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Delicious raw food recipes. Raw recipes. Mint Cucumber Soup



It should be emphasized that the preparation of dishes from raw products requires careful observance of sanitary standards. Vegetables and fruits must be washed with running water. To remove worms and worm eggs from lettuce, cabbage and other leafy greens and vegetables, they should be immersed in salted water (50 g of salt per 1 liter of water). Some fruits and vegetables with a rough skin can be blanched to neutralize germs and worms, that is, immersed in boiling water for 3–5 minutes.

The nitrates that accumulate in modern foods have been scaring us for more than a decade. And not without reason - getting into our body with food or drinking water, these salts of nitric acid are reduced to salts of nitrous acid (nitrites) and are quickly absorbed into the blood. Connecting with hemoglobin, they prevent it from carrying oxygen, causing oxygen starvation of the body. This is manifested most often by cyanosis of the nails, the tip of the nose, lips, increased breathing and heartbeat. In more severe cases, acute poisoning occurs with damage to the alimentary tract, the central nervous system. Naturally, children and pregnant women should be especially protected from nitrates.

It is generally accepted that the greatest amount of harmful nitrates accumulates in plant foods - in vegetables, fruits, herbs, melons, watermelons. What to do if these are the main products in the raw food diet? The usual advice to boil them and drain the water is unacceptable to raw foodists. To cut the peel from potatoes and cucumbers in a thicker layer than usual means to lose their most valuable parts.

Raw foodists have several tricks to help reduce the harmful effects of these substances on the body with minimal loss of beneficial properties of products. First of all, they avoid greenhouse vegetables and greens. Before eating cabbage, they get rid of the stalk with the leaves adjacent to it.

Cucumbers and radishes should be washed well. Carrots are best peeled. Greens and leafy vegetables are usually soaked for no more than half an hour in plenty of water before consumption, then washed.

It is important to know that with long-term storage of vegetables, the amount of nitrates in them decreases, and at the end of winter they practically do not remain at all. Vegetables and fruits must be selected intact and, most importantly, ripe. Cut leafy vegetables and greens, if you pick them yourself, in the evening, and the nitrate content in them will be at least a third, or even 40% lower!

It has been established that some vitamins (A, E and C) prevent nitrates from turning into poisonous nitrites. Therefore, raw foodists allow the use of multivitamin preparations as useful supplements.

It is better to refuse ordinary table salt. If this is difficult, replace it with half the amount of sea salt or a seasoning consisting of crushed garlic, grated radish or horseradish with lemon juice and vegetable oil.

Spices, used judiciously, can support or even improve digestion, making it easier for the body to digest the heavy, cold, high-water foods often eaten by raw foodists. In addition, many spices have medicinal properties.

Sugar substitutes

If there is no way to give up sweets, use natural sugar substitutes.

Raw sugar

We are talking about brown sugar, which is produced only from sugar cane, using a technology that is significantly different from the production of beet sugar. Natural biologically active substances and trace elements contained in sugar cane remain in such sugar.

In black molasses, which is part of brown sugar, you can find a huge amount of valuable minerals. In brown brown sugar, there are such valuable trace elements for the body as potassium, iron, calcium, copper.

Dried fruits

Instead of sugar, you can add dates (the sweetest of dried fruits), dried apricots, raisins, prunes, figs, etc. to food. Cut them into cubes, soaking them in boiling water in advance if necessary, and add them to dessert dishes or pastries. The liquid in which dried fruit has been soaked can also be used in baked goods, desserts, and other sweet dishes in place of water and milk.

Grape juice

Sweet grape juice can also be used in place of water and other liquids in baked goods and sweet dishes.

Juice should be squeezed on a juicer, boiled over low heat (up to a syrupy state), poured into jars. Such juice is well stored in the refrigerator or in a corked state in a cool place.

Similarly, you can use apple and other fruit juices.

Herbal tea

For the same purposes, teas from licorice, fennel, anise, chamomile are used.

Using vegetable dryers

In raw food practice, it is allowed to use special electrical appliances designed for drying vegetables, fruits, berries, mushrooms, herbs, crackers at home or in summer cottages. Drying in such a device is carried out by supplying heated air, without "overcooking", which allows you to fully preserve all the taste qualities of products, vitamins and active substances.

Serious help for a raw foodist is increasingly becoming dehydrators - devices that literally absorb water from fruits and vegetables in just a few moments. Vegetables and fruits that have undergone such processing can be stored for a year at normal room temperature. Interestingly, when placed in water, they regain their original shape without losing vitamins.

The most effective among such devices is the Excalibur dehydrator, which is most adapted for soft drying of products while preserving enzymes.

In our cookbook you will find unique recipes compiled by our foreign colleagues. These are bread, crackers, cookies, pies, crackers that can be cooked using an electric dryer.

This text is an introductory piece. From the book Separate Nutrition. A new approach to diet and healthy eating by Jean Dries

From the book Nutrition for Cirrhosis of the Liver author Ilya Melnikov

From the book Nutrition for Asthma author Ilya Melnikov

From the book Bolotov's recipes for every day. Calendar for 2013 author Boris Vasilievich Bolotov

From the book Raw Food for Cleansing and Health author Victoria Butenko

author Sergey Dobrozdravin

From the book Raw Food Diet. Beginner's Guide author Sergey Dobrozdravin

author Sergei Mikhailovich Gladkov

From the book Smart Raw Food. Food for body, soul and spirit author Sergei Mikhailovich Gladkov

by Linda Larsen

From the book Eat to Live! "Live" nutrition - the path to renewal by Linda Larsen

From the book Eat to Live! "Live" nutrition - the path to renewal by Linda Larsen

These raw food recipes will be very helpful for beginner raw foodists and will help with the transition. Play around, but don't get carried away =)

An experienced raw foodist does not need to cook any dishes, because nature does it for us in the best way. The food that she gives in its original form contains EVERYTHING that we need.


Valentina Sergina's recipe

It's something between a chocolate chip cookie and a potato cake. Only rich chocolate taste! Cocoa beans are not the best raw food product, but you can pamper your friends))))

Compound: 2 tbsp. Greek nuts, 1 tbsp. dates, half a vanilla pod, 1 tbsp. ground cocoa beans, 4 tsp carob.

Grind the nuts in a blender, and the dates can be finely chopped.

Cool down.

Valentina Sergina's recipe

Beat in a blender a couple of bananas, 4-6 dates (I take Kaspiran), a couple of tbsp. spoons of ground flax, a little cinnamon. Smear all this mass in a thin layer on paper. This is fruit paste. Top with any nuts, seeds, raisins, raw oatmeal. Dry for about 10-14 hours at a temperature of 40 gr.

Bounty for raw foodists

Valentina Sergina's recipe

In a blender, grind 5-6 tbsp. spoons of carob, 5-8 dates with water.

Add chopped seeds, pine nuts, coconut (you can shavings). Any nuts - to taste. Put the mass into molds and cool.

You can freeze slightly. Well, it's very tasty - they eat everything and ask for supplements)))))

Very tasty loaves

Valentina Sergina's recipe

Bread from 1 tbsp. flax, 1 tbsp. sunflower seeds, 1 tbsp. pumpkins seeds, dry tomatoes, onions and spices.

Delicious raw yogurt recipe

This raw yogurt tastes very similar to regular milk yogurts, and at the same time it does not have such a negative effect on the body that modern yogurts made from milk and various chemicals have. Before writing this recipe for a good “yogurt”, I will tell you about the dangers of purchased yogurts that are sold in stores and supermarkets:

To give yogurt an attractive taste, manufacturers use E-951 flavor enhancer, or aspartame. Penetrating into the human body, aspartame forms formic acid, as well as formaldehyde and other carcinogens hazardous to health.
It is especially dangerous to eat yogurt from a swollen glass. Product fermentation is caused either by expired shelf life or by the presence of yeasts, molds and putrefactive bacteria. All these "inhabitants", breeding in yogurt, emit carbon dioxide, which "inflates" the cup.
Does yogurt contain fruit?

Even if you come across pieces of peach, strawberry or mango in a jar of yogurt, do not rush to rejoice. Fruit acids, as is known from the school chemistry course, are not “friends” with such beneficial lactic acid bacteria. For this reason, yogurt can only contain frozen or canned berries and fruits that have long lost all their useful substances. What you may think are "real" pieces of fresh fruit are actually the pomace left over from making marmalade or jelly. These extracts are flavored and enriched with citric acid and sugar.
Do you know that in European countries, brand products with the prefix "bio" have been discontinued and replaced by another product - "Activia"? This happened for the reason that the well-known delicacy is made synthetically, which means that it does not have the right to the prefix "bio".

Well, a few words about milk protein and fat in yogurt:

Milk protein consists mainly of casein - a paste. The body of a calf produces the enzyme renin. Renin breaks down casein, a human does not have such an enzyme. Casein is completely absorbed into the bloodstream and causes mucus, allergies, autoimmune diseases, and diabetes. But this does not mean that our body does not try to digest milk protein! He's still trying. As a result, a huge amount of acid is produced, which in turn damages our kidneys.
With fats, maybe everything would be fine if milk did not tend to oxidize. How many times will milk be poured from one container to another until it reaches the consumer! In nature, milk is consumed directly - without coming into contact with air. We get not just cholesterol, oxidized cholesterol, but it is even more harmful!

You can talk a lot more about the dangers of milk, but I hope you already know all this! So let's get back to our really alive and wonderful raw yogurt.
Its recipe is very simple.
Mix in a blender:
-3-4 bananas
- avocado
-berries to taste (blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, currants, etc.)

And your sweet, full-fat yogurt is ready. Enjoy your meal!

Biscuits for a raw foodist from germinated oat grains (300g)

Recipe from Evgeny and Svetlana Chabanov

Recipe #1

3. Add 2-3 tbsp. spoons of honey, 1/2 cup raisins, cinnamon and ground ginger on the tip of a knife.
4. Mix well and put on parchment paper.
5. Dry at a temperature of 40 degrees for about three hours.

Biscuits for a raw foodist from germinated oat grains (300g)
Recipe #2

1. Dry the sprouted oats in a dehydrator for 2 hours so that it is better chopped.
2. Grind in a coffee grinder / blender. Choose the degree of grinding yourself.
3. Add sunflower seeds (can be whole or chopped)
4. Dried apricots chopped in a blender.
5. Flax 50g ground in a coffee grinder.
6. Poppy 2 tablespoons

As a variation of the recipe:
for sweetness, you can add raisins and honey for structural strength. (see figure 2)

Raw Pizza Recipes

Recipe from Sergey and Alexandra Sosna


Walnuts - 300 gr.; Honey - 250 gr.;
Cinnamon - 1 tsp;
Lemon juice - 1 tablespoon;
Sesame for deboning - 0.5 cups;
A pinch of sea salt.

1. Blend all ingredients in a food processor until smooth.
2. Form balls from the resulting mass.
3. Roll the balls in sesame seeds.
4. Leave in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.


Recipe from Valentina Sergina

Usually the Georgian dish pkhali is made from spinach, sometimes from beet tops, but both are boiled, then squeezed somehow - a completely unnecessary process, and everything works fine raw.

1 cup walnuts
1 garlic clove
1 bunch cilantro (about two cups)
1/2 tsp salt
a bunch of beet greens, only the green part (chopped about 4-5 cups) or spinach
2 sl lemon juice
Put the nuts in a food processor (meat grinder), coarsely grind, add roughly chopped cilantro, finely chopped garlic, salt, lemon juice, grind a little more. Add beet tops, grind until pâté. Serve as a pâté with vegetable wedges or crackers. Traditionally pkhali is decorated with pomegranate seeds.

Almond cheese with linen bread

Recipe from Valentina Sergina

Pour 2 cups of flaxseeds into a coffee grinder and grind them into flour.
Mix in a blender:
- 1 cup of water
- 1 large onion (finely chopped)
- 3 celery stalks (chopped)
- 4 garlic cloves (medium)
- 2 tomatoes (optional)
- 1 teaspoon cumin
- 1 teaspoon coriander seeds
- 1 teaspoon sea salt
Pour into a large bowl and stir in the flaxseed meal.
Cover the bowl with a towel and leave in a warm place overnight to slightly sour. If you don't want to wait, you can immediately put it in a dehydrator.
In the morning, spread on Teflon sheets of a dehydrator and divide into squares. If you want croutons to taste like bread, then turn off the dehydrator as soon as they dry out. If you want them to be crispy and last longer, dry them longer. I immediately shape them into round cookies.
It will come out 25-32 crackers.

Almond cheese

Recipe from Valentina Sergina

Soak nuts or seeds overnight in water. Strain and rinse in the morning. Put in a blender and mix with water until you get a homogeneous mass. Pour into a gauze bag and hang to glass with water, leave to ferment at room temperature for 8-12 hours.
Transfer the cheese to a bowl and toss with your favorite seasonings.
Can be stored in the refrigerator in a closed container for up to 7 days.
To flavor the cheese, you can mix in any combination of the following ingredients: garlic, lemon juice, chopped fresh cilantro, soy sauce, fresh and dried parsley, fresh or dried dill, dried tomatoes, chopped onion, basil, olive oil, sea salt.
I simplified the recipe and do not leave the cheese overnight for fermentation, but immediately filter it, add spices and eat it)))

Seed pate

Recipe from Valentina Sergina

Seed pate
- 1 tbsp sunflower seeds (soaked or germinated for 12-24 hours)
- any greens (can be dried)
- 1 tooth garlic
- juice of half a lemon
- salt to taste
- dried tomatoes (optional)
Whisk in a blender
Add 1 tbsp. ground walnuts. nuts for density and mix everything.

Vegetable cutlets

Recipe from Valentina Sergina

3 tbsp ground flax seeds
1 cup grated carrot
1 cup sunflower seeds, ground in a coffee grinder
1/2 cup finely chopped stalked celery
6 tbsp finely chopped onion
2 tbsp finely chopped parsley
2 tbsp finely chopped sweet pepper
1/2 tsp salt
Mix everything properly with your hands, stick cutlets, dry for 6-8 hours in a dryer at 40 gr.


Recipe from Valentina Sergina

Grate fruit on a fine grater, smooth it with a thin layer on food paper and dry, then roll it up and cut it ... I used a pear and a banana, strawberries and a banana))

Chocolate cake for raw food beginners

Recipe from Valentina Sergina

Dough: 1 tbsp. ground seeds, 1 tbsp. ground almonds (nuts and seeds - to your taste), a handful of soaked dates, 1/2 tsp. ginger (ground), a little orange juice.
Cream: carob, honey, a little water - all to taste.
Put a layer of dough on a plate, then chopped bananas, pour over the "chocolate" glaze, then again a layer of dough and pour over the glaze. You can sprinkle with coconut.

The recipe for a very tasty and beautiful raw food cake

sent Irina Troshchinskaya

Bon appetit and of course HEALTH!

Recipe for raw food goats

Grind 1-2 bananas in a blender so that you get a cream. Pour the seeds into it, stirring with a spoon. We bring it to such a consistency that it is possible to sculpt raw goats from the resulting mixture. We give the necessary form. And we set it to dry for 25-30 hours at a temperature not higher than 40 degrees. I made round ones, but if you want, you can do these:

Raw Cheesecake

cashew nuts
1/2 st. water
1/2 st. coconut oil
1/2 agave syrup

3 drops vanilla extract
7 strawberries for decoration and 6 raspberries
1/2 lemon

Pad Thai - raw food option

Pad Thai is a Thai dish, a raw food option.
Products: zucchini 1, carrot 1, tomato 1,
mushrooms 6, soy/wheat sprouts, herbs, lettuce, greens. onion
Sauce: 1/2 coconut, 1/2 or 1 glass of water, 2 tsp. honey, 1 garlic clove, 1/2 lime, pepper to taste

Raw recipe "A la gazpacho"

red: tomatoes, sweet red pepper, red pepper not sweet :) (to taste and desire), garlic and water + salt and oil

green: cucumbers, parsley and dill, lemon juice salad and water + salt and oil
mix in a blender until cooked and eat :)

Raw Olivier

Valentina Sergina's recipe

1 sweet and sour apple
1 cucumber
1 small zucchini
1 cup peas (can be defrosted)
1/2 cup sunflower seeds
1/2 cup onion, finely chopped
Mayonnaise (beat in a blender):
1 cup cashews
juice of half a lemon
1 sl. apple cider vinegar
1/2 tsp salt
1 c.l. mustard
1 sl. olive oil
3/4 cup water

"Cheese" for raw foodists in tomatoes

Tomatoes with cheese:
cheese: 150 gr seeds soak (sprout),
1 red sweet pepper,
half a head of garlic. Everything in a blender + some water.
You can add greens (lek, parsley, dill).

Raw borscht recipe

Ingredients: 3 carrots, 1 beetroot, cabbage, 1 orange, greens (lettuce, green onions, dill, sorrel), crude oil, sea salt, lemon juice, onion, celery.

2 carrots and half a beet - on a coarse grater. On a blender, grind the remaining half beet, 1 carrot and an orange with the addition of water. Cut onions, greens, cabbage, celery. Mix everything, add water, 2-3 tbsp. spoons rough. oils, lemon juice, spices, sea salt.
Very tasty, even meat-eaters like it!

Sprouted pea porridge with raisins

Very tasty, nutritious, and most importantly raw porridge))) But of course not for cheese-eaters))

For one plate:
- 200-250 grams of peas
- raisin
- water

Fill the peas and leave for a day. Rinse thoroughly and throw into a blender. Add 200 ml of water and mix in a blender until the consistency of porridge. Pour the mixture into a bowl and add the raisins. Or you can immediately mix it in a blender with peas.

Bon appetit from Vladimir Kulishov

Raw Coconut Milk

Peel the coconut :) and peel. Finely grind. In a blender, mix coconut, coconut juice, water - look at the capacity and consistency. You can add sesame and banana to taste) Milk is ready! you can with pulp, you can without!

raw food cake recipe

For cakes

Mix dried apricots with hazelnuts in a blender. We make 2 cakes. In 1 cake we put coconut cubes, and in the other cake we put candied fruits (instead of candied fruit, you can put pieces of fruit).

For filling

Beat bananas in a blender and coat them with a layer between the cakes and on top of the cakes.

For decoration

We spread the banana slices, candied fruits or pieces of fruit, hazelnuts and sprinkle with coconut flakes.

Decorate around with nuts.

Enjoy your meal)))

Raw nut balls

Karina Usanova
On a blender or coffee grinder, grind any kind of nuts + you can sesame or flax.
Add cinnamon, nutmeg (+ you can fantasize: raisins, prunes, dates)
add ~ 2 teaspoons of honey (1 tablespoon) to the dry mass for sweetness and very ripe nectarine, peach or pear finely chopped (you can also grind in a blender to get the mass). Pour in and mix.
Form balls and roll in poppy seeds, coconut flakes

Raw Banana Grape Cake Recipe

Ingredients: almonds (pre-soaked overnight), dates, bananas, grapes, dried apricots, sesame.

Grind almonds and dates in a blender, mix well, put half on a plate. For the filling, put the ground banana on the mass along with the pieces of grapes. Then put the remaining half of the mass and decorate.

raw candy


dates (500g)
whole hazelnuts (100g)
cinnamon (2-3 tsp)
walnuts for breading (half a cup)

For qty as photo:

Almonds - 1 cup
Prunes - 0.5 cups
Honey - 2 tbsp. spoons
coconut flakes

raw banana smoothie recipe

I want to tell you a recipe for a delicious banana cocktail, which we often make for ourselves. The recipe is very simple: to make a good mug of such a cocktail, just 5 medium apples and 1 banana are enough. Squeeze juice from apples (instead of apples, you can also take two oranges). Grind the banana in a blender and mix in the same place with freshly squeezed juice. It turns out such a very tasty thing, somewhat similar to a milkshake, only much tastier!

Flatbreads from sprouted grains:

The preparation of these cakes is described in the Gospel of the Essenes, an excellent replacement for bread, which is currently being prepared using very harmful thermophilic yeast.

Rinse wheat or rye, soak in water for 12 hours, if possible changing the water every 2-3 hours. After 12 hours, drain the water and wait another 11 hours. When the grains germinate (by 1-2 mm, no more), dry them in the sun or in a dehydrator for 2-3 hours. Then they are ground into flour in a blender, water is added, the dough is rolled out very thinly.

Then dry the cakes in a dehydrator in the "living foods" mode for two hours. Cakes, like fresh sprouted grains, are best consumed separately from other products. In order for them to show all their healing power, they must not be combined with anything in the stomach. The only exceptions are single-grade olive oil or pure water. Particularly unfavorable combinations that prevent the digestion and absorption of raw sprouted grains are salt and any inorganic additives (mineral water), nuts and seeds, and sour fruits.

Also a very important condition for good assimilation is thorough chewing.

It is very convenient to make such cakes, you can take them with you anywhere, unlike simply sprouted grains, which must be consumed immediately, until the length of the sprout exceeds 1 centimeter, otherwise the grain acquires completely different properties and is not healing for humans.

Raw vegetable salad with sprouted peas

To prepare such a salad you need: carrots, tomatoes, sprouted peas, beetroot, greens. Grate carrots and beets. Cut tomatoes. And put it on a plate

They did it in the first or second month of the raw food diet. They used what came to hand. But it turned out delicious!

Recipe for Raw Coffee

by Lee Nibelung

Dough: ground nuts, sesame cake, flax flour and honey. Mix all this.
Roll into balls, after putting the stuffing in them (dried fruits, nuts, cherries, strawberries ...). Then roll in poppy, sesame or walnut.

In glasses, infusion of fresh thyme.

Fruit Dried Fruit Raw Chocolate Cheesecake Cake

from Sergey Grishaev

Basis - cake:
- walnuts
- apricot kernels
- dates ("Caspiran" and loose)

One banana layer:
- banana

- orange
- dried apricots (two varieties, dark and orange, soaked for 2 hours in water)
- pumpkin seeds
- sunflower seeds
- carob
- cocoa oil
- orange and lemon peel

- nutmeg
- walnuts
- mulberry

Unfortunately, when I break through, I don’t have time to write down the proportions :) I managed to weigh / measure / count only some of the ingredients.
In the cake, about 80 g of apricot kernels and nuts, fresh from the shell. Dates "Caspiran" and simple weighted, pitted about 120g.
Next comes a layer of banana sliced ​​\u200b\u200bin rings, put raisins in the gaps.

The cream is prepared in a blender: approximately 3/4 orange, zest, dried apricots (together with water) are placed in a blender and ground until smooth. Everything is laid out in a bowl, seeds are added until thick, cocoa butter is added, about 1 spoon for each glass of cream (do not forget that it sets quickly). Pour about half of the cream into the cake mold. In the remaining cream, add carob and honey (to taste), mix and pour the second layer.

We decorate with nuts, mulberries, sprinkle with nutmeg and put in the refrigerator for 2 hours. Do not forget to put cling film in the mold if the mold is not collapsible. The film should hang out of the mold so that you can then pull the cheesecake out of it.

Enjoy this delicious treat, share your creations and results.

Raw chocolate recipe

from Sergey Grishaev

I made some candies from raw chocolate, which I made from raw cocoa beans and raw cocoa butter .... super :))

It turned out 12 large candies:
-50g cocoa beans
-50g cocoa butter
-30g honey
-nuts, raisins, 1 per candy

Grind the beans very, very finely, sift and grind again.
Prepare molds, put nuts and raisins in them.
Melt cocoa butter, mix with honey and cocoa powder (if necessary, heat it in warm water, I immediately foresaw a quick solidification, so I used a thin stainless cup, which I put in a large cup with warm water).
Pour into molds and refrigerate.
I sprinkled some more sweets with cinnamon and nutmeg .. super :)
It freezes very quickly, so it's better to mix and keep everything in a metal bowl that stands in warm water (check the temperature with your elbow - if it's not hot, then everything is OK :)).

My only negative was that I couldn’t grind the beans well in a blender .. I don’t have a coffee grinder to try if it works out better. Because of this, lumps-crystals of beans were felt in the sweets :(
But they could not spoil the impression of sweets, I have wanted raw chocolate for so long ...

Before my DR, I made a test portion, poured it into saved candy molds .......... :))) Non-raw food, they are in a beautiful, transparent box, there was plastic inside, in which non-raw food chocolates were, here in them flooded. It was hard to get out the next day. Therefore, for my DR, Lanna gave me silicone molds - orange slices and grape clusters.

I also recently learned how to use vanilla correctly - vanilla pods, they can be added to chocolate and you get delicious vanilla chocolate. To do this, we take the right amount of vanilla pod (or several pieces), open them, take out the seeds, crush them, while oil is released and an alluring smell spreads throughout the kitchen, to which all households and neighbors come running. Add the resulting mass to chocolate and enjoy new successes;))

Recipe for raw plum marshmallow

Grind plums and nuts, give the desired shape and dry in a dehydrator.

Green Raw Cocktail Recipe

by Lee Nibelung

Bananas, apples, honey, lemon juice and any greens. Pour all this with a small amount of water and beat in a blender.

It is very good if you will not only use the recipes presented on our website, but also create delicious raw food dishes of your own. Up to a certain point, of course, until the need to cook something does not disappear at all.

School of Yuri Okunev

Hello friends. With you Yuri Okunev.

Today there will be, perhaps, the most delicious topic: the raw food menu recipes for every day. We will learn how to cook delicious and healthy dishes of natural cuisine. Let's taste raw cutlets, cake, nut cheese, and also bake real living bread.

The daily diet of a raw foodist consists of fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as nuts and dried fruits, read more in my article,. What can be prepared from this set? Anything. We cook at home according to raw food recipes and enjoy the excellent taste and aroma.

Most natural dishes are prepared quite quickly and are cheap. A significant part of the components for this can be grown in the garden. So, we will need an electric meat grinder, a blender, a coffee grinder, a dehydrator - with the help of these devices we will quickly create real works of culinary art. Let's get started.

For breakfast

What can you eat for breakfast?
In the morning, it is customary to eat light, low-calorie foods that help cleanse the entire body. I present to your attention a cocktail recipe and a raw food smoothie recipe.


250 g fresh broccoli;

100 g white cabbage;

2 green apples;

A couple of celery stalks.

Finely chop celery, cabbage and broccoli, load into a blender, put diced apples in the same place. Mix, adding a little water if necessary. Garnish a portion of the cocktail with a slice of lime, if desired, add a little ice.


Two bananas;


A glass of fresh ripe strawberries.

We clean the orange and bananas, slightly break them, put them in a blender. Pour fresh strawberries into the bowl of the device. Turn on the blender for a minute - and the smoothie is ready. In winter, you can take frozen strawberries. To improve the taste, add almond milk to the cocktail.

On the first

Live soups of a raw foodist are good for lunch. Their purpose is to improve digestion, promote the improvement of intestinal microflora. Such soups are simply indispensable during fasting, as they reduce the feeling of hunger and nourish the body with additional energy. Here are two recipes.

What is needed:

Pumpkin 400 g;

Celery 150 g;

Bulgarian pepper 1 pc.;

pumpkin seed;

A bunch of greens (any);

garlic clove;

Spices Curry.

Cooking method:
We cut vegetables, throw them into a blender, put also garlic and spices, pour everything with a glass of raw water. Grind to a homogeneous consistency, serve to the table, decorating with herbs and pumpkin seeds. Salt - to taste.

EASY Zucchini SOUP

Sweet pepper 1 pc;

A small young squash;

Half a glass of water;

Greens for decoration;

garlic clove;

Salt, black pepper, lemon juice to taste.

Using this raw zucchini recipe, you can make a great tasting cleansing soup.

  1. Cooking method:
  2. Peel the zucchini, cut into cubes, load into a blender. Grind with the addition of water;
  3. Finely chop the bell pepper and add to the soup.
  4. Season the soup with spices, crushed garlic, add salt if desired.

The soup is ready. Decorate it with greens, and you can serve it on the table.

For the second


These meatballs are indistinguishable from the real ones. They taste much better than meat ones, and are in no way inferior in calories. It’s not a sin to treat guests like this. Tasty, satisfying and healthy.

Would need:

3-4 carrots;

Half a glass of walnuts and almonds;

2 small heads of red onion;

Juice of half a lemon;

Spices: rosemary, tarragon, parsley, curry - all 1 teaspoon each;

Salt as desired.

We cut carrots, red onions into cubes, throw them into a blender, and load the rest of the ingredients there. Mix well so that there are no visible particles. We get it, we make cutlets. If the mass is watery, add a pinch of flaxseed meal.

The dish is ready. As a side dish, you can use shredded fresh cabbage or porridge from sprouted green buckwheat (the grain is soaked, germinated and chopped in a blender).


The raw food diet uses green buckwheat. It has a white color and in its properties is much more useful than store-bought brown (fried). Traditionally, salads and sweet porridge are prepared from this product. And today I offer you a raw food recipe with green buckwheat, which will surprise all your guests - Greek cheese.

Before starting cooking, buckwheat needs to be germinated: pour spring water, leave for a couple of hours. Then we drain the water, wash the grains to wash off the specific plaque. Pour a thin layer into a plate, cover with gauze and wait exactly a day. The next day, small sprouts should appear, no more than 1 mm.

We wash again. You can cook delicious dishes from cereals.
How to start making our cheese?


Green buckwheat 100 g;

Almonds 150 g;

Lemon juice 2 tablespoons;

Sea salt to taste;

Nutmeg half a teaspoon;

Raw water 100 ml.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Soak almonds for 5 hours in cold water. Then wash the nuts, remove the skin.
  2. Put buckwheat sprouts and almonds in a blender, grind. As soon as the mass becomes viscous, begins to stick to the walls of the blender, add water. Mix again until the mass becomes even, without lumps.
  3. Fold the cheesecloth three times, put the cheese mass into it, squeeze out the liquid, but not dry (otherwise the finished cheese will crumble).
  4. Put the mass in a deep bowl. After adding lemon juice, nutmeg and salt, rinse well with your hands. Wrap in cheesecloth, put in a colander and press for one day. Better put in the fridge.
  5. After a day, we take it out of the refrigerator, unfold it, give it the desired shape with our hands - our cheese is ready to eat!

By the way, do not throw away the expressed liquid. It tastes very similar to cream. You can use the water to make delicious raw food smoothies.


Would need:

2 carrots;

1 medium-sized eggplant;

Tomatoes 3 pcs;

Lentil sprouts 100 g;

Celery root;

100 g walnuts;

A couple of cloves of garlic;

A little green.

This is a great raw food recipe with raw eggplant. Add lentils and vegetables and get a valuable and nutritious salad. Eggplants first need to be prepared - remove the harmful substance solanine from them. We cut the eggplant into cubes, put in a bowl, fall asleep with a spoonful of salt. We leave for 2 hours. Then rinse in cold water, recline in a colander.

Sprout lentils in advance for a day, in the same way as buckwheat (indicated above).
Step by step salad recipe:

  1. Grind eggplant, cut carrots into small cubes. We put everything in a deep bowl;
  2. Nuts, garlic and lentils are passed through a meat grinder and added to a bowl. Lentils can be left whole if desired;
  3. Cut the tomatoes into squares and dice the celery. We mix everything in a bowl. To taste, you can add a spoonful of olive oil and a pinch of salt;
  4. Decorate with greenery.

Desserts in a raw food diet


Let's take:

For cakes: 800 g dates, 400 g figs, 500 g raisins, 100 g sesame seeds, 10 g cinnamon, flax flour (a little).

For layer: 800 g bananas, half an orange, 150 g cashew nuts, a piece of ginger root, a bunch of fresh mint and basil.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Soak dried fruits in spring water for 5 hours, then pass through a meat grinder. Grind sesame seeds in a coffee grinder. We connect everything.
  2. Grind cinnamon in a coffee grinder, add to the mass. Knead soft dough. If there is a lot of water, add a little flaxseed flour.
  3. Then put the mass in a blender, bring to a homogeneous state.
  4. Cashew nuts are also pre-soaked in water for several hours. Squeeze juice from orange.
  5. We put cashews in a blender, adding a little water, we make a homogeneous mass. Then add mint, basil, ginger, orange juice. Peel bananas, cut into thin rounds.
  6. We form the cake as usual: we make cakes from a mass 2 cm thick, put banana slices between them and pour over with a layer. Top with banana slices and sprinkle with coconut flakes.


100 g walnut;

50 g of pine nuts;

100 g almonds;

100 g shredded coconut.

We throw bananas, pine and walnuts, almonds into the blender. Leave a few almonds for the filling. We roll out small balls from the mass, put an almond nut in each inside, roll in coconut flakes. Put in the refrigerator for an hour to harden. Then we serve to the table. The taste is indistinguishable from the real ones!

Recipes from Vadim

I really like the backbone recipes for raw foodists from Vadim Zeland. I think that you, dear readers, will like them too. I bring to your attention a recipe for bread at home and a recipe for an amazing vitamin vinaigrette.

What will be required:

Sprouted wheat 500 g;

3 tomatoes;

Sweet pepper 1 pc;

Dry kelp 70 g;

Half a glass of water;

Garlic, a few cloves;

Flaxseed and sesame seeds - 1 glass each;

Cumin, coriander;

Soy sauce (Japan) 5 tablespoons;

Seasoning for cooking Korean carrots.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the seaweed (kelp), pass it through a meat grinder along with wheat sprouts. Set the grate to the smallest.
  2. Cut the pepper and tomatoes, chop in a blender, adding garlic.
  3. Grind sesame and flax in a coffee grinder.
  4. Combine all the ingredients, put in a deep bowl, knead the dough. Roll out into a layer of small thickness, divide into squares 6 × 6 cm and put on a baking sheet.
  5. Dry in a dehydrator at a temperature not exceeding 40 degrees for about 7 hours.


Broccoli 400 g;

Beets 1 pc;

3 tomatoes;

3 carrots;

Turnip onion 100 g;

Olive oil 1 spoon;

Lemon juice to taste;

Soy sauce made in Japan;

Seasoning Korean carrots.

Recipe step by step:

  1. Disassemble the broccoli into inflorescences, put in a deep dish;
  2. Grate carrots and beets on a coarse grater;
  3. Cut the onion in the form of circles;
  4. Tomatoes cut into cubes;
  5. We put all the products in a dish, mix, add chopped garlic, spices, lemon juice and oil. Spicy lovers can add half a teaspoon of hot chili pepper.

Vinaigrette is ready. Sprinkle with chopped herbs and serve.
You can find even more recipes in V.Zeland's book “Living Kitchen. Update Transfer"


If you do not know how to switch to a raw food diet, you feel a strong addiction to delicious and delicious dishes, the raw food recipes described above will undoubtedly be useful. They are effective for both weight loss and health promotion. Various combinations of vitamin products, aesthetically designed dishes will satisfy any, even the most sophisticated taste, and help your body get used to healthy food.

To help those who have firmly decided to switch to a raw food diet, there is a course by Denis Terentiev "Efficient Raw Food Diet", where you will find answers to current questions and can get advice from a raw foodist with many years of experience.

On this I say goodbye to you. Write comments, share with friends, subscribe to blog news.

Bye everyone! Sincerely, Yuri Okunev.

Good afternoon friends, we will talk again today about the raw food diet, about what raw food dishes you can cook at home, while eating is not only healthy, but also tasty. The last one is a very important factor. After all, many who are just going to think that eating only one plant food, essentially grass, is scarce, insipid, monotonous. But this is far from true! Raw foods, if properly prepared, can produce dishes no less delicious than the usual traditional cooking method. will introduce you to simple and delicious raw food recipes, tell you how to properly germinate wheat and other cereals at home and how to choose the right products for a raw food diet.

How to germinate cereals

The most useful in the menu of any raw foodist are sprouted grains, so if you decide to join this food system, then you need to learn how to germinate the grain yourself. At one time I was fond of this and germinated wheat at home myself. I can say that it is a little troublesome, of course, but in principle, if you do it all the time, it will enter the system. I will say right away that I was not fond of a raw food diet, but added live sprouts to salads, first courses and other foods. It very well enriches the daily diet with all the necessary vitamins and minerals.

I bought the grain in trusted places, this is an important point, so that it is of the most reliable quality, not processed in any way, not spoiled from long lying and storage. A good alternative would be to buy grains in pet stores, grains sold for animals have the necessary supporting documents, which you can ask the seller.

How to cook wheat germ

Pour one or two handfuls of wheat with water and rinse every day in the morning and evening and put on the windowsill, where there is more light. On the third day, small sprouts will appear, on the fourth day you can already eat it. In order to constantly have sprouted wheat, you need to soak it daily. You can also use just soaked wheat, but sprouted wheat has 10 times more vitamins. Peas, lentils, beans are germinated in the same way.

I would also like to add to this that now you can buy ready-made sprouts of completely different grain crops in supermarkets. True, the price of the issue arises, it will be more economical to germinate it yourself. I also did this, if I had a lot of grain sprouting, and I didn’t have time to use everything so that the seedlings would not disappear, I froze them in the freezer. This is also a convenient option, so as not to germinate the grain all the time, but make a batch and eat until it runs out.

How to soak buckwheat

Buckwheat does not germinate. It is simply poured with water a centimeter above the level of the cereal so that all the liquid is absorbed during soaking. And they prepare it like this: the cereal needs to be sorted out, washed and poured with warm drinking water for 4-5 hours. It is advisable to take green buckwheat, since the dark-colored groats sold are fried and there is much less benefit in it.

How to choose the right products

The basis of the raw foodist's menu is: greens, nuts, cereals, fruits and vegetables. If you do not have the opportunity to grow them yourself, then it is important to choose the right products in the store. What should you pay attention to in order to avoid buying low-quality goods.

  • Greens. On the green - black spots, these are traces of chemistry.
  • Nuts. Stale peanuts and cashew nuts, which develop subtle but very harmful mold. This is noticeable by the brown, and not light yellow peel.
  • Fruits and vegetables. Stale, even slightly spoiled oranges and tangerines, in general, all sluggish vegetables and fruits.

It is no secret that the cultivation of vegetables and fruits on an industrial scale is associated with the use of a huge number of fertilizers and chemicals. Such fruits contain a lot of dangerous nitrates and nitrites, you can read about how to avoid this and how a nanometer device can help in this.

How to prepare and store food

Greens. The greens must be peeled, wrapped in paper, then in polyethylene (since direct contact with the film is undesirable). Keep cold. Before use, separate the desired portion, wash thoroughly in a spacious bowl, changing the water. Wash lettuce leaves separately.

In the absence of fresh herbs, you can use dried ones. Parsley, celery, before drying, clean and rinse, separate the greens, cut the stems, chop the root. It is possible to dry on radiators. It is believed that for the greatest preservation of valuable elements, drying should be done in a jar. Dried herbs and roots, after soaking, can then be added to salads or drink infusions from them.

Berries. Harvesting of berries must be done without sugar, but with pasteurization (although this does not correspond to the principle of a raw food diet). You can also fill the berries with honey or freeze (but always at a temperature below -18 ° C). Some berries, such as cranberries or lingonberries, are well stored in a jar filled with ordinary running water on a refrigerator shelf.

You can read more about how to store food in the refrigerator so that they do not lose their beneficial properties.

And now let's look at the menu of a raw foodist, what tasty and healthy dishes can be prepared for the Lenten table. For filling many dishes with a raw food diet, ground sea kale (kelp) is mainly used in powder form. Seaweed replaces salt in all cooked dishes.

Lemon juice can be used as sour juice in all types of salad. But, if some starchy food is eaten at the same time as the salad - cereals, potatoes, etc., then it is better to acidify the salad with the juice of another (not citrus) fruit, for example, pomegranate, cranberries, etc.

Many recipes use onions so that it does not act very irritating, you can pour boiling water over the chopped onion, or use a salad variety instead of the usual onion - purple turnips (as in the photo).

Since beets and carrots are used raw, you need to choose the appropriate varieties. If carrots, then a juicy and sweet variety, for example, Nans, if beets, then sugar.

It is better to buy apples from ours, domestic production, garden antonovka is very good.

Instead of nuts, you can add sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, caraway seeds, etc. to salads.

You should beware of using table vinegar in any form, as it has a detrimental effect on the digestion process!

Dishes from fruits and vegetables

green salad


  • green lettuce leaves
  • Dill
  • Ground seaweed
  • sour juice
  • Vegetable oil


  1. Rinse the green salad thoroughly, tear it with your hands.
  2. Add chopped dill, seaweed.
  3. Dress the salad with diluted water with sour juice and vegetable oil.

Spring salad of young tops of vegetables


  • Tops of young beets and radishes
  • Dandelion leaves, nettle leaves, or edible young leaves of other plants
  • Green onion or garlic
  • Ground seaweed
  • sour juice
  • Vegetable oil


  1. Wash the leaves of young beets, radishes, dandelions, nettles and chop finely.
  2. Add chopped onion or minced garlic.
  3. Season the salad with seaweed, sour juice and vegetable oil.

Cucumber salad


  • cucumbers


  1. Wash cucumbers and cut into small pieces.
  2. Make the salad dressing: Dissolve honey in a little water.

White cabbage salad


  • White cabbage
  • Greens (any)
  • Garlic or onion
  • sour juice
  • Vegetable oil
  • Ground seaweed


  1. Add 1-2 chopped garlic cloves or finely chopped onion, seaweed, sour juice and vegetable oil. Mix all ingredients well.

You can also cook this salad with the addition of spinach and herbs (parsley, dill).


  • Beets or carrots
  • Cabbage
  • Tomatoes
  • Greens (any)
  • Vegetable oil
  • Ground seaweed


  1. Wash beets or carrots, peel and grate.
  2. Wash the cabbage, cut off the sluggish upper leaves, chop.
  3. Cut the washed tomatoes.
  4. Add chopped greens, seaweed and vegetable oil, mix everything.

Tomatoes in the salad can be replaced with sour juice.

"Samarkand salad"


  • Tomatoes
  • cucumbers
  • Bell pepper
  • Nuts (any)


  1. Wash the tomatoes and cucumbers and cut them randomly.
  2. Wash the sweet pepper, remove the stalk and seeds, cut arbitrarily.
  3. Peel the onion and cut into small cubes.
  4. Add any ground nuts.

Carrot salad


  • Carrot
  • Nuts (any)
  • citrus slices


  1. Wash and grate carrots
  2. Add ground nuts
  3. Top the salad with citrus slices.

Spring nettle salad


  • young nettle leaves
  • Nuts (any)
  • sour juice


  1. Wash the young nettle leaves and chop finely.
  2. Chop the nuts with a knife or go over them with a rolling pin.
  3. Add some honey and sour juice (not citrus).

fruit salad


  • apples or quince
  • Pears
  • Potato or wheat
  • Nuts (any)
  • citrus slices


  1. Prepare apples (Antonovka) or quince, pears: wash, remove the core, cut into small pieces.
  2. Peel and finely chop raw potatoes (soaked wheat can be used instead).
  3. Add any ground nuts and garnish the salad with citrus wedges.

Eggplant caviar (or zucchini)


  • eggplant
  • Tomatoes
  • Ground seaweed
  • Vegetable oil


  1. Wash eggplant, peel and grate.
  2. Wash the tomatoes and cut into small pieces.
  3. Add chopped onion, seaweed, vegetable oil.

cabbage rolls


  • Beets or carrots
  • Cabbage (lettuce leaves or beet tops)
  • Greens (any)
  • Nuts (any)
  • sour juice


  1. Grate beets or carrots.
  2. Add sour juice, chopped greens and ground nuts.
  3. Wrap the stuffing in kale or lettuce leaves.

Tabbouleh in Arabic


  • Tomatoes
  • Greens (any)
  • Wheat sprouts
  • Ground seaweed
  • Leaves (grape, cabbage or lettuce)
  • Vegetable oil


  1. Wash the tomatoes and chop finely.
  2. Peel the onion from the husk and also finely chop.
  3. Add chopped greens, vegetable oil, sprouted wheat and seaweed.
  4. Wrap the filling in grape, cabbage or lettuce leaves.

Vegetable salad with pepper


  • Sweet green pepper
  • Carrot
  • Tomatoes
  • Greens (any)
  • Vegetable oil


  1. Wash the pepper, free from seeds and stalk, finely chop.
  2. Wash the carrots, peel and grate.
  3. Wash the tomatoes and cut into small cubes.
  4. Add finely chopped onion, chopped herbs, vegetable oil.

Instead of tomatoes, you can use sour pomegranate juice.

Salad with radish


  • black radish
  • Peanut


  1. Wash the radish, peel and grate on a coarse grater.
  2. Add ground peanuts or other chopped nuts.

Salad with radish and potatoes


  • radish
  • Potato
  • Greens (any)
  • Ground seaweed
  • Vegetable oil


  1. Peel the radish and potatoes and grate on a coarse grater.
  2. Add chopped greens, seaweed and vegetable oil.

Instead of radish, you can put cranberries or other sour (not citrus) fruit in the salad.

Vegetable and apple salad


  • Beets or carrots
  • Apple
  • nuts
  • lettuce leaves


Wash beets or carrots, peel and grate with an Antonov apple on a coarse grater.

Add ground nuts and tear lettuce leaves on top.


  • Dry rose hips
  • Beet
  • Radish
  • Cabbage
  • Carrot
  • cucumbers
  • Greens (parsley, dill)


  1. Insist rose hips, fill the berries with drinking water for several hours (it is better to cook in the evening).
  2. Chop all pre-washed and peeled vegetables with herbs into the rosehip tincture: onions, radishes, cabbage, carrots, cucumbers, parsley, dill, beets.



Dried fruit mix


  1. Soak dried fruits overnight in clean boiled drinking water.
  2. Add honey as a sweetener (it is possible without honey, but then put more figs, dates or sweet dried apricots in the compote).

Dessert of pumpkin and dried fruits


  • Pumpkin
  • Beet
  • Dried fruits


  1. Wash the pumpkin and beets, free from the peel, wipe through a fine grater.
  2. Add soaked dried fruits.

Fig dessert


  • figs
  • Nuts (any)
  • Apples
  • crackers


  1. Cut the figs soaked in boiled water since the evening.
  2. Mix with minced nuts.
  3. Add finely chopped apple and crushed crackers.

Raspberry puree for breakfast


  • Manka
  • Lemon
  • Raspberry
  • Nuts (any)


  1. Soak semolina in boiled water.
  2. Add honey and lemon juice to this mixture.
  3. Make raspberry puree and combine with semolina.
  4. Sprinkle the top with chopped nuts before serving.

Mousse of plums or cherries


  • Plums or cherries
  • Nuts (any)


  1. Plum or cherry (pitted) wipe through a sieve.
  2. Mix berry puree with honey and ground nuts.

Oat flour dish


  • Walnuts
  • Lemon
  • Vanilla to taste


  1. Grind the oats into flour.
  2. Prepare honey water: dilute 1 tablespoon of honey in 200 g of warm water.
  3. Dilute oatmeal in honey water.
  4. Add grated walnuts, lemon juice and some vanilla.



  • Nuts (any)
  • Vanilla to taste


  1. Grind 1/2 cup nuts through a meat grinder.
  2. Mix them with 2 tablespoons of honey.
  3. Add some vanilla, mix everything.


  • Ingredients:
  • Nuts (any)
  • Raisins or figs or dates


  1. Turn on a meat grinder: nuts with raisins, figs or dates.
  2. Honey can be added if desired.

Dishes from legumes and cereals

This pate can be prepared not only from peas, but also from any other legume. It is used as an independent dish, and as a gravy for cereals, since it has a liquid consistency.


  • Peas (sprouted or soaked)
  • Nuts (any)
  • Tomatoes
  • Green onions and any other greens
  • Juice from the grant


  1. Pass sprouted or simply soaked peas through a meat grinder.
  2. Grind nuts in a blender.
  3. Cut the tomatoes into pieces and chop in a blender.
  4. Add ground nuts, tomatoes or sour pomegranate juice, finely chopped green onions, herbs, seaweed to the peas.

Pilaf in Iranian


  • Buckwheat grain
  • Pea sauce


  1. Soak buckwheat in clean drinking water.
  2. Serve separately with pea or lentil gravy for soaked buckwheat (see recipe for pea pâté).

Pilav sweet


  • Buckwheat grain
  • Any dried fruit


  1. Soak buckwheat and dried fruits separately.
  2. Mix soaked buckwheat with dried fruits.


  • Ground nuts (any)
  • Greens (any)
  • Ground seaweed


  1. Mix buckwheat flour with water until thick.
  2. Add ground nuts, onions, herbs, seaweed.



  • Fruit juice
  • ground nuts


  1. Dilute buckwheat flour with fruit juice.
  2. Add ground nuts.

cereal strips


  • cereal sprouts
  • Nuts (any)
  • Dried fruits
  • Greens (any)


  1. Sprouted cereals, nuts, herbs, dried fruits, pass through a meat grinder.
  2. Form dough into balls or cut into strips.

Instead of cereals, you can use malt or whole-ground flour, diluted with an infusion of greens, fruits, or just water.

Cereal strips with poppy


  • cereal dough


  1. Poppy interpret in a mortar.
  2. Cereal dough (see recipe above) fill with ground or crushed poppy seeds.

Porridge with nut milk


  • Buckwheat grain
  • Nuts or poppy


  1. Soak the buckwheat.
  2. Prepare nut or poppy milk. To do this, dilute any crushed nuts (walnuts, almonds) or crushed poppy seeds in clean drinking water.
  3. Pour the buckwheat groats soaked the day before with nut, almond or poppy milk.

Dishes for a raw food diet with step by step photos for every day

In addition to these recipes, friends, you can see a selection of recipes for a raw food diet with step-by-step photos that I previously published on the site if you follow the links:

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Sincerely, Lyubov Fedorova.

The army of raw food fans is growing year by year. This is not surprising, because modern scientists unanimously claim that raw plant foods are exactly the food that allows you to effortlessly lose weight, cleanse the body of harmful substances and keep blood vessels in good shape, saving yourself from deadly cardiovascular diseases.

There are not so many fans of the raw food diet in our country yet. The fact is that for many this nutrition system is associated with life from hand to mouth, because people simply do not know how you can eat only plant foods and at the same time cook tasty, healthy, and most importantly, hearty meals. And to correct this shortcoming, in this article we will show how diverse a raw food diet can be. Recipes for every day will help us with this.

10 simple raw food recipes for every day

1. Nut soup

You will be surprised, but the real soup can be made from almonds and walnuts. Try it, it's really delicious!

  • 850 g nuts (walnuts or almonds);
  • 800 ml of water;
  • 2 celery stalks;
  • 1 tbsp chopped red onion;
  • 1 tbsp olive oil;
  • 1 tsp lemon juice;
  • 1 tsp salt;
  • 1 tsp turmeric.

Preparing this raw food soup is extremely simple: just grind all the ingredients except for the spices, and, after loading them into a blender bowl, grind them well. After that, it remains to add water, salt, turmeric, lemon juice and olive oil, and mix again in a blender until smooth. Enjoy your meal!

2. Mint Cucumber Soup

Cucumbers are one of the most favorite vegetables in the diet of a raw foodist, because they perfectly tone the body and fill it with vitality. But has anyone thought of combining cucumber and mint? And you try!

  • 800 ml of water;
  • 3 large cucumbers;
  • 60 g mint leaves (fresh or dried);
  • 60 g nuts (almonds or pine nuts);
  • 1 lemon;
  • 2 tbsp olive oil;
  • 1 tsp sea ​​salt.

First, peel the lemon, and remove the seeds from the slices. We also remove the peel from cucumbers, and if available, seeds. All ingredients (except mint) are loaded into a blender bowl and mixed for a minute until they turn into a homogeneous thick paste. It remains only to add mint leaves to our dish and grind the cucumber soup for another 30 seconds. Pour the soup into a bowl, and top with thin slices of cucumber or lemon.

3. Strawberry gazpacho

Now let's talk about the original way of making Spanish gazpacho soup. In the raw food recipe, we will refuse to use bread, but we will add strawberries as one of the ingredients.

  • 3 large ripe tomatoes;
  • 1 sweet bell pepper;
  • 8 large strawberries;
  • juice of ½ part of a lemon;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 1 pinch of chili pepper;
  • ½ tsp ground red pepper;
  • 1 pinch of iodized salt

Gazpacho is also very easy to prepare. The vegetables are peeled, the peel is removed from the tomatoes, and the seeds from the peppers. After cutting into pieces, send the vegetables to a blender and chop them well. Then add lemon juice and the remaining spices to the resulting mixture. Mix the products again in a blender until all the lumps are dissolved. The finished homogeneous mass will be our gazpacho soup, which you just need to pour into a plate and decorate with a sprig of basil before serving.

4. Salad with vegetables and herbs

This is the most classic example of a salad that anyone who decides to become a raw foodist can easily prepare. Appreciate its taste and the health benefits it brings.

  • 4 large tomatoes (red or yellow);
  • 2 medium cucumbers;
  • 3 red or orange sweet peppers;
  • 1 large red onion;
  • ¾ cup chopped mint;
  • 3-4 green onion feathers;
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 cup chopped parsley;
  • pepper and salt - to taste;
  • a few flax crackers and a couple of slices of bread.

To prepare a vegetable salad, carefully sort and wash all the selected vegetables. Cut the tomatoes, cucumbers and onions into cubes, peppers into squares, and simply chop the greens and garlic with a knife. Combine all chopped vegetables in a bowl and mix with a spoon. Dress your salad with lemon juice and olive oil, add honey to the bowl, pepper, salt, and then mix it thoroughly.

Let the salad sit and soak for thirty minutes at room temperature, then divide into bowls and crumble crackers on top before serving.

5. Lentil porridge for raw foodists

  • 1 glass of lentils;
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 cucumber;
  • 3 cm ginger root;
  • 1 handful of dried seaweed;
  • 1 bunch of greens.

To prepare raw food porridge, we first soak lentil grains in the evening so that our dish can be prepared in the morning. We clean the ginger root and rub it finely on a grater. Pass the carrot through a larger grater. Cut the cucumber into strips, and simply chop the garlic with a knife as finely as possible. Mix chopped vegetables and soaked lentils, mix the ingredients, add salt and ginger. Sprinkle our dish with dry cabbage on top and decorate with chopped herbs. Lentil porridge is ready!

6. Cabbage rolls for a raw foodist

Let's say to stuffed cabbage fans that becoming raw foodists they will not have to give up their favorite dish at all. In confirmation, the recipe for wonderful raw cabbage rolls:

  • 2 cups flax or sesame seeds;
  • ½ cup walnuts;
  • 1 bunch of celery;
  • 1 bunch of parsley;
  • 10 leaves of cabbage (you can Beijing);
  • 2 tbsp olive oil;
  • coriander and sea salt.

For filling:

  • 1 bell pepper;
  • 2 onions;
  • 1 avocado;
  • 1 cup germinated corn;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 1 handful of dried seaweed.

Soak flax or sesame seeds in a bowl for 12 hours, and then grind in a meat grinder. Pass through a meat grinder and nuts. Finely chop the greens and combine all the ingredients, adding olive oil to them and seasoning with salt and coriander. Spread the finished paste on each cabbage leaf.

Let's start preparing the filling. Chopped for this purpose, grind the products with a knife, and then grind in a blender. We mix all the components until a thick homogeneous mass is obtained, which we then add to each leaf of cabbage. We wrap the sheets with the filling in an envelope. Pigeons are ready! If you want to spice up the dish, chop a couple of cloves of garlic on a fine grater and, mixing them with olive oil, rub each cabbage roll with the mixture.

Read also:

7. Lentil sausages

If you're just starting out on a raw food diet and still miss sausages, just make them with lentils!

  • 1 glass of lentils;
  • 1 bell pepper;
  • ½ cup sunflower seeds or flaxseed;
  • 2/3 garlic cloves;
  • ½ jar of olives;
  • pepper and salt.

First, soak the lentils in water for 8-10 hours. The softened product must be ground to a mushy state. We cut the bell pepper and, also grinding, combine with the lentil mass. Next, we grind sunflower seeds (or flax seeds) and chopped olives (which had previously been pitted). We combine all the ingredients and mix them thoroughly in a blender.

From the resulting mass we sculpt small sausages, each of which is wrapped in cling film and placed in a cold place. After allowing the sausages to harden for some time, you can use them separately or in combination with a vegetable salad. It's incredibly delicious!

8. Beetroot dumplings

Fans of dumplings can recommend a raw food version of the famous Czech dish using beet tops.

  • 2 glasses of beet tops;
  • 1 cup spinach;
  • 1 cup cilantro;
  • 1 glass of walnuts;
  • ½ tsp ground pepper;
  • ½ tsp sea ​​salt;
  • 2 tbsp lemon juice or garlic juice (for dressing)

We start cooking with cilantro and spinach. Greens must be chopped, tearing into pieces with your hands. Then we take a meat grinder and grind the nuts. We combine chopped nuts with torn greens, season the mixture with spices and begin to slowly grind, gradually adding chopped beet tops. You should get a thick green paste, from which we then form small balls. On the table, beetroot dumplings should be served with vegetable slices or salad.

9. Layer cake

From raw vegetables, you can make a real layer cake. And believe me, in taste it will not yield to the well-known confectionery products.

  • 3 sweet tomatoes;
  • 1 avocado;
  • ½ cup almonds;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 beet;
  • 3-4 cabbage leaves;
  • juice of ½ lemon;
  • ½ cup sesame seeds;
  • ½ dried seaweed;
  • 1 bunch of dill and basil;
  • spices and salt.

Initially, chop the almonds, cut the avocado into cubes, and cut the tomatoes into thin circles. We clean the beets and carrots and grind them on a grater, and cut the cabbage leaf into squares.

We begin to lay out the vegetables in layers, forming our pie. To do this, pour chopped almonds on the bottom of the dish, put chopped cabbage on top of it, and then tomatoes. On top of the tomatoes lay out the avocado cubes interspersed with sesame seeds and carrots. Sprinkle the cake with salt and pour over the lemon juice. We cover everything with chopped beets and pour over the beet juice, which was formed in the process of rubbing the vegetable. It remains only to decorate our dish with sprigs of basil and dill, and you can serve it on the festive table!

10. Strawberry shortcake

You will be surprised, but raw foodists can make almost any sweetness from the products that suit them, which is not inferior in taste and appearance to confectionery. Here is a recipe for a delicious strawberry pie.
Cake base:

  • 1 cup dried coconut pulp;
  • 1 cup cashew nuts;
  • 2/3 cup dates.
  • 6 glasses of strawberries;
  • 2 cups cashews;
  • ½ cup honey;
  • ½ cup coconut oil;
  • ¼ cup lemon juice.

To prepare the crunchy base of our cake, grind the coconut pulp and cashew nuts in a coffee grinder to a flour state. Combine this powder with the same crushed dates. Mix everything thoroughly and, having filled the selected molds, leave them to harden.

Load two cups of strawberries, honey, coconut oil and lemon juice into a blender, then mix them in a blender to make a thick cream. Cut the remaining strawberries and cashew nuts into pieces, combine them with the prepared cream and mix everything well with a spoon. It remains only to put the filling in each mold with a spoon, and you can serve it to the table. Enjoy your meal!

We hope this article has convinced you that eating raw vegetables and fruits has nothing to do with a poor diet. Now you know that the raw food diet, the recipes for every day of which are given in this article, is an effective way of eating that will make you slimmer and, of course, more energetic and healthier.
Take care of your health!