapple, the pits are in the pulp just below the skin. If they meet all the requirements and can be planted, then carefully remove them with a knife and rinse in a solution of potassium permanganate (1 g per 200 ml of water), then remove, dry on a paper towel and proceed to pre-sowing activities.

  1. Soak. Place moistened material (cotton cloth or cotton pads) on the bottom of the container or on a plate. Put the bones on it and cover them on top with the same moistened material. Place the blank in a warm place for 18–24 hours. The seeds should swell a little.
  2. Sowing in the ground. Fill the sowing container with a mixture of peat and purified sand (they should be taken in equal parts), moisten the soil and plant seeds at a distance of 7–10 cm from each other, deepening them by 1–2 cm.
  3. After sowing, be sure to cover the container with a film or glass and place in a warm place.

The term of emergence of seedlings depends on the temperature: if it is equal to + 30 ° C - + 32 ° C, then the seeds will germinate in 2-3 weeks, in colder conditions the sprouts will appear no earlier than in 30-45 days.

Further planting care consists in timely moderate watering and regular airing (10 minutes 2 times a day). When the seedlings have 3-4 leaves, the shoots must be planted in separate pots. Since the seedlings are in a common container, it is more convenient to use the transplant method.

Pineapple shoots must be pruned to ensure proper development.
  1. Water the soil well 2 hours before transplanting.
  2. At the bottom of separate containers with a volume of 0.5–0.7 l, put drainage material (3–4 cm), and then fill it with soil (peat (1 part) + humus (1 part) + sand (1 part) + garden soil (1 part)) and moisten it.
  3. Make a hole 2-3 cm deep in the center of each container.
  4. Carefully remove the sprout from the common container (for convenience, you can use a teaspoon) and place it in the hole, straightening the roots.
  5. Fill the hole with soil, compacting it, and water it.
  6. Cover the planting with a bag and place in a warm, bright place.

Planting rosettes (tops) of pineapple

If you want to grow pineapple in this way, then be careful when buying a "mother" fruit. Try to choose fresh fruit without defects (bruises, rot, etc.). Also inspect the leafy rosette: it should be fresh, resilient, green in color and have a live, intact core.

In addition to the appearance of the pineapple, you should pay attention to the time of its purchase. You will have the highest chances of growing a pineapple if you purchase the fruit in late spring, summer or early autumn. You will hardly have the opportunity to get a new plant from a pineapple bought in winter, since in this case the fruits are often in cold air and their tops freeze.

A suitable top for planting must be fresh and have an intact core.

After you have chosen and purchased a suitable fruit, you can start planting the top. There are two ways to carry out this procedure, and you can choose the most convenient for you.

Method 1. Planting the top without rooting

1. With a sharp clean knife, carefully cut off the top, while capturing the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fetus 3 cm below. If the pineapple is ripe, you can remove the top by holding it with one hand and turning the fruit with the other. After you have removed the top, remove all the pulp, as it can cause the planting to rot. Also remove all the lower leaves to get a cylindrical cutting 2.5-3 cm long.

It is necessary to carefully remove the pulp to avoid rotting the top.

2. Disinfect the sections by sprinkling them with activated charcoal (to do this, crush 1-2 tablets) or by placing them in a bright pink solution of potassium permanganate for 1 minute (to get it, dissolve the powder on the tip of a knife (1 g) in 200 ml of water). After soaking, do not forget to wipe the stalk with a paper towel.

3. Place the top for 5-7 days in a dry, dark place, the air in it should be at room temperature. To avoid contact of the top with surfaces, it is advisable to hang it on twine or a strong thread.

The top of the pineapple must be dried in an upright position.

4.Prepare a pot with a volume of 0.5 - 0.7 liters. If you want to use a smaller pot, then it is advisable to choose at least one whose diameter is slightly larger than the diameter of the top. Make drainage holes in it, if there are none, and put it in a pan. At the bottom, lay a layer (2 cm) of drainage material (expanded clay, fine gravel). Fill the pot with soil (composition: sand (1 part) + peat (1 part) + soddy land (1 part) or peat (2 parts) + coniferous humus (1 part) + garden soil (1 part). If possible, prepare such a substrate no, you can use cactus soil). Pour boiling water over the soil 2 days before planting.

Soddy land, sand and peat are essential components of the soil mixture for pineapple

5. Moisten the soil, make a hole in it 2.5–3 cm deep and sprinkle the bottom with 0.5 tsp. crushed charcoal.

6. Gently place the top of the hole in the hole, sprinkle it with earth to the lower leaves, and then tamp well and pour the soil.

7. Cover the landing with a film, plastic bag or place under glass and place in a warm, bright place, but not in direct sunlight.

To provide the pineapple with the most favorable development conditions, it must be placed in a "greenhouse"

As a rule, it takes 1.5–2 months to root the top. If the tip takes root, then at the end of this period several new leaves will appear in its center.

Method 2. Planting the top with rooting

1. Remove the top, remove the pulp and lower leaves from it, so that a bare cylinder 2.5-3 cm thick remains.

2. Disinfect sections with potassium permanganate or activated charcoal.

3. Dry the top in a dry, dark place at room temperature for 2-3 days.

4. Take a glass, pour warm water into it and place the cleaned part of the top 3-5 cm into it. To fix it, you can use toothpicks or cut out a cardboard circle. Put the glass in a warm, bright place, you can on the windowsill. Roots usually appear in 2-3 weeks. During this time, the water in the glass should be changed once every 2-3 days. You can transplant the top into the pot when the roots reach a length of 2 cm.

The rooting of the top usually takes 2-3 weeks.

5. Prepare the pot and fill it with suitable soil.

6. In moist soil, make a hole 2-3 cm deep and carefully place the top in it, being careful not to injure the roots. Sprinkle with soil to the lower leaves.

7. Pack and water the soil well again.

8. Cover the landing with a plastic bag and put it in a warm, bright place, but not in direct sunlight.

Based on my experience, I can say that plant rooting is a useful procedure, because it allows you to immediately see whether the planting material is viable or not (this applies not only to pineapple, but also to cuttings of various fruit crops, etc.), and you subsequently, you will not have to spend time caring for a damaged plant or taking up space in a pot. When growing pineapple, I also recommend this event, especially to those people who have not dealt with it before and therefore could well have missed something during the preparatory work. If the top does not take root, then you will immediately have time to replace it with another one, without repeating the mistakes made earlier, and get a good plant. And in the future, when you learn how to do everything right, you will be able to plant a pineapple or any other plant in the ground without rooting, without fear that it will not take root or germinate.

rooting pineapple

Top transplant

As with any other plant, as the pineapple grows, its root system develops, so you will have to transplant. For it to be successful, until this time it is necessary to provide your plant with the right care, which will strengthen its health and allow you to endure the “move” with less stress.

After you have planted the top in the ground, it must be kept under the film for 1.5 - 2 months. During this period, the pineapple needs airing (2 times a day for 10 minutes) and spraying the leaves once a week, since the pineapple accumulates moisture in them. Watering is recommended moderate and only when the earth is dry. Those who have had experience of growing pineapple from the top are advised to irrigate not only into the ground, but also into the outlet itself. Also, if possible, try to change the film or wipe the glass, since the resulting condensate (drops) is harmful to the leaves and, if it gets on them, can cause them to rot. In addition, do not neglect fertilizers. For this purpose, you can use complex mineral additives (for example, diammophoska) at the rate of 10 g per 10 liters of water. You need to feed the top every 20 days. In the autumn-winter period, planting must be provided with a sufficient amount (at least 12 hours) of light, supplementing it with a fluorescent lamp.

Pineapple top transplantation is carried out one year after planting. It is advisable to use the transshipment method, since it is the most gentle for the root system. For this purpose, do not water the pineapple for several days. When the earth is completely dry, remove the plant along with a clod of earth and transplant into a pot with a volume of 1.5 - 2 liters.

With the help of transshipment, you can remove the plant from the pot without damaging its roots.

Pot preparation and proper planting is carried out as follows:

  1. Place a layer (3-4 cm) of drainage material on the bottom of the pot.
  2. Pour soil on the drainage layer (you can use the same one that you applied immediately).
  3. Place the top with a clod of earth in the center.
  4. Fill the empty spaces near the walls of the pot with soil, water well and place the pineapple in a sunny place.

As you can see, planting a pineapple is not a complicated procedure, but the preparation of planting material requires care and accuracy, because the further life of the plant depends on how correctly and efficiently they are carried out. Carefully follow all the recommendations, and the desired results will not keep you waiting.


How to plant pineapple at home?

This plant came to us from Brazil a little over 200 years ago and instantly became a favorite delicacy of wealthy aristocrats. Now stable supplies of exotic fruits from America have been established by water and air transport, delicious delicacies are available in fresh or canned form for most citizens. Planting a pineapple at home has no practical value, but is of interest to lovers of overseas curiosities, it allows you to get your own tropical plant on the windowsill to the envy of your friends.

Types of pineapple:

  1. Pineapple large-tufted- adult plants have a large rosette of hard and narrow linear leaves up to 1 m high and a bush up to 2 m in diameter. Vegetative shoots are formed from above on the main axis. Flowering occurs from March to April, the fruits ripen up to 5 months.
  2. Pineapple tricolor bract- has elegant leaves in a white stripe up to 70 cm long.
  3. Pineapple pygmy- a miniature plant with leaves up to 30 cm.
  4. Pineapple seed- in the Philippines and Taiwan, it is grown for the production of spinning fiber, it does not have decorative qualities.

If you are interested in the question of whether it is possible to plant a pineapple at home, you should consider all the available options for growing these delicious delicacies. For this case, heated greenhouses are better, but if desired, the desired result can also be obtained on a simple windowsill, subject to the temperature regime and the basic rules of agricultural technology. At the moment, there are two main ways of breeding pineapples - seed and vegetative.

How to plant pineapple seeds:

How to plant a pineapple at home from the top?

It must be remembered that these tropical plants are thermophilic and do not develop well in our climate without high-quality and long-term additional lighting. When wondering how to properly plant a pineapple, immediately take care of a lamp with LB-20 lamps, which should be installed at a distance of 20 cm from pots with seedlings. In winter, the sprouts should be illuminated up to 10 hours a day, in the summer, if the window does not face south, 5 hours of artificial lighting is enough.

The task of how to plant a cut pineapple begins with separating the tuft from the fruit and preparing it for germination. This work is done in the following ways - carefully unscrew the socket with your hands or cut it off with a knife along with a part of the dense pulp. Next, you need to take a number of measures that minimize the risk of rotting of our seedling during the growing process.

Preparing a pineapple crest for vegetative breeding:

The cylindrical cutting is placed in water using a transparent glass jar. It is important that the liquid covers the bare part to the middle, not reaching the leaves. The question of what is better to add to the water when germinating pineapple is of interest to those gardeners who are accustomed to using stimulants for reproduction. For better rooting, Kornevin can be used, dipping the cut in the powder before soaking. Many amateurs get excellent results in pure water, without the addition of special solutions, changing it after an average of 3 days.

The second way, how best to plant a pineapple on a windowsill, is carried out without soaking the cuttings in water. We dry the top, then we process the cut with Kornevin. Be sure to create drainage from expanded clay in the container and pour soil with a light composition. We make a deepening in the ground up to 2.5 cm and pour a little water. We plant a tuft of pineapple, ram the ground so that it holds securely in the hole. We put a seedling of an exotic plant in a warm place. To create a greenhouse, cover the container with a jar or bag for 2 months until rooting and the appearance of young leaves.

When planning to plant a pineapple in a pot at home, we get a low but wide capacity. In this plant, the roots are located in the upper layers of the soil and do not go deep down. You can immediately take a pot up to 35 cm in diameter and 20 cm in height. The minimum size of a container for planting a pineapple is a jar of 15 cm in diameter, but when the seedling grows, you will need to immediately transplant, otherwise the leaves will begin to dry out and the plant will not bloom.


Growing pineapple - step by step, instructions with photos and videos

In order to independently grow this beautiful plant with a delicious fruit, first of all, you should buy a fruit along with a rosette of leaves located on the top of the fruit. This socket is relatively easy to root. How to do this, we will describe below, starting with the purchase of fruit.

Buying fruit

First you need to choose the right pineapple in the store. You should pay attention to whether it has a full rosette of leaves along with the center. It is important to choose a fruit that is ripe and healthy, with beautifully colored green leaves. The plant should not have a browning top. A flower sprout should protrude from the outlet - this will give us a guarantee that the plant will bloom.

How to properly root?

To sprout roots, it is important to properly prepare the tail for planting so that the plant gives roots. First, you should cut off the rosette of leaves in the upper part, leaving 1-2 cm of the fruit near the rosette, a photo of the correct cut is shown below.

A fragment of the fruit must be peeled with a knife in the form of a slightly rounded heel. Then we cut off the remnants of the pulp with a knife so that the fibrous part remains. It is important to remove all the pulp when preparing seedlings, otherwise it will begin to rot. If white dots are visible on the cut, these are root nodules, it is advisable not to damage them during cleaning.

Leaves should be torn off from the bottom of the outlet in a section of about 2 cm. To avoid damage to the roots sprouting from under the leaves, clear the trunk of leaves by tearing them off perpendicular to the trunk. On some pineapples, after removing the leaves, already at this stage we can see small germinated roots.

Germination and planting

The planting material obtained in this way is soaked in water up to half of the fragment of torn leaves. After about 1-2 weeks, they begin to take root. When the roots reach a length of several centimeters, you should remove the seedling from the water and place it on a paper towel. Let it dry for 2-3 hours. After drying, the seedlings are planted in soil intended for growing palm trees. The soil in the pot should not be too wet, but only slightly moist. It is necessary to dig into the ground the entire section of the stem without leaves.

Growing pineapple - video

Of course, our little palm needs proper care.

Diseases and their symptoms

  • pale leaves: This means that the plant is not getting enough light. It should be moved to a more lit position.
  • No bloom: you should help the plant a little. Some pineapples bloom after 18 or even 30 months. Such a long period on an industrial scale is not economically justified. However, people have learned to speed up this process. Wise scientists have noticed that pineapple blooms much faster if it is treated with ethylene gas. This gas is released, among other things, by some fruits. At home, we can get it with apples. To do this, cut the apple in half, place one half of the fruit flat on the ground (cut to the soil), place the other half on a leaf rosette. Cover the entire plant with a plastic bag and leave for 2 to 4 weeks. At this time, the apple will begin to release ethylene, which, going to the roots, will stimulate the appearance of flowers. When we see the first flowers, we should remove the bag and remove the apple pieces.
  • The lower leaves are drying up., wrinkle and curl: this usually means that the plant is standing in a draft. It should be moved to a place more protected from drafts.
  • dust on the leaves: The leaves should be wiped with a damp cloth.
  • Leaves wrinkled and dying: This always happens after fruiting. Pineapple dies after fruiting, but new plants can be grown from the outlet.
  • slow growth: may mean that there is a lack of trace elements in the soil. The plant should be fed with fertilizer for flowering plants.
  • drying leaves usually appear if the plant is in a too hot and dry place. It should be watered and moved to a cooler place.
  • yellow spots on leaves usually associated with the fact that scale insects attacked our exotic plant. This manifests itself as follows - brown spots begin to appear on the underside under the sheet. Pests can be removed with a cotton swab or Q-tip for ears soaked in soap.

Beneficial features

This fruit is valued for its delicious, juicy and highly aromatic fruits, which are eaten both raw and cooked. We can buy it in canned form, in jams, compotes, juices and many other types. A very important feature is that pineapple contains the enzyme bromelain, which facilitates digestion and helps to lose weight. Most vitamins contain fresh fruits. Fruits from cans during processing lose some of their beneficial properties.

  1. Pineapple is a great fruit for people who are on a diet because it contains a lot of fiber. Fiber speeds up digestion and removes toxic metabolic products.
  2. Bromelain, found in pineapples, promotes weight loss, and also acts as an anti-inflammatory, anti-edema and analgesic agent, and prevents blood clots.
  3. The fruit is used adjunctively in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, arthritis and other inflammatory diseases.
  4. The fruits contain disinfectants, and also have the ability to remove dead tissues without damaging new ones, therefore they are used to heal wounds, treat burns, bites, bruises and swelling.
  5. As an aid, they can be used in the treatment of allergies and respiratory diseases, as well as digestive problems.
  6. Pineapples are also used in cosmetics. Vitamin C contained in the fruit removes age spots and brightens the skin.
  7. This fruit strengthens blood vessels. Organic acids and bromelain contained in the fruits gently exfoliate dead skin cells, while minerals nourish it. Pineapples are especially recommended for people with skin pigmentation and acne.
  8. Pineapple is often used as an aphrodisiac.

Helper in the fight against snoring

If someone in the house snores a lot, there is an ideal solution. Peaceful sleep will be provided by a pineapple in a pot. Statistics show that the problem of snoring affects one in four adults - usually men.

According to NASA research, pineapple plants produce oxygen and improve air quality throughout the night. Thus, they help to sleep better and quieter. For anyone who has had to run from bedroom to room due to their partner's snoring, this discovery may be a godsend.

Plants grow from 21 months to 2 years and eventually produce a small fruit. If there are no problems with snoring in the house, they can just bring a little exotic to the interior.

Pineapple is one of those exotic fruits that we can grow ourselves. It is enough to cut off the upper leaf outlet and plant it in a pot. It is very important that this part of the pineapple, which we put in the ground with leaves, is dry, without pulp, otherwise the plant will rot. As a result, we will get an ornamental plant that improves the air and can even bear fruit.


In this article, you will learn how to grow pineapple at home. At first glance, this seems complicated, but in reality, everything is very simple.

Increasingly, growing lemon, tangerine, mango, pineapple and many other exotic and not quite familiar fruits can be found on home windowsills. It is quite possible to grow such a miracle at home, for this you just need to have the desire and patience. Today we will talk about growing at home one of the most popular fruits - pineapple.

How to choose the right planting material for growing pineapple?

It is important to note right away that this plant can be grown not only with the help of its “tuft”, but seeds and basal cuttings of an adult plant are also used for these purposes. If you want to plant this exotic plant at home using its top, then first you need to purchase a suitable pineapple.

Suitable in this case would be ripe and sweet-smelling fruit:

  • To get started, evaluate pineapple flavor. If you smell the fruit, but do not feel any smell, this indicates that it has not yet ripened and, accordingly, it will be unsuitable for planting. Ripe fruit has a fairly pronounced and very pleasant smell.
  • Now look at the fruit. He must be whole, not deformed or rotten. The fact that the fruit has begun to rot will be indicated by dark spots on it and between its scales. Also evaluate the color of the pineapple, it should be uniform. Most often, a ripe fruit has a yellowish color, if the fruit is green, this indicates its immaturity.
  • Required for landing moderately ripe pineapple, an overripe fruit is definitely not suitable. To see if it is suitable for planting, lightly press it. If the fruit is overripe, then it will be very soft, you can literally pierce it with your finger, while green pineapple, on the contrary, will be hard. If, when you press the scales of the fruit, they seem to spring, then this means that the fruit is moderately ripe.
  • It is also very important to look at the top of the fetus. It should be green and its edges slightly dry. If the leaves are yellow or rotten, then you can’t take such a fruit.
  • Another sign of a suitable fruit is a dull sound when patting on it.

Concerning pineapple seeds, then you need to buy them based on these tips:

  • If you are careful, you will notice that the pineapples sold in our stores, as a rule, do not have seeds. The thing is that such pineapples are bred, not wild. Sometimes there are such seeds in pineapple, but most often they are unsuitable for further manipulations with them.
  • That is why it is recommended to buy seeds in special stores to grow this exotic miracle.
  • Seeds should not be dried or damaged, and you also need to pay attention to their size - they should not be too small.

Relatively root cuttings, you can cut the plant during fruiting or after this process. It is important that the detached shoots are of sufficient size, about 15-20 cm. At the same time, the plant from which the cuttings will be taken must be absolutely healthy and strong.

How to grow a pineapple from the top at home: preparation

It should be noted that most often this exotic fruit is grown in this way, since it is the fastest and easiest.

The success of such cultivation directly depends on the quality of the planting material and how correctly it will be prepared for planting. So, for starters, choose a pineapple with the above recommendations in mind. Next, you need to separate the "tuft" from the fetus itself. You can do this in several ways:

  • Take all the pineapple leaves in your hand and squeeze them hard enough. Next, carefully turn the greens. If the pineapple was chosen correctly, then the top will turn and separate from the main part of the fruit. At the same time, a little stem should remain at the bottom of the top.
  • If it is not possible to separate the planting material in this way, use a knife. Carefully cut off the top of the fruit along with the tip. Next, separate the entire edible part from the top with a knife. Be careful, if at least a little fruit remains along with the “tuft”, this will lead to its decay.
  • When you, using one of the methods, separate the planting material from the fruit, also carefully remove a couple of lower leaves from the "tuft".

  • After that, hang the planting material in a dry place and leave for a day. The top should dry out a little.
  • After the specified time, take a container of water, preferably a glass, and place the top in it. Be careful, only the bare trunk of the "tuft" should be in the water.

  • Now you need to move the planting material along with the glass to the windowsill or table and wait for the roots to germinate. As a rule, this process takes about 1 month.
  • The water in the tank needs to be changed from time to time, and you also need to make sure that there is always enough of it.
  • When the top takes root and they reach about 3 cm, the planting material will be ready for further manipulations, which you will learn more about later.

How to plant a pineapple from the top and care for it after planting?

So, after the planting material is prepared, you can start planting the plant itself. At this stage, it is necessary to pay attention to the soil in which we will plant the plant. Suitable for our purposes:

  • Self-prepared soil, which can be obtained by mixing sand, peat and ordinary earth in equal proportions
  • As well as soil for cacti bought in a special store
  • And one more thing, in addition to the earth, we will need expanded clay

As for the capacity, for starters it will be enough to take a small pot, which will have a volume of about 1 liter.

  • We take a container and pour expanded clay on its bottom. Its layer must be large enough, as this material will serve as a drainage system.
  • Next, fill the container with the selected soil.
  • It is recommended to pre-moisten the soil, but it is not necessary to make solid dirt in the pot.
  • Now make a hole in the ground, its depth should be such that the trunk of the top fits freely into it.
  • Carefully place the "tuft" in the hole, fill the hole with earth, and in turn lightly tamp it down. It is permissible to sprinkle the lower leaves with earth a little, but all the rest cannot be immersed in the ground.
  • Check that the top is securely fixed in the ground and does not fall. Water the plant a little.

  • After carrying out all the above manipulations, it is necessary to “hide” the plant in a bag. Thus, the conditions necessary for its rooting will be created. Remove the bag from the pineapple regularly to let it air out. You can completely remove the package when the fruit takes root.
  • Now select a permanent place for planted fruit. The room in which the pineapple will grow should be warm, without drafts. At the same time, you can’t put the container with the plant in a place where it will be exposed to direct sunlight, near batteries, heaters, stoves, etc. Cold, drafts, dry air and constant exposure to the sun are contraindicated for pineapple.
  • Also water your pineapple regularly using exclusively warm water. As for its quantity, it all depends on the requirements of the plant. As soon as the top of the soil becomes dry, water the fruit abundantly. Do not forget, it is important to moisten the soil not only on the surface of the pot, but also below.
  • Periodically, you can feed the plant with fertilizers, this will also favorably affect its growth and development. You can buy them at any flower shop.
  • Next, keep an eye on the plant, after about a couple of months you will see that the leaves of the "tuft" disappear, and new ones appear in their place. This is a good sign and it will testify that the plant has taken root and is actively growing. Carefully remove dry leaves so that they do not interfere with the growth of new ones.
  • After about 1-1.5 years, transplant the plant into a large container. You can do this at almost any time, with the exception of the flowering period. You need to transplant a pineapple without shaking off the soil from its roots.

How to grow pineapple at home from seeds?

This method of growing such exotic is considered the most difficult and requires certain skills in this matter, as well as great patience.

  • Purchase plant seeds in a specialty store. They usually do not require any additional processing.
  • Prepare a container and fill it with soil prepared from earth, sand and peat (we mix everything in equal proportions).
  • Planting material is sown in the prepared soil to a depth of about 1.5 cm. It is not worth sowing seeds deeper, they may simply not sprout.
  • Now moisten the soil with warm water and wrap the container in cling film or use a plastic bag.
  • Provide future plants with the right conditions. To do this, place the container with planting material in a warm place.
  • After 2-6 weeks, you will be pleased with the first small sprouts. How quickly you see the result of sowing depends on the temperature at which the seeds will develop. The warmer it is in the room, the faster the seeds will germinate.

  • Small sprouts also need care. Be sure to water them, and also feed them with the necessary fertilizers and do not leave them in the scorching sun. Remove the bag or film regularly so that the seedlings are ventilated.
  • Seeing that the pineapple leaves have grown and reached a length of 5 cm, feel free to dive them. To do this, prepare the soil from earth, sand, peat, humus and charcoal, or buy a ready-made composition in a specialized store.
  • Further, also monitor the temperature regime, the level of humidity in the room. Fertilize the pineapple if necessary, transplant into a large container.

If you still decide to try to grow a plant from seeds that you find in a purchased fruit, then before planting, be sure to treat them with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, and then let them dry completely from the liquid.

How to grow pineapple using root cuttings?

This method is suitable for those who already have an adult plant at home. By transplanting cuttings, you can please yourself with a large number of new exotic plants.

  • The plant can be propagated in this way during its fruiting or after this process.
  • Only those cuttings that have reached about 15 cm are considered suitable.
  • To get planting material, you can use a knife, which you need to carefully cut off the shoot or simply tear it off with your hands. We described a similar process earlier when we talked about planting a pineapple from the top.
  • A damaged place on an adult plant must be sprinkled with wood ash without fail.
  • Now carefully hang the planting material and let it dry for 2-3 days. Leaves must be hung down.
  • Then you can either germinate the roots of the cutting by placing it in a container of water, or you can leave it and let the “wounds” grow a little, then treat it with wood ash and plant it in the ground. Sometimes only the separated cuttings already have small roots, in which case there is no need to grow them further, you can immediately plant the plant in a pot.

  • You need to plant pineapple in a mixture of earth, peat and sand, or in ready-made soil, which can be bought at a specialized store.
  • There must be drainage in the container, otherwise the water will stagnate in the pot, and the plant will begin to rot.
  • After planting, the stalk must be watered, covered with a bag and taken to the warmest room. Periodically, the package must be removed, the plant should be sprayed or watered a little.
  • After a couple of months, after the planted pineapple begins to grow new leaves, evaluate the condition of the plant. Start feeding, do not cover with a bag anymore.
  • After 1-2 years, transplant the pineapple into a larger pot.

How to care for an adult pineapple at home?

Planting a plant is only half the battle. The most important point is the proper care of an adult pineapple, because without observing the necessary conditions, the plant will not bloom, and even more so will not please the harvest.

  • Lighting. This plant loves light and needs enough of it. If in the warm season a pineapple can simply be placed on a windowsill and this light will be enough for it, then in winter you also need to use a special lamp that will help increase daylight hours.
  • Temperature. This culture is very fond of heat and, in principle, does not tolerate cold. If the thermometer shows +17 ° C, it means that your exotic miracle is already cold. The plant will feel good being in a room where the temperature will not fall below +20 ° C. For the same reason, you can’t put a container of pineapple on a cold windowsill, balcony, especially if it’s not summer outside. It is important to say that pineapple, like any other plant, feels changes in weather conditions outside the window, so in winter it needs to organize a little rest. At this time, it can be moved to a room with a temperature of approximately + 18 ° C, while watering should be slightly reduced, as well as daylight hours.
  • Watering. It is not necessary to water very often, but at the same time the amount of water should be sufficient to moisten the soil not only in the upper layer, but also below. A sure sign that the plant needs to be watered will be dried soil. The procedure should be carried out exclusively with warm water. In addition to watering, the plant is also sprayed with a spray bottle; a similar “shower” should be carried out on hot days.

  • Fertilizer. Care for an exotic plant can be considered good only if regular feeding is carried out. Pineapple needs different fertilizers, a consultant in a flower shop will help you choose them. As a rule, fertilize the plant more often 2 times a month.
  • Transfer. A pineapple needs a transplant every year. At the same time, you need to know that the plant is being transplanted without disturbing its roots, that is, there is no need to shake off the ground from them. The volume of the container needs to be increased quite a bit.
  • A container in which pineapple grows. Such a container can be completely different, the main thing is that it matches the size of the plant. It must also be said that there must be drainage in the container, otherwise the pineapple will die sooner or later, without pleasing you with its flowering and fruits.

How to make a pineapple bloom: special care

Unfortunately, pineapple flowering at home does not always occur. Often, the plant is helped to bloom, stimulating it by various methods to this process.

  • To begin with, only an adult and healthy plant for 2-3 years can bloom, and accordingly bear fruit.
  • To speed up this process a little, impatient owners of an exotic plant use special top dressing.

One of the most popular dressings is the following:

  • Approximately 10 g of carbide must be added to 1 liter of pure water.
  • After the reaction, you will see that a small precipitate has appeared in the container - we do not need it
  • Therefore, we pour about 25 ml of clean liquid into another container and pour it over pineapple
  • We pour the solution directly onto the leaves, trying to get into their middle, from where the flower will then appear and, accordingly, the fruit
  • A similar procedure must be done 3 days in a row

To use a different method, follow these instructions:

  • The plant must be "hidden" in a bag, while in the pot you need to put a container of water with a volume of 0.5 l
  • Add 5 g of carbide to water daily and close the bag quickly. The bag must be closed tightly so that the substance released during the reaction does not go beyond it. The procedure should be carried out for a couple of days in a row.

There is another simple way to apply. To do this, the plant is stimulated by fumigation with smoke. It is important to note that the first method is much more effective than the others. If all the procedures were carried out correctly, while the plant was healthy, then after a couple of months you will see a peduncle. After that, an ovary and a fruit will appear, which will ripen for about six months.

Homemade pineapple: possible pests and ways to deal with them

Pineapple can get sick both due to improper care for it, and due to damage by some pests. In both cases, the plant will need urgent treatment, because if you are late with the necessary actions, you will destroy it.

  • If you notice that the leaves of an exotic miracle have begun to dry, reconsider temperature regime. Most likely the pineapple is not getting enough water. So, if the plant is standing on a sunny window, near a radiator or heater, immediately remove it from there and increase watering. You can also irrigate pineapple. However, do not get carried away with these procedures, so as not to get another problem - root rot, etc.
  • If the leaves have lost their color, become too faded, this indicates that the plant not enough light. If this happens in winter, start using an additional light source, if in summer, move the plant to a sunny window.
  • Noticing that the leaves not only dry, but also turn black, acquire a dark brown color, increase the indoor humidity.
  • If the plant has been “sitting” in a pot for several years, but at the same time does not want to grow and does not bloom at all, add more fertilizers and various nutritional supplements to its diet.
  • twisted leaves- a sure sign of the presence of drafts in your room. If the pineapple is standing on the window, especially in winter, be sure to insulate the windows and close all the cracks.
  • See that the pineapple is rotting, reduce watering, check the temperature in the room. A possible cause may be cold and excessive moisture.

As for pests, the following are dangerous for pineapple:

  • This culture can be affected spider mite. This pest infects the leaves of the plant, which simply lose color and fall off. You can fight the tick with a solution of dishwashing detergent and purified water. A similar tool should be sprayed with pineapple leaves.
  • No less trouble can bring pineapple aphid. You can fight it by fumigating the plant with tobacco smoke, treating the leaves with soapy water.
  • Can also affect pineapple different types of shields. To destroy such pests, it is necessary to carefully remove them from the plant with a rag previously dipped in soapy water, then wipe the leaves with a clean rag dipped in clean water. If the number of pests is large, use more effective means - insecticides. For example, try Actellik.

Growing a beautiful pineapple at home is not so easy, however, the effort and time spent is definitely worth it. Caring for the plant, you will get the most beautiful exotic miracle that will surely delight you not only with its unusual flowering, but also with delicious fruit.

Video: Growing pineapple at home

Pineapple is a delicious exotic fruit that you can buy in any supermarket. In nature and on plantations, it grows for several years, and not on trees, as many people think, but right on the ground in the form of a bush. The above recommendations and expert advice will help you grow a pineapple from the top at home and even harvest it. However, you should be patient - the fruits can be obtained only after a few years.

The culture belongs to herbaceous perennials growing in a tropical climate, and is classified by scientists as a member of the Bromeliad family (lat. Bromeliaceae). The pineapple bush has an interesting feature that allows it to survive in dry periods - the fleshy leaves at the top of the fruit are collected in a funnel into which the morning dew flows.

Being in such a container, it is gradually absorbed through the surface of the leaves.

This feature, inherent in succulent plant species (cacti, etc.), suggested to scientists a way to propagate pineapples. Growing these fragrant fruits in pots in greenhouses began to be practiced as early as the 19th century by gardeners in noble estates, which was considered prestigious and fashionable.

Selection rules

Starting to plant a pineapple at home, you should prepare the materials:

  • pineapple fruit;
  • a clay pot with a volume of 3-4 liters - the size is selected according to the diameter of the cut of the “sultan” (top) of the fruit and is at least 15 cm, a drainage hole is required;
  • soil mixture;
  • cover material (p / e film).

When deciding how to plant a pineapple from the top, you must first choose the right fruit. It should be fresh and ripe, but not overripe. You can determine maturity by the color of the peel - it should be golden yellow, and the fruit itself should be elastic and slightly loose to the touch. When the fruit is already ripe, it will sag a little if you press on it.

The appearance of the top of the pineapple should be juicy and fresh. If poured dry or stained, then this may indicate pest damage. You should choose a "sultan" of a rich bright green color. If a small green sprout is visible in the outlet, then this will become a guarantee of a possible flowering in the future.

The optimal time for choosing pineapples is August-September, the time for bringing fresh fruit. Experts advise buying several copies at once in different stores, then the probability of successful rooting of plants will increase.

When choosing, you should pay attention to the smell of the fruit - the sweet aroma indicates the freshness of the fruit, and the sour aroma indicates overripeness.

Top preparation

To separate the tail, or “sultan”, from the pineapple fruit, 2 methods are used:

  • gently twisting the top (the action is similar to unscrewing the cap from a bottle and is done when grabbing the leaves with your hand);
  • cutting off a green rosette with the upper part of the fruit pulp (1-2 cm), which must be immediately removed with a knife to prevent planting material from rotting.

At the top, white dots are visible at the base, which are the beginnings of the future root system. The lower part of the outlet must be cleaned 1-2 cm from the leaves (tear off perpendicular to the stem), treat the sections with a strong solution of potassium permanganate, Epin or crushed charcoal powder. Then the top should be dried for 3-7 days, hanging it in the air so that the socket does not touch anything.

Now you need to sprout the roots on the seedling. To do this, pour warm, settled water into a glass container (preferably made of dark glass or cover with black paper) and place the cutting there, plunging it 3-4 cm (to the middle of the level of tattered leaves).

The seedling is placed in a warm, lit place, the water needs to be changed every 2-3 days. Within 1-2 weeks, the roots germinate from the top. When they grow 2-4 cm long, the seedling should be transferred to a paper towel and dried for 2-3 hours. Now you can plant pineapple in a prepared container with soil.

Place and soil

When choosing a pot, keep in mind that the pineapple has an underdeveloped root system, so the container should not be too deep. At the bottom it is necessary to put drainage from a layer of pebbles or expanded clay with a thickness of 3-4 cm.

A store-bought universal or special (for tropical or palm plants) soil mixture is suitable as a soil.

It should be light and loose, permeable to moisture and air. You can cook it yourself by mixing river sand and peat in equal proportions. Before planting, disinfect the soil by watering it with boiling water or a strong solution of potassium permanganate.

By stages of landing (step by step)

Planting pineapple at home is carried out in the following sequence:

  • in the prepared soil, make a hole 3-5 cm deep, which corresponds to the diameter of the base of the cutting;
  • plant a seedling so as not to damage the young roots, and cover it with earth to the level of the leaves;
  • crush with your fingers and compact the soil, pour a little water so that the soil is slightly moist;
  • put the pot with the cutting in a warm place with good lighting; when planting in the cold season, it is recommended to cover the seedling with polyethylene to create a microclimate;
  • the optimum temperature for rooting is + 25 ... + 27 ° С;
  • it is not recommended to put the plant in the sun.

If you follow all the planting rules and the advice of experts on how to grow a pineapple at home from the top step by step, after 1.5-2 months the young seedling will begin to form fresh green shoots. After they appear, the film must be removed.

Plant care rules

For the normal development of the seedling, it is necessary to observe the correct temperature conditions, regular watering and top dressing, as well as providing good lighting.

Temperature regime

The optimal temperature for growing pineapple depends on the season:

  • in the warm season, it should be + 22 ... + 25 ° С;
  • in the winter months - + 16 ... + 18 ° С;
  • at a lower level, it is recommended to turn on heating devices;
  • in growing conditions on the windowsill, it is required to monitor the absence of drafts and possible frostbite in winter, therefore, in the cold months, it is recommended to rearrange the pineapple pot to a warmer place in the apartment.

Irrigation Features

When growing pineapple at home, water the plant twice a week (the soil should be slightly damp). Too abundant watering is not allowed due to possible decay.

During the winter months, when the plant is dormant, water once a week.

When watering, you need to monitor the condition of the soil: if it begins to dry out and the leaves fade slightly, then the plant needs moisture. For irrigation, you need water at room temperature, filtered or settled. Experts advise adding 2-3 drops of lemon juice to it, and direct the jet to the outlet, filling it by 2/3 of the volume. Some gardeners advise spraying warm water for the plant.

Lighting Requirements

Pineapple belongs to light-loving crops, so it loves lit sunny places, but it is not recommended to put it under open ultraviolet rays. The optimal location is the western or eastern window, the southern one does not fit categorically.

The development of the bush does not need to be rotated, because. Pineapple grows well with one-sided lighting. However, in late autumn and winter, the plant needs additional lighting. To do this, you can install a fluorescent lamp at a distance of 20 cm from the bush, which should be turned on for 8-10 hours during the day.

Top dressing pineapple

The vegetative period of the plant begins at the end of winter and continues until the beginning of autumn. During that period, it needs systematic top dressing, which is recommended every 10-15 days.

Features of the use of fertilizers:

  • organic top dressing with a solution of horse or cow manure (top 1/3 of the volume of a bucket with organic matter until the end of warm water, hold for 3-5 days, stirring the solution occasionally, then leave for another 7 days) - before processing, the solution must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10 and pour at the rate of 50 ml per 1 liter of soil;
  • spraying with a solution of copper sulfate (1 g per liter of water) - at intervals of 1-2 times a month.

Transplant rules

2 months after planting the seedling, when the pineapple bush has already taken root well and has begun to actively develop, the first transplant can be carried out. However, in the future it is recommended to transplant it into another pot once a year, the optimal time for this is the beginning of summer.

The main rule when growing a seedling is to prevent the growth of roots. You need to know how to transplant correctly: it is recommended to take a slightly larger pot (2-3 liters) and transship the plant along with an earthen clod. The procedure is carried out similarly to the actions during landing.

Growth problems and pests

In the process of growing a pineapple bush, problems are also possible that require correction in the care process:

Problem The reasons Expert advice
Leaves start to fade lack of light Move the pot with the plant to a more lit place
Slow bush growth Lack of necessary substances Carry out top dressing with complex fertilizer for flowering plants
All leaves wither It's too hot in the room The plant should be watered and put in a cooler place.
Drying and curling of the lower leaves The pot stands in a draft Move the bush to a place protected from air currents
The appearance of yellow-brown spots on the leaves scale attack Remove pests with a cotton swab or ear stick moistened with soapy water

Flowering and fruiting

A potted pineapple bush has an average height of 50 cm, forming a rosette with leaves that are arranged in a spiral. The first flower stalks may appear only 1.5-2 years after planting, and for some varieties - only in the third year of life.

In this case, the rosette with leaves grows and the formation of root buds (they can then be used to obtain seedlings). Within a few months, a peduncle is formed with many blue-violet flowers, each of which opens alternately for 1 day. Flowering lasts about 14 days, and after it ends, dried leaves must be removed. The fruit ripening stage lasts 4-7 months, depending on the variety and care conditions.

In some cases, flowering does not occur for a long time and then it must be stimulated. It is recommended to use fumigation of the plant or treatment with an aqueous solution of acetylene.

Another method is based on the possibility of obtaining ethylene gas from apples. To do this, the fruits must be cut into 2 equal parts: put one half of the apple cut down on the ground in a pot of pineapple, place the other on a leaf socket, and cover the plant with polyethylene for 2-4 weeks. The released gas goes to the roots and starts the process of the appearance of flowers. After the beginning of flowering, the halves must be removed, and the package removed.


Many amateur flower growers doubt whether it is possible to grow a pineapple in an apartment and get a crop from it. However, long-term practice shows that, subject to all the rules of care, the plant develops normally and pleases its owner with the appearance and ripening of an exotic fruit on the windowsill.

You should be aware that after harvesting, the pineapple bush dies, releasing small side shoots suitable for breeding on the sides. They can be planted in pots, creating a small plantation for several tasty and aromatic fruits.

Pineapple fruits are a lot of combined berries. Each pineapple scale is a pineapple berry, if you pay attention to it, you will see that these scales are arranged in a spiral. Each berry is tied after pollination with a small pineapple flower that gathers into a large inflorescence.

Among the varieties cultivated by man, pineapples were grown in which seeds were not produced. The absence of seeds increases the consumer and aesthetic value of the fruit. Pineapples sold in stores and markets in our country are often full of seeds, which indicates that this fruit is a cheap variety. However, this does not mean that pineapple is not tasty. To choose a sweet ripe pineapple, just follow these guidelines.

After skinning or slicing a pineapple, you can find one brown grain in each eye, which resembles a drop and is about the size of a grain of wheat. Pineapple can be peeled in a thick layer, then the seeds will be cut with a peel, but a significant part of the pulp will be lost. Edible pineapple seeds, so you can't really focus on them when cooking with this fruit.

Many people wonder: is it possible to grow seeds from a purchased pineapple? It turns out that you can indeed grow a tree from the seeds of a normal ripe pineapple. In the industrial cultivation of these fruits, seedlings are not used, due to the long growing period, but for the production of homemade pineapple as a tropical exotic on the windowsill, this propagation method is quite suitable.

Hobbyists successfully grow a wide range of plants at home, including exotic ones. It is not very difficult to grow a pineapple. It is only necessary to properly prepare and plant the green top, and then provide the plant with proper care.

History reference

The birthplace of exotic grass is Brazil. An unusual fruit appeared in Europe thanks to the sailors of Christopher Columbus. In 1490 they brought pineapple from South America. Wealthy Europeans immediately liked the taste of the fruit, but sending expeditions these days was very expensive, and besides, you had to wait too long for them to return. It remains only to grow pineapples in Europe.

For a long time, no one was able to grow the grass of South America in the harsh European climate. The trials were only successful when a plant from Brazil started planting in greenhouses and greenhouses. There, the heat-loving pineapple began to grow successfully and bear fruit.

Russia, following the example of European countries, has taken over the cultivation of exotic fruits. Pineapple plantations existed in St. Petersburg and even on Solovki for more than a century.

The situation changed in the nineteenth century, when steamboats made trips to South America quite affordable. It was then that juicy fruits began to be imported directly from their homeland in huge quantities. Currently, the plant is one of the most valuable cultures South America, Africa and Southeast Asia. At home, you can grow pineapple from above, as well as seeds and root cuttings.

How to grow pineapple at home

A flowering or fruiting pineapple looks very unusual in the interior. His appearance causes admiration and even surprise. This is not very common in normal household conditions, although it may be interesting for many gardeners to try growing it. With proper care, this exotic plant will take root well in the apartment. Under favorable conditions, after 2.5-3 years, it can bloom and begin to bear fruit.

For planting pineapple indoors, use the green top of the fruit. In principle, for an experienced breeder there is nothing complicated. You just need to uproot the top of the plant. However, in order to try to plant an exotic plant that is definitely crowned with success, pay attention to the following points:

  • the right choice of fetus;
  • careful preparation of planting material;
  • plant a green surface in the ground.

With good care, pineapple can produce fruit at home.

If done correctly, the tip will take root in the ground. Later, when the plant is established, it will need to be taken care of so that it grows and develops normally. Under favorable conditions, the pineapple will bloom in a few years and bear fruit. They are edible and will be smaller than plants in their natural habitat.

Choosing a fruit for planting

Choosing the right fruit is essential to a successful pineapple planting. It must be mature, free of rot and damage. Unripe or overripe fruits are not suitable for planting. However, special attention should be paid to the green top of the pineapple, as it is used for rooting.

The apical part should be strong and healthy, without signs of caries, and the leaves on it should be fresh, abundant, green, without brown spots. If the leaves on the fruit are slow or starting to dry out, it is better to set aside such fruits and choose another, healthier one.

Attention! For planting pineapple, it is better to use fruits purchased in spring or summer. Purchased in winter can get frostbite, and such planting material is no longer suitable for cultivation.

If you have doubts about the choice of pineapple for planting, it is better to buy two fruits at once, but take them in different stores. So the likelihood that at least one of them will fit will be much higher. And many flower growers do just that, rooting two tops at the same time, based on the fact that if not both, they will most likely take root.


After buying a pineapple, the fruit itself can be used for its intended purpose, that is, for food. The tip of the leaf is sufficient for rooting. It must be carefully separated from the fruit itself. This can be done in two ways:

Top pineapple for planting

  • unscrew the top;
  • cut the top of the fruit.

Once the pineapple is ripe, the top comes out fairly easily. To do this, you need to take the fruit with one hand, and with the other - fix the green top and start twisting it. Keep this place close to the base and not to the leaves so as not to damage them. Too much force when loosening can damage the tip. Therefore, if it is impossible to separate it from the fetus in this way, it is better to do otherwise - cut off the green tip.

To cut the top, use a sharp knife held at a 45 degree angle. Carefully separating it from the fruit with a tool, you need to carefully peel off the body, otherwise the tip may disappear in the future. Only very careful actions are necessary so as not to accidentally damage the points on it, from which roots will grow. With both methods of top removal, the lower leaves should be removed by about 3-4 cm.

The apical part thus prepared is most often rooted in warm and separated water using a suitable container, preferably dark glass. The top is immersed in the liquid of the open part, opening the container with the plant in a warm and well-lit place, but not in the sun. Water is changed regularly, every 2-3 days. Roots should appear within a few days. When they grow to 2-3 mm, the plant can be planted in the ground.


To plant from above, you need to take a fairly large container with a height of 20-30 cm and a diameter of 30-35 cm. If there is no such pot at hand, you can first land on it in a smaller container, and only when the plant grows, move it to a more suitable one. At the bottom, you need to lay out a drainage layer of porous clay or pebbles, and fill the pot with nutrient soil on it, leaving it at a certain distance from the edge.

Stages of planting pineapples

For moistening and additional disinfection, it is better to shed the soil well with boiling water or a solution of potassium permanganate. After about a day or two, the pineapple will be planted in the soil prepared in this way.

Tip For planting, you can use ready-made soil for bromeliads or prepare soil for pineapple from humus, peat and river sand in equal proportions.

In properly prepared soil, make a hole slightly larger than the stem of the top of the pineapple, lower it onto the lower leaves, and press the soil against it. To protect the roots from rotting in the hole, you can additionally add some ash or crushed coal. The plant is placed in a warm, lit place, avoiding direct sunlight. At a temperature of 25-27 degrees, the tip will take root in the ground in 1.5-2 months.

In summer, pineapple can be placed on the balcony, protecting it from rain. In autumn and winter, it is usually kept on the windowsill or near the window. But you should pay attention to the fact that this was not in the design. Plant care will consist of regular watering, but without heavy watering of the soil, spraying and foliar spraying, adding supplements every 1-2 months.

A flowering pineapple or a plant with embedded fruit looks very beautiful at home. It can be a real decoration of any flower collection. Even a novice grower will be able to grow it regardless of the green mountain, because there are no major difficulties in this process, especially if you follow the instructions.

First brought to Europe in the 16th century, pineapples quickly caught on with the local nobility. Travel in those days was very expensive and lengthy, so plants from the Brazilian highlands began to be grown in greenhouses and greenhouses. Russia also does not lag behind the European powers. For more than a century, a bizarre "inequality" has grown almost on an industrial scale in St. Petersburg and in the north, in Solovki. But steamships, which appeared in the 19th century, changed the situation and began to bring juicy fruits from South America.

This is happening today, but interest in growing pineapples at home continues unabated. Despite its overseas nature, the plant has proved to be quite picky, and a bush with a vital and fruity texture can be obtained even from a clump cut from fresh fruit.

In nature, the culture grows up to 60-80 cm and consists of a small stem lined with sharp long leaves, a fibrous root and stems that form on top of the main shoot, which lengthens after flowering. It is thanks to these seeds, under a callused skin that hides juicy meat, the plant has become one of the most valuable crops not only on the South American continent, but also in Africa and Southeast Asia.

In warm tropical climates, pineapple leaves can reach two meters in diameter. A similar size of a plant cannot be achieved in an apartment, but within 2-4 years, with due care and attention at home, an edible fragrant fruit grows on a pineapple. And while success must be patient, the plant's extraordinary development is worth the effort and time.

For growing pineapple, you can use seeds or cuttings formed on the stem of an adult plant. But the easiest way is to grow a pineapple in advance at home, cut from ripe fresh cuttings.

How to grow pineapple from seeds at home

Propagation by seeds is considered the most complex and time-consuming method. Firstly, shoots can only be obtained from purchased seeds. In seeds, fruits are sold in supermarkets or not sold at all, or only on their whitish, immature stems.

Germinated pineapple seeds have a slightly flattened semicircular shape, reach a length of 3-4 mm and turn brown or reddish-brown.

Before planting, the seeds are placed between layers of a damp cloth for 18-24 hours and covered, placed in a warm place. Then, when they swell a little, they land in a wet mixture of peeled and sand. So that small seeds can easily rise, they sink no more than 1-2 cm.

Containers must be covered with foil or glass and heated. It is from the temperature provided by the seeds that their germination and the time of appearance of the first shoots depend:

  • At normal room temperature, germination can last from 3-4 weeks to one and a half months.
  • If you make sure the seeds stay at around 30-32°C, you may see sprouts within 2-3 weeks.

It is important not only to maintain the temperature regime, but also to moisten the soil over time, and also not to forget about feeding the seedlings. To do this, every 15-20 days, crops are fertilized with complex preparations, including basic nutrients and trace elements.

When a few leaves appear on young rosettes, they dive, moving the clump, along with small ground plants, to the ground for adult plants. Such soil can be made independently by mixing peat, humus, garden soil and sand in equal parts. To give structure and special protection against infections, crushed charcoal is added to the soil up to 5%. Part of the sand can be replaced with perlite.

How to grow pineapple in advance at home

If you can find seeds of an exotic crop not always and everywhere, you can grow pineapple at home from the top of store-bought fruits, even without special knowledge. It is true that in order to approach the choice of delicacies, that is, to give planting material, it is necessary to approach with full responsibility. The pineapple should be fresh, with a green, rubbery rosette of leaves, free from spoilage, cold damage, or fading. When examining, pay attention to the growth point of the outlet, if it is rotten, dried out or simply absent, it will be extremely difficult to get a new plant.

At home, when a pineapple grows next to seedlings with a sharp, clean knife, the upper part is cut off, grabbing not only a leaf rosette, but also a piece of fruit three centimeters below. Once the pineapple is fully ripe, you can gently unscrew the outlet by holding the bunch firmly with one hand and the stalk with the other.

After receiving the future planting material, carefully remove any remnants of juicy pulp from the outlet, which can become a source of decay. The short lower leaves are removed to obtain a cylindrical stem up to 3 centimeters long.

The pieces should be treated with a saturated solution of potassium permanganate, crushed coal, or, which will accelerate the appearance of roots, with an epin solution.

To save the stem from rotting, it is recommended to leave the pineapple to dry out a day or two before rooting. And it is better to hang the nest so that it does not touch any surface. A video on how to grow pineapple at home will reveal all the details of the process and clearly show all its stages.

Rooting is carried out by immersing a part of the water devoid of leaves. To keep it up to par, you can use a cardboard wheel or toothpicks as shown in the photo.

When the first roots appear on the pineapple, the nest can be planted in the ground, and you should not bury the young plant above the bottom layer of leaves. Gently plant around seedlings, being careful not to damage a few numerical roots, crushed and thickened.

Further cultivation of pineapple at home takes place under foil at a temperature not lower than 20-22 ° C. If it is possible to achieve heating of the air and soil to 25 ° C, in about a month new bright leaves will appear in the center of the outlet.

During acclimatization and rooting, the pineapple plant is important:

  • protect against falling drops of condensate, causing the development of mold and rotting of the leaves;
  • regularly moisten the soil;
  • air planting that does not allow plants to cool.

The pineapple pot is exposed to a lighted place where direct sunlight does not threaten the mouth.

Reproduction of pineapple by root cuttings

If you already have an adult pineapple plant at home, it can be propagated by daughter processes that form at the bottom of the stem or under the stem, which can be easily broken and rooted. As planting material, you can use seedlings that have already given several rows of leaves and have a length of 15-20 cm.

Like a pineapple nest on top, the stem can be unscrewed or carefully cut off with a sharp blade. Place a cut to sprinkle with charcoal, then use the pen to enter similar to a growing pineapple at home from above.

If the base rosette already has root bases, it can be planted immediately in light soil from a mixture of peat, perlite and ready-made potting soil.

How to care for pineapple at home?

Caring for a homemade pineapple is to provide all the conditions for the growth and development of the plant.

  • It is important for pineapple to choose and maintain loose, nutrient-rich soil.
  • Create acceptable lighting, temperature and humidity conditions.
  • Pineapple needs well organized watering and feeding.

When planting a pineapple and caring for it at home, it should be remembered that the plant does not have a very strong root system of the surface type:

  • The soil must be permeable to both moisture and oxygen.
  • There should be a decent layer of drainage in the pot.
  • The container itself does not need to be deep, but pineapple is very good for wide pots.

Most importantly, light southern pineapple is grown at home in southern, western or eastern windows. At the same time, in summer, when the sun is the hottest, pineapples are best shaded from the south side, and in winter, plants need light, which increases daylight by 6-8 hours.

In a healthy specimen, young leaves have a bright green tint. And the leaves from the lower rows are not dry and withered, but gray, tense and juicy. With a sufficient level of illumination, the nest is formed symmetrically.

The lower air temperature limit for pineapple at home is 18 ° C. In this air, the plant goes into hibernation. And for active development of air it should be warmer. In spring and summer, the optimum temperature can be between 22 and 30°C.

Home pineapple care includes regular, rare, but plentiful watering, for which a warm ambient temperature is collected, water settles.

On hot days, plants are watered, and wet leaves on cold days inevitably cause disease and wilting. The same effect is to be expected if the pineapple receives cold air from an open window, or if a hot battery drying effect occurs.

From mid-spring, when the active growing season begins, until October, pineapples are fed at home to care for them. The work schedule is organized depending on the condition of the plant, but most often organic and mineral fertilizers are applied every 1-2 weeks.

In winter, fertilization is canceled, irrigation is reduced, and the temperature of the contents is reduced.

Pineapple selection

To ensure success, it is necessary to use mature and high-quality planting material. It should not be overripe or unripe. When choosing a pineapple in the market or in the store, you should pay special attention to its top - it should be thick, green, fresh and firm, but not dry or limp. If the leaves turn yellow or turn brown, then this fruit is not worth buying. The middle of the pineapple should be yellow and not too hard. Damaged pineapples are not worth buying. You can smell the fruits, they should smell, this is a sign of a healthy fetus. To eliminate the possibility of error, you can buy two pineapples in different places. But even if the selected fruit was not of the best quality, this does not mean the inevitability of failure. While mature and healthy seed stock is the key to success in growing pineapple,

For proper planting of the pineapple, prepare the top. There are two options: twisting and cutting. In the first version, a bunch of pineapple leaves wraps around one hand, and the other hand holds the fruit, then the upper part is twisted in a rotational movement. It's like unscrewing the cap on a bottle.
When using the second option, the upper part of the fruit is carefully cut off with a kitchen knife at a distance of three to five centimeters from the leaves. The lower leaves should be cut at a forty-five degree angle, and then the flesh removed to the root so that the object does not start to rot. The need for the second option is due to the slightly unripe pineapple.

Then, for disinfection, the top of the pineapple should be immersed in a solution of potassium permanganate or sprinkled with ash or activated charcoal from below. It is very important to dry the countertops for two to three weeks. During this period, the top leaves should point vertically down and leave the application alone. This can be done with string, wire, or string. The spine rotates around them, the top hangs down the list.

Root sprouting

In order for the top of the pineapple to grow, it is necessary to soak it in water for three to four centimeters. Glass is suitable for these purposes, although it is better to use an opaque cup made of any material. Therefore, the future plant should be stored at room temperature in a moderately lit place (not in the dark, not in direct sunlight), where there are no drafts. Roots should appear in four to six days.

Preparation for planting haulm

Having prepared the mountain, he returns his planting to the pot. The container used for this must be of the correct size. The optimal volume is about half a pound. The bottom of the pot should be filled with drainage sold in specialized stores. In some cases, drainage is replaced with expanded clay, etc. In the middle of the pot, a small hole must be dug two to three centimeters deep and three to five centimeters wide. Several crushed activated charcoal tablets should be evenly poured into this depression. This will prevent the plant from rotting. Causes of decomposition may be high soil moisture and insufficient drying of the spine.

When the pineapple grows, it needs to be transplanted. As soon as it grows, you need to immediately transplant it into a large pot, otherwise the leaves will dry out and the flower and fruit will never appear. Transplantation can be done alone or with the help of specialists that all florists have. Under no circumstances should you plant a pineapple immediately in a large pot for reasons of economy.

Planting pineapple tops

Now you need to plant the top of the pineapple in the soil by following these steps:

  • The spine should be placed vertically in the hole in the pot.
  • First you need to lightly sprinkle the spine with earth, and then more strongly.
  • Stick plastic or wooden chopsticks into the ground around the edges of the pot.
  • It is necessary to tie the threads with sticks and carefully attach them upwards to secure. Another way is instead of tying the top to vertically mounted posts, you can set them at an angle so the top doesn't tilt.
  • The soil should be lightly moistened with a sprayer. It is important to remember that excess moisture is by no means impossible.
  • Cover the pot with a plastic bag, creating a greenhouse effect, and then place the plant in a well-lit, draft-free area.
  • After about a month, the roots of the seedling harden into the ground, and then the upper part takes root, which can be identified by new leaves.
  • Only then can you remove the plastic bag from the pan.

What kind of soil to use

Away from the ground, it is suitable for growing pineapple. Only acidic soil with a pH between 4.0 and 6.0 is suitable. The best soil is sandy and high in organic matter. It is advisable to buy special tropical soils in the store. If you can't find it, you can create a mixture of the following ingredients yourself:

  • ordinary land;
  • river sand;
  • torf;
  • humus.

These ingredients must be mixed in equal proportions and their mixture must be loose.

Approximately every two weeks, the soil should be fed with complex or mineral and organic flower fertilizers. Do not use alkaline batteries.

temperature requirements

Since pineapple is a heat-loving plant, it is necessary to carefully monitor the temperature in the room in which it is located.

In summer, the air temperature in the room where the flower pot is located can be from twenty-two to twenty-five degrees, because with the air the pineapple also receives heat from sunlight.

In winter, there is less sunlight, so it is desirable to artificially increase the temperature to twenty-five to twenty-seven degrees. This can be achieved, for example, with an inverter air conditioner, a heater or a special lamp.

water the pineapple

Since pineapples naturally grow in plantations in warm climates with frequent droughts and sporadic rains, imitation of these conditions must be created at home. Pineapple should be watered rarely, but plentifully, providing water not only for the soil, but also for the leaves and rosette of the pineapple. If there is too much water, this can lead to rotting of the root system. Due to lack of water, the leaves dry up.

Use only distilled water for watering, but rainwater will do. The temperature of the water used for irrigation should be between twenty-eight and twenty-nine degrees.

Fruit or bush?

The stereotype that pineapples grow on palm trees is common. But in fact they are low plants, like bushes. At home, you can grow a fairly large shrub. Of course, in order to achieve the size of the bush and fruits that are achieved under natural conditions, it will not work in the house, but the difference between them is not very great. However, it is important for yourself to determine the main goal - whether it is desirable to get the fruits of this plant or just grow a bush that will please the eye for many years. After fruiting, the pineapple dies after two or three years, but the resulting fruit can be used to plant a new bush.

Flowering and fruiting pineapple

In its natural environment, a pineapple takes up to twenty-six months to begin fruiting. When you have grown at home, you can change the flowering time in any direction. Most often, the inflorescence appears after about sixteen months, when the plant reaches a height of at least twenty-five centimeters. The bud begins to form on top of the pineapple, which is gradually removed from it on the growing stem, which is an extension of the stem. Then, within two months, flowering begins, which lasts two weeks. Bright blue flowers appear during flowering. Each of them is opened only for one day.

When the last flower dries up, fruit development begins. Depending on the variety of pineapple and growing conditions, the fruit develops and matures from three months to six months.

Forced fruiting

Often the flowering of pineapple when grown in a pot is delayed or absent. If the pineapple reaches a sufficient stage of development and the required age, artificial flowering is possible. For forced fruiting of pineapple, a special stimulant is used - ethylene. To do this, pour calcium carbide into water in the amount of one teaspoon per half liter of liquid and leave the resulting solution for one day in a closed jar. Then pour the solution into another container, eliminating the ingress of sediment. This liquid is an aqueous solution of ethylene. The usage procedure is as follows. Once a day for a week, pour fifty grams of the stimulant into the base of the upper leaves of the plant.

After this procedure, the flowering of the pineapple should begin in four to six weeks. If flowering has not begun even after using the stimulant, this means that the plant is sickly or not yet ready to bear fruit.

Like all herbaceous plants, pineapple dies after fruiting, but this happens slowly. During this process, the pineapple produces a large number of side shoots that can be used to grow this plant.

Diseases and pests

Thanks to proper care, pineapple is minimally susceptible to pests. And yet, even at home, he can be attacked by flour and all kinds of mites. To get rid of these pests, the plant is first washed with soap and water, and then with clean water. In addition, the use of insecticides is allowed in strict accordance with the instructions contained in the instructions supplied with the preparations.

Another problem that can happen to pineapple is kernel rot due to fungus. When this disease occurs, the central pineapple leaf turns black and is easily removed from the stem. To keep a pineapple under the influence of the fungus, you can infuse a fungicide into its core. If this remedy eliminates the infection, the pineapple will release a side shoot, and after a while the old stem can be cut.

Growing an unusual plant with your own hands is always interesting. Now flower growers can complete their collection with real pineapple. No special skills are required to grow it from the top of the house because the fun process is quite simple. But it is equally important that the native inhabitant of the tropics will bring a certain touch of exotic to the rooms and, with proper care, will delight the owner with delicious fruits.

Pineapple is a perennial herb, so including it in fruits and vegetables is wrong. Culture is a small sprout ox root root, pubescent with sharp long leaves. It can reach a height of one meter in height and reach a diameter of two meters. The fruit of the plant is formed at the top of the main shoot, which spreads after flowering. Some pineapples weigh 3.5 kg.

Flowering stimulation for fruiting

The first flowers on the plant should appear about 2 years and 5 months after planting. If the emergence of ovaries is delayed, the pineapple should be fed 50 mg of an aqueous solution of ethylene daily for a week. To obtain this solution, one teaspoon of carbide is dissolved in half a liter of water, after which the resulting liquid is taken within 24 hours and poured into clean vessels without sediment.

In addition to stimulate flowering the plant is fumigated with smoke from burning coal 2 times with a break of 10 days. But this procedure can be replaced by putting a pot of pineapple in one plastic bag with tomatoes or ripe apples.

During flowering, the top of the plant increases and basic buds appear. If the nest has grown well, it will later bear great fruit. After the pineapple responds, its old leaves must be carefully removed, and then continue to water the plant once a week.

Even in indoor floriculture, it is easy to grow pineapple from apical leaves if you give this plant enough attention. With proper care, exotic grass will decorate the owner's house with an unusual appearance, and the florist will complete his collection with a rare case that can thank you for caring for delicious fruits.

Is it possible to plant and grow pineapple at home? It turns out you can, and it's not as difficult as you might think at first. If you know all the nuances, then growing pineapple in an apartment will be a fun and easy task. To begin with, pineapples reproduce in two ways - seeds and tufts. Since only pineapple varieties without seeds are sold in Russia, we only have to grow pineapple from the top.

Pineapple loves warmth and light, and also easily tolerates drought, because its homeland is Brazil, South America and the tropics. Some countries with non-tropical climates. learned how to grow pineapples in greenhouses, so growing pineapple at home will not be difficult. This perennial plant on your windowsill can not only delight you as a home flower, but also from time to time give you its fruits, and grown with your own hands is doubly tastier.

Choosing a Pineapple for Planting

The best time to plant a pineapple is late summer and early fall. It is at this time that you need to buy the fruit, but it is better to take it not from sellers on the street, but in supermarkets or covered markets. If the pineapple is a little frostbitten, then the crest will lose its ability to grow. That is why it is not recommended to buy pineapples for planting in winter and spring, because it is enough for a pineapple to stay in the cold or in a cool place for a little while, even when unloading a fruit truck, to cool down and lose the ability to reproduce. Pineapple does not tolerate cold, remember this. So, choose a pineapple so that he and his tuft are in good condition. It is better to buy pineapple from a fresh import, and not already lying down and with a withered tuft. The leaves of the tuft should be large, hard, bright, green and with an intact center, because. it is from it that your pineapple will grow in the future.

planting pineapple

Now about how to plant a pineapple. It is better to plant a pineapple immediately after purchase, without postponing this matter for a long time, because the faster it is planted, the better it will grow. Take a clean sharp knife and carefully cut off the top of the pineapple as shown in this photo.

If you cut off the tuft as shown in the photo above, then now cut off all the flesh, leaving only a stump.

If only a tuft was cut off, without pulp, then there is nothing to worry about. You just need to remove the bottom layer of leaves to get a similar stump. Thanks to this, the pineapple takes root better.

It happens that roots have already begun to grow under the leaves of pineapple. Such roots will no longer grow, but they do not need to be cut.

Then wash the cut site with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, then sprinkle the cut with crushed charcoal or activated charcoal tablets. Instead of coal, ash can be used if it is more available. Allow the cut to dry for about five hours before planting. Instead, you can hang the cut top of the pineapple, leaves up, for about a week, maybe a little more, maybe a little less. This is done so that the cut heals a little, otherwise the tuft may simply rot.

For planting, choose a not too large pot - no more than 0.5-0.6 liters. At the bottom, first pour drainage, or pebbles and expanded clay, then earthen mixture. This mixture should be loose and consist of ordinary earth, peat, humus and sand (preferably river sand), approximately in equal parts. You can make this mixture yourself, or you can buy it ready-made in the store, which is called earthen mixture for bromeliads. Next, pour this mixture with a hot solution of potassium permanganate to thoroughly disinfect the ground. And only after a couple of days you can plant a pineapple crest in it.

Make a depression (2-3 cm) in the center of the pot, slightly larger than the stem of the tuft, slightly cleared of leaves from below. Pour some crushed coal or ash into this hole to avoid rotting the tuft. After you lower the tuft there, you need to crush the ground well. And that's not all - attach a few small sticks around the edges of the pot to tie a tuft to them. This must be done so that it does not fall, but is always fixed in one position. Moisten the soil slightly, but do not flood. Put a plastic bag on top (the more transparent the better) and place the pot in the brightest place in your apartment. But not where it can be blown through and not in direct sunlight, otherwise nothing will grow. Never forget that pineapple is very fond of warmth. He needs at least a temperature of + 25 + 27 degrees, which provides a package dressed on a pot. In winter, you can put the pot closer to the battery or directly on it, but placing a stand made of wood or foam.

How pineapple takes root and the beginning of its growth

The crest takes root from one to two months. It must take at least a month for the seedling to take root. After it takes root, new leaves begin to grow. The plastic bag can be removed 2 months after planting the pineapple, when you see that it has taken root and is growing.

How to care for a pineapple

Water the pineapple rarely, but very plentifully and only with warm water, slightly warmed up, to about 30 degrees. Pineapple needs just such a way of moisturizing, because in its homeland in the tropics it is used to living for a long time in the midst of drought, and then accumulating water during heavy tropical downpours. So wait for the moment when the earth in the pot is completely dry. You can add a little lemon juice to the water for watering. And one more thing - water not only the ground, but all the leaves of pineapple, i.e. just as it would rain under natural conditions. Pineapple leaves have the ability to accumulate moisture, so they also need water, and not just the root system.

When you see that the pot has become too small for your grown pineapple, transplant it into a larger pot. You should not plant a pineapple immediately in a pot that is too large, you need to replant the plant every year, gradually increasing the size of the pot. The trunk at each transplant must be deepened into the ground by half a centimeter. Transplant your pineapple very carefully, in no case destroying the clod of earth. When the plant reaches three or four years of age, i.e. will become quite adult, a 3-4 liter pot is enough for him.

And do not forget to maintain the temperature necessary for pineapple. If it drops to + 18 + 20 degrees, then the plant will die. In the summer, this will be quite simple, but in the winter, take care of your pineapple more diligently. For example, he needs light for at least 12 hours a day, so illuminate him with a fluorescent lamp.

Pineapple needs to be fed periodically, about twice a month (every two weeks). This tropical plant does not like lime and wood ash; alkaline fertilizers, but mineral fertilizers and, for example, mullein are suitable for him. You can use complex fertilizers for flowers - this will also benefit your pineapple.

How to make a pineapple bloom

Pineapple begins to bloom and bear fruit precisely after regular feeding, approximately 2.5-4 years after its planting. On average, pineapple leaves at this age reach 80 cm. But often pineapple does not want to bloom on its own. Then you need to help him a little, provoke him to bloom.

To do this, put a tight plastic bag on the plant, and put a few smoking coals next to its pot for about ten minutes. Repeat this procedure three times at weekly intervals. After that, after two to three months, your plant will start an inflorescence, from which a fruit will develop over the course of about four months.

There is another way to make a pineapple bloom. To do this, you will need a 10 gram piece of carbide, from which you will need to make a solution and pour it over your pineapple. Take a liter container with water and put your piece of carbide in it. With the resulting solution, you will need to water the pineapple growth point every other day in an amount of 25 ml until you see a peduncle. This usually happens two months after the start of the procedure. The best time to do this is during the summer.

Other ways to grow pineapple at home

There is another good and easy way to grow a pineapple from its top - to sprout it. To do this, you need to unscrew the crest from the pineapple. Just take the entire top at its base in your hand and turn it to the side.

Then remove a few leaves from the bottom of the tuft, about 2 cm.

Leave the resulting pineapple tufts for two to three days so that they dry out a little. Better yet, hang them on a string. This will keep your plant from rotting, so this is a mandatory step.

Now take a glass of water at room temperature and put a pineapple crest in it. The water should cover about 3 cm of the topknot and should be changed every two or three days.

If you want to plant more pineapples in the future, you won't necessarily need to buy new pineapples. When the pineapple you planted reaches maturity, it will begin to sprout. You can see them at the base of the stem. You need to plant them in the same way as a crest from a pineapple bought in a store.

At home, you can grow pineapples weighing from 300 grams to a whole kilogram.

Now you know how to plant and grow pineapple at home, and you can surprise your loved ones and friends with fruits from your windowsill. And if someone else doubts that it is possible to grow a pineapple yourself, you will prove to them the possibility of this. Follow the instructions and you will definitely succeed!