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Tarot reading “Will we be together? Tarot card spreads

The worst thing is when there are unanswered questions in life - questions to which we have not received a clear answer. The uncertainty of the situation sometimes weighs more heavily than the situation itself. The unknown lies like a heavy burden, threatening to one day fall on your head. In order to prevent anything bad from happening, such situations in which unresolved issues remain must be stopped, it is important to dot the i’s in a timely manner. This should also be done when everything that was supposed to happen has already happened. All that remains is to find out what caused it and what conclusions need to be drawn from this. Alternatively, you can always:

  • Seek advice from an outsider who is ready to express his opinion from the outside. But do you need the recommendations of such a well-wisher?
  • Make a Tarot reading for an unclear situation. In the process of fortune telling, a lot will become clearer. The main thing is to correctly interpret the symbols of the cards. The main card (significator) will be the situation that you need to find out.

So, it is possible and necessary to find out what is unclear, even if we are talking about clarifying relationships. You should always know how the people around you treat you. And if you have doubts about the sincerity of the person standing next to you, be sure to turn to the wisdom of Tarot cards. They won't let you down.

Features of the layout of cards for an unclear situation

The power of any deck of Tarot cards lies in its ability to see the hidden capabilities or reserves of a person. The first card of the layout will reveal all the possible causes of the problem, which quite often lie on the surface, and which we simply do not want to notice. In addition, the interpretation of fortune telling will not only clarify, but also indicate what exactly you should pay the most attention to. If there are things that can be ignored and not taken into account, then in the Tarot layout they will definitely be pointed out so that you do not waste your energy in vain. The final card summarizes the experience gained, which may be useful later.

The situation that comes out of each Tarot layout is different. It describes in detail what conclusion should be drawn, a lesson to be learned.

The article will present the most common and convenient layouts on Tarot cards.

Fortune telling with Tarot cards is a creative process. That is why what layout to use is not important.

  • In fortune telling, the main thing is how you are determined. Your sensitivity to images depends on this.
  • You need to start fortune telling with one card. This is the easiest way for beginners or simple situation
  • In any layout there is such a thing as an “auxiliary card”. It is removed at the end of the layout when clarification is required
  • The interpretation of fortune telling should occur on two levels - intuitive (sensual) and rational. As practice shows, it is the intuitive interpretation of fortune telling that is the most correct
  • Regularly laying out the cards, make personal notes in a notebook, write about your feelings about the cards that fell out. Over time, you will develop your favorite layouts that you will customize for yourself.

How to tune in to fortune telling?

  • Fortune telling should become a kind of ritual for you, when your thoughts and feelings are focused only on the issue of interest
  • Those who have previously meditated will find it easier to concentrate. For those who haven’t done this, we advise you to practice the art of meditation
  • During fortune telling, nothing should distract you. There should be no strangers, irritating sounds or smells
  • Sit in a comfortable position, take the cards in your hands and slowly shuffle the deck
  • While shuffling, turn off the flow of thoughts and try to clear your head of thoughts. Create a vacuum in your head and feel complete relaxation
  • Be in a state of calm for as long as you want. At a certain point you will feel that you are ready to start fortune telling.
  • Turn the deck face down and remove the cards with your left hand towards you
  • At this moment, mentally ask a question to the cards, as if asking it to yourself
  • Each card must be removed carefully and thoughtfully. Focus on every movement and do not be distracted by extraneous thoughts

Tarot card spreads

  • The main method of prediction on Tarot cards is all kinds of layouts
  • The essence of the layouts is the same - they give an answer to the question, advice and evaluate various influences on the situation
  • There are simple layouts where there are only exact values ​​(for example, a specific answer to a question). And there are those where there are cards that characterize hidden influences. To understand them, you must already have some knowledge of the art of fortune telling.
  • It’s better to start the bastard with simple layouts. They will help you become familiar with the deck and learn to feel the cards.
  • Sometimes when shuffling a card falls face up. You need to pay attention to it, as it is a hint of fate. It may not answer a specific question, but simply assess your current situation

3 simple layouts for the current situation, for now

  • "1 card" layout. This is a simple layout that is good both for beginners and for those who are interested in a short answer without explanation. It can be used as an answer to a question or a prediction of the current day. In this scenario, it’s easy to study the deck and make personal notes. After shuffling the deck of cards, remove them with your left hand towards you. Mentally ask a question and draw a card. After that, carefully examine what is depicted on it. Without looking into the interpretation, feel what emotions the image conveys. Try to connect this image with your feelings. Write everything down in a notepad. Only after this read the meaning of the card and translate it to suit your situation
  • "3 cards" layout. Also a simple layout that will help clarify the situation in time. The cards are laid out on the table in the following order: “Past”, “Present” and “Future”. The first card is what circumstances influenced the situation. Average - the current state of affairs. The latter is a variant of the development of events in the current state of affairs
  • "5 cards" layout. This layout is more complex than the previous two. It contains additional cards that have a more intuitive interpretation. You need to do this layout after you have already studied the deck and can freely do analysis. We lay out the cards on the table in this order: “Past”, “Present”, “Hidden influence”, “Advice”, “Possible result”. “Hidden Influence” is a card that points out aspects of an issue that you have missed. You may be too focused on one area of ​​your life, causing others to suffer. “Advice” is the practical action that will be best in a given situation.

Simple Tarot spreads

Methods of Tarot divination for love, relationships

  • Sometimes personal relationships don’t work out and you want to understand what needs to be changed
  • To do this, try making the “Help in Love” layout. It will help you understand what in your behavior repels people around you.

Layout “Help in love”

  • In the layout we will have 5 cards, which should be laid out in the order shown in the diagram
  • 1 - your readiness to build relationships. This card speaks to your personal willingness to give and receive love.
  • 2 - obstacles on the path to love. The map shows what is stopping you from finding love
  • 3 - advice on what to do to find a life partner
  • 4 - what external factors (people) prevent you from building relationships?
  • 5 - result, or general assessment of the situation

Ways to predict the future using Tarot

Fortune telling for wish fulfillment “Horseshoe”

  • The layout will have 5 cards, which are laid out on the table in the shape of a horseshoe, as in the diagram below
  • 1 - the rational part of the desire, how your mind relates to it
  • 2 - the intuitive part of desire, what your inner voice says
  • 3 - how desire will affect future events
  • 4 - factors (people) that stand in the way of achieving what you want
  • 5 - factors (people) that contribute to the fulfillment of desire
Fortune telling "Horseshoe"

Life fortune telling "Horoscope"

  • This fortune telling includes all aspects of life, helps to look at them from the outside and characterize them. There are 13 cards in total. 12 are specific aspects, and 13th is the final one
  • The cards are laid out in the shape of an astrological circle, with the last card placed in the center
  • 1 - your “I”, life goals and priorities
  • 2 - card that characterizes the material part of the issue (money, career, property)
  • 3 - people who surround you or everyday activities. Everything that happens to you every day is part of life.
  • 4 - mentor, teachers or parents. Influence of those stronger or wiser than you
  • 5 - children or subordinates. Your influence on people who depend on you
  • 6 - negative aspects of life (illness, “gray everyday life”, problems at work or in personal life). Everything that prevents you from living fully
  • 7 - people who are nearby and important to you (friends, partners, personal contacts). The card indicates your relationships and their impact on life in general.
  • 8 - secret passions and desires. A card that reveals your secret passions
  • 9 - indicates spiritual or mental development. What you lack and what you need to strive for
  • 10 - success and your vanity desires. What you want to achieve in life
  • 11 - your place in society, how people around you react to you, what impression you make
  • 12 is a card that shows restrictions in your life. What is stopping you from moving forward on the path to happiness?
  • 13 - final map that summarizes and explains all the previous ones
Fortune telling "Horoscope"

Fortune telling for all occasions “Celtic Cross”

  • "Celtic Cross" is a universal fortune telling that can clarify any situation
  • This layout is based on a personality map. This is a card that characterizes you personally
  • There are two ways to choose a personality card. The first is to simply choose the one from the deck that you like best. That. with which you personally associate yourself, your feelings and experiences
  • The second way is astrological. We choose the suit: swords - air signs (Libra, Aquarius, Gemini), wands - fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), cups - water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces), pentacles - earth (Virgo, Capricorn, Taurus)
  • Now we select a card according to gender and age. Boys - Knights, girls - Pages, men - Kings, women - Queens
  • Example: a girl who was born under the sign of Gemini must choose her personal card, Page of Swords

Celtic cross layout

  • 1 is a card that indicates the essence of the issue. It talks about a person’s place in relation to the question being asked.
  • 2 - “cross”. A card that speaks of obstacles or lack thereof. For situations that need to be kept under control. The first two cards are of utmost importance for the entire layout
  • 3 - Indicates aspects that led to this problem.
  • 4 - past. What is left behind but still has an impact on the present. 3 and 4 cards are connected and form a general description of your past affairs
  • 5 is a card that indicates opportunities and prospects. It indicates the best solution to the problem
  • 6 - future. Shows what fate has in store for you in the near future. Cards 5 and 6 are connected
  • 7 - a card that indicates your subconscious attitude to the issue
  • 8 - indicates the people who surround you: family, friends, enemies. All those who have influence on the situation
  • 9 - hopes or fears regarding the issue
  • 10 is the result. The final map, which shows how the matter could end in the current situation
Fortune telling "Celtic cross"

How to interpret fortune telling?

  • If the fortune telling is complex, then it needs to be assessed as a whole. That is, not only specific cards, but also their connections
  • Pay attention to how many straight and inverted cards are in the layout
  • Make a general assessment of fortune telling. Which images are there more? What suits? What cards are there that indicate personalities?
  • Think about everything you see on the cards, about their images
  • Only then read the meaning of the cards. Record meaningful phrases in a notebook and associate them with personal feelings

How to turn any fortune telling only to the benefit?

  • Many people avoid fortune telling precisely because they are afraid of negative answers. They believe that what is predicted by the cards will happen
  • Remember that cards do not provide specific answers to questions. This is just a tool to help you understand yourself.
  • Even if the answer is negative, think about what you can change. After all, the negative answer has come out now, given the current state of affairs. But what happens next is up to you to decide
  • Any fortune telling is beneficial, because it helps to look at the situation from the other side, to evaluate hidden factors

The meaning of cards in the Tarot deck

  • A deck of Tarot cards has 78 cards, which are divided into the Major and Minor Arcana.
  • You can study the meaning of the cards here
  • Write down your intuitive feelings from the cards and compare them with the general interpretation. Over time you will receive individual tarot card meanings

Video: Celtic Cross layout

Every girl and woman wants to know how this or that man treats her and what a relationship with him in general can lead to. Especially if this man has sunk deep into her soul. One way to find out about everything is to tell fortunes about relationships using playing cards. Fortune telling will be able to dispel doubts, look at the current situation from the other side and find out what the chosen one is thinking about.


Method 1: Relationship layout

Who wouldn't want to know not only what's happening now, but also about the future? Using this layout, you can tell fortunes about relationships and events, covering the next 3-4 months.

Fortune telling process:

  1. You should carefully shuffle the deck of cards, representing your loved one.
  2. You can put his photo and personal belongings next to him.
  3. Put three cards on the left - these are his feelings, his thoughts and everything connected with him.
  4. Put three cards on the right - this is you, your feelings.
  5. Putting one card between you is a description of your situation.
  6. Place three more cards that will tell you what to expect from the relationship.

Fortune telling result:

All sixes indicate that the person wants to meet you, he wants to come and see you.

  • 6 of hearts - a love date, your partner is eager to meet you and it will most likely happen.
  • 6 of diamonds is the same, but a person may also have business interests.
  • 6 crosses - friendly meetings, interest.
  • 6 peak – reluctance to meet with you.

Sevens can talk about both deception and love.

  • 7 of Hearts – love languor, sexual desires, but nothing more.
  • 7 diamonds – selfish interest.
  • 7 crosses - friendship, they are counting on you.
  • 7 peak – grief, tears, worries, you may be offended or you will be offended by your loved one.

Eights are a desire to talk, to confess love.

  • 8 of hearts - you have a lot in common, a love confession, pleasant communication.
  • 8 diamonds – common hobbies, work. There is a lot of talk about money and material things.
  • 8 crosses – pleasant communication, friendly atmosphere.
  • 8 of spades – quarrel, misunderstanding, you speak different languages.

All nines are directly related to love.

  • Nines (except 9 of spades) indicate that you are loved. But the intensity of feelings is different.
  • The strongest love is 9 of hearts, then comes
  • 9 crosses and in last place is 9 diamonds.
  • The 9th peak is, on the contrary, hostility, lack of feelings, selfishness.
  • Dozens of 10 worms are a very strong feeling, a desire to always be close.
  • 10 diamonds - responsibility, a person wants to win your heart with expensive gifts, restaurants, etc. Not entirely pure intentions.
  • 10 crosses - friendship, strong family, common interests.
  • 10 of spades - all plans will collapse, nothing will work out, relationships are threatening. Divorce.

All jacks indicate that the person is constantly thinking about you. He makes plans, your image is in his heart.

  • Jack of Hearts - love thoughts, love languor.
  • Jack of crosses - thoughts about rapprochement, but the person is still afraid.
  • Jack of Diamonds - uncertainty, a person makes a choice, thoughts about a rival or opponent.
  • Jack of spades - thoughts of betrayal, bad mood, desire to deceive.

Aces will talk about love and friendship, seriousness and stability of relationships.

  • Ace of Hearts - great love, wedding, serious relationship.
  • Ace of crosses - strong friendship, stability of relationships.
  • Ace of diamonds - money comes first, then everything else. Marriage of convenience.
  • Ace of spades - depression, a strong blow, betrayal that will lead to divorce. Black magic, love spell.

All ladies and kings are specific people in your environment. These could be friends or enemies, lovers or rivals. We need to look at what cards they come up with. Suit can roughly describe a person's age.

  • Tambourines are young, usually unmarried people, under 30 years old.
  • Worms are people around 30 or older, may or may not be married.
  • Kresti are people over 35 years of age, almost always married.
  • Spades are strangers, often rivals, enemies. After 50 years.

Important card combinations:

  • Ace of Hearts – 9 or 10 of Hearts – Wedding, serious relationship
  • Ace of spades – Any nine – Divorce, breakup
  • Any nine - 7 or 10 of spades - treason, betrayal
  • Ace of hearts – 10 or Ace of diamonds – marriage of convenience, self-interest in relationships

Useful tips: The more cards of the heart suit, the better. It means you are loved and wanted. But peaks are bad, there are problems. If there are queens in his cards (or kings, if you are fortune-telling for a woman), this may indicate betrayal. Look what is lying nearby, if there are jacks, it means that your loved one is constantly thinking about someone, but not about you. If there are bad cards, it means that your opponent has already interfered in your relationship. Don’t rush to draw conclusions if you see the queen of diamonds with your husband. This may also mean that a certain woman is actively pursuing your husband, he may not know anything.

Method 2: Classic layout

This is the easiest way to tell fortunes about relationships. It does not require special effort or knowledge. Allows you to find out whether the relationship has a future and what is stopping it.

Fortune telling process:

  1. A man makes a wish for a certain king.
  2. The deck is shuffled and removed with the left hand towards you.
  3. Next, the cards are laid out in order until the hidden king appears. Then do the following:
  4. For example, king of spades:
  5. “King of Spades” - say the phrase while removing the first card from the deck;
  6. “Tell me, dear” - taking off the second;
  7. "Do you love me?" - to the third;
  8. “I love you” - say, taking the fourth card;
  9. “With all my heart” - on the fifth;
  10. “With all my soul” - on the sixth;
  11. “But there is someone better than you,” you finish saying this on the seventh card.

Fortune telling results:

  1. If you get “Say, darling” or “Do you love me?” together with the hidden king (for example, the king of spades), then the person has not yet decided on his feelings.
  2. If the “King of Diamonds” comes up, then the relationship between you is just beginning to take shape, so you shouldn’t think too much ahead.
  3. The phrases “I love you”, “With all my heart”, “With all my soul” speak of a person’s love for you in one form or another.
  4. “But there is someone better than you” comes out when you have a rival or when a man is seriously infatuated with another lady.

Method 3: Name layout

A unique and easiest way to tell fortunes about relationships. Using a reading for a name, you can find out what a man is feeling or thinking at a given time.

Fortune telling process:

  1. Shuffle the deck.
  2. Then place the card face down on the name account.
  3. For example, Alexey, it turns out 7 cards in a row, then subsequent rows until the cards run out.
  4. You should look at the same cards, for example 2 jacks, 2 queens, 3 jacks or 3 kings, and so on.

Fortune telling result:

  • 6 + 6 – road.
  • 7 + 7 – flirting, can change.
  • 8 + 8 – quarrel, disagreement, separation.
  • 9 + 9 – wants to talk.
  • 10 + 10 – interested, date, proposal.
  • Jack + Jack - wants to see you.
  • Lady + Lady – thinks about you.
  • King + King – considers you proud.
  • Ace + Ace - in love with you.

Useful tips: The more cards of the same value are dropped, the greater the likelihood that they portend, regardless of how they lie in relation to each other - along or across. If all 4 cards fall out, then the probability is one hundred percent.

Method 4: Love spread

You can tell fortunes about love relationships and get the most accurate result using special old cards. However, no one forbids you to draw old meanings yourself on a new playing deck.

Fortune telling process:

  1. After asking a question, you need to lay out three cards from left to right.
  2. In this fortune-telling, the main role is played by the position of the main card, which is called the QUEEN OF DAMBISON, if the fortune-telling is for a woman, and the KING OF THE DAMBISON, if for a man.
  3. If the queen is located strictly in the center of the layout - in the middle - this indicates a favorable prognosis if a woman is being told fortunes. The cards to the left and right of the Queen of Diamonds mean what will happen in the near future.
  4. Cards located above the main card will predict a more distant future.
  5. The cards located below the main card will show what supports you in life.

Fortune telling result:

  • 2 hearts – Frog Princess. The card calls for action, since only in fairy tales does a frog turn into a princess in the blink of an eye.
  • 3 hearts - Ball. A way out of the confusing situation will be found and the long-awaited success will soon be found.
  • 8 peak – Castle. Obstacles in getting things done.
  • 9 of hearts – Horse. The card speaks of a large-scale event - a wedding, the birth of a child, a trip. Surrounded by unfavorable cards indicates that you are waiting for a Prince or Princess on a white horse. Do you know how to ride a horse yourself?
  • Queen of spades - Mermaid. The card speaks of love that is dangerous to reputation, through which you can lose your fortune. In the scenario for ladies, it warns them against envious people.
  • Jack of spades - Water. The card suggests that there is a false friend, a love triangle, next to you.
  • Ace of Hearts - Firebird. Firebird is the best card! Neutralizes the influence of bad cards, speaks of happiness in love affairs.
  • 10 of hearts – Fairy. The card indicates that you will soon meet Mr. Case. Don't miss it!
  • 6 diamonds – Rainbow. This card shows that there will be a wedding soon! She also talks about receiving good news, happiness, joy and love.
  • 9th peak – Raven. The card says there will be no wedding. If the querent is married, she predicts receiving bad news and tears.
  • 6 of hearts – Horseshoe. The card promises a meeting that is more likely to be happy than unhappy.
  • Jack – Cup. The card indicates a quick date.
  • The King and Queen of Hearts are the Sun. This card predicts a useful acquaintance. If the king of hearts comes up - with a man, if the queen of hearts - with a woman.
  • King and Queen of Clubs - Month. The card foreshadows an acquaintance that will bring empty troubles. If the king of cups comes up - with a man, if the queen of cups - with a woman. Often the king and queen of clubs indicate widowers or people who have been in an unsuccessful marriage.
  • King of Diamonds – King. This is the card of the questioner, if a man is guessing.
  • Queen of Diamonds – Queen. This card points to the questioner if the fortune-telling is performed by a woman.

Useful tips: if next to the King of Diamonds card there is a Queen of Diamonds card, this is a sign predicting happiness in love. If the King of Diamonds card lies next to the Queen of Diamonds card, this is a sign that predicts happiness in love.

Method 5: Compatibility Alignment

To tell fortunes about relationships in this way, you need to have a deck of 36 cards on hand. During the process of fortune telling, it is advisable to constantly think about the person for whose sake it is being performed.

Fortune telling process:

  1. You need to shuffle the deck of playing cards, constantly thinking about the person you are telling fortunes about.
  2. Count the number of letters in his full name. For example, Andrey.
  3. Then you should remove the top card of the deck and place it face down on the table. Also lay out a row of six cards (according to the number of letters in the name).
  4. Two cards of the same value must be removed during the layout.
  5. After this, you need to move the next card after the removed one to the previous one.
  6. If there are again cards of the same value nearby, then remove them too.
  7. If cards of the same value lie one under the other, then they must also be removed.
  8. The remaining cards must be moved in the order in which they were laid out. Cards that are adjacent to each other in the same vertical or horizontal rows are removed.
  9. Aces have an advantage over other cards; they can be removed.
  10. The layout of cards continues until the end of the deck.

Fortune telling results:

After all the cards have been laid out, you should count the number of remaining ones. If there are six cards left, then the hidden person is your destiny. If there are more left, and in general, the more cards left, the less likely it is that this person is destined for you.

Method 6: Layout of three

To conduct fortune telling, you need a deck of 36 cards. From the deck you should highlight one main card to yourself, indicating the person for whom the fortune telling will take place. It is noteworthy that the queen of diamonds denotes a young unmarried girl. The king of the same suit is her lover. The queen and king of hearts are a married woman under fifty years of age and her husband. The queen and king of clubs are people over fifty years old. Spades are the enemies or ill-wishers of the person being told fortunes.

Fortune telling process:

  1. Shuffle the deck well.
  2. Then pull out and place one card on top of another on the table, saying: “six, seven, eight, etc. to the ace."
  3. Cards that will come out according to the words spoken are put aside.
  4. This should be done three times, and then all the postponed cards should be put in a row and compared with the values.

Fortune telling result:


  • Ace - have no doubt, you are loved!
  • King - don’t worry, you’ll get everything!
  • Lady - hide your feelings, you are being watched!
  • Jack - they remember you and want to see you!
  • Ten - guess again!
  • Nine - you are dearly loved!
  • Eight - a new face will decide your fate!
  • Seven - beware, don't play with fire!
  • Six - your intention threatens you with trouble!


  • Ace - what you have planned will not come true!
  • King - beware, they want to deceive you!
  • Lady - you are in for an insult!
  • Jack - you are unreasonably jealous!
  • Ten - sadness will disappear thanks to work!
  • Nine - you will soon get rid of a serious condition!
  • Eight - wait for the good news!
  • Seven - soon everything will change for the better!
  • Six - your happiness is fragile, they will cheat on you!


  • Ace - you made the wrong step, and therefore you will not have success!
  • King - hurry up, otherwise you will lose everything!
  • Lady - you will receive a worthy reward!
  • Jack - your loved one will make you sad!
  • Ten - do not enter into friendly relations, so as not to regret later!
  • Nine - you will receive sad news!
  • Eight - you will soon learn about the illness of a person close to you!
  • Seven - praise awaits you even from your enemies!
  • Six - something you don’t expect will happen!


  • Ace - believe what they tell you!
  • King - you will receive good news!
  • Lady - your wish will soon come true!
  • Jack - don't wait, your efforts are in vain!
  • Ten - great happiness awaits you!
  • Nine - keep your secret!
  • Eight - beware of danger, it is close!
  • Seven - trouble awaits you - retribution for the past!
  • Six - act wisely so as not to grieve later!

Interpretation of card connections:

  • The king's lady is a married woman or a secret bride.
  • The king at the feet of the lady is the fidelity of the lover.
  • A lady between tens is a proposal or a love explanation.
  • An eight near a lady is gossip.
  • Four sevens are trouble.
  • Ace of spades with sevens is a relative’s illness.
  • A king between an ace and a ten is a promotion.
  • The ace of spades with the ten of diamonds is a quarrel.
  • Queen and ten with the king of the same suit - the king will receive a response to his love.
  • King and ten with a queen of the same suit - the lady will receive a response to her love.
  • Four aces together - wish fulfillment.
  • The Four Kings are a big society.
  • Four ladies - conversations and gossip.
  • Four jacks is a big hassle.
  • Four tens - wedding.
  • Four nines - a change in life.
  • Four sixes - a long road.

Useful tips: It is also necessary to pay attention to the suit of the cards. For example, the red suit means loyalty, friendship, love, honor, truth, virtue. The suit of diamonds means wealth, a prosperous and prosperous, contented and cheerful life. The suit of clubs represents trouble, scandalous incidents, boredom, loss, dishonor, illness or infidelity. The suit of spades signifies hope and happiness, success in a new venture.

Method 7: Gypsy layout

The Gypsy spread is a great way to tell fortunes about relationships, find out what is happening with this or that person right now and get answers to all questions. You can find out about a situation of interest that may occur at the moment. For example, a meeting is expected. Or about what will happen in a week or month.

Fortune telling process:

  1. You should concentrate and formulate the question, having a good idea of ​​the person or situation.
  2. Pull one card from the deck at random.
  3. You can pull out three cards twice and the seventh under the “curtain”.
  4. If the cards do not give a clear answer, draw three more, but no more.
  5. If the answer is still not clear to you, it is possible that the answer to the question posed has not yet been prepared by fate.

Fortune telling result:


  • Six is ​​the road.
  • Seven and eight - conversations, meetings, conversations.
  • Nine is love.
  • Ten - hopes, plans, dreams (unrealizable if there are ten spades nearby).
  • Jack - problems, tormenting questions.
  • A lady is you yourself, just a woman, sometimes a mistress.
  • The king is a man, married or divorced.
  • Ace - home, hearth.


  • Six is ​​a close road.
  • Seven, eight - conversations, meetings
  • Nine is the love of unmarried people.
  • Ten - hopes, aspirations, plans.
  • Jack - problems.
  • A lady is a young girl, woman, friend, mistress of a married king of hearts.
  • The king is a young unmarried man or someone's son.
  • Ace is important business, “paper” news.


  • Six - a business trip (pay attention to the map that lies nearby, and you will understand how the road may end).
  • Seven and eight - meetings, business negotiations.
  • Nine - strong heartfelt affection.
  • Ten - profit, earnings!
  • Jack - problems, troubles, worries.
  • Lady - mother, mother-in-law, mother-in-law, neighbor, co-worker, colleague.
  • The king is a boss, colleague, father or father-in-law.
  • Ace is the deal.


  • Six is ​​a late or long journey.
  • Seven - tears, grief, sadness.
  • Eight - drinks, invitation to visit.
  • Nine is a sick bed, a disease in the truest sense of the word.
  • Ten - disappointed hopes, failed plans.
  • Jack - empty chores; Vain deeds have been committed, wrong steps have been taken.
  • Lady - anger, jealousy, annoyance, enemy.
  • The king is an official, a noble person, a colleague, a colleague; sometimes - a new acquaintance.
  • Ace - point down - blow, up - drink.

Useful tips: if the meaning of the cards remains unclear, you can refer to the designation of the suits. The meaning of the suits is indicated in the previous method. Also, it is recommended to tell fortunes about the relationship again, choosing another method, or carry out fortune telling after 1-2 weeks.


If there are circumstances in life that require immediate resolution, fortune telling the situation on the Tarot will help. A simple layout will help you figure out what to do so that everything turns out well and the way you need. Use our free online fortune telling and get advice on this situation.

How to guess?
To begin with, completely relax and don’t think about anything for 2-3 minutes. Focus on your question.
When you're ready, draw cards.

Select the first card:

Tell your fortune again

Tell your fortune again

Tarot cards in this layout answer the following questions:

  1. Past: what brought you to the situation
  2. Present: what is happening now
  3. Positive aspects of the situation
  4. Negative sides
  5. The future: what will happen in the future
  6. Advice: what to do next

You can repeat the fortune telling for a different situation after 5 minutes.

For those who like to tell fortunes using real Tarot cards, read on for interesting layouts and methods of fortune telling to resolve the situation.

Tarot cards in a situational reading and problem solving help you to discern your hidden capabilities. The Arcana will indicate what your strengths and weaknesses are, what you need to focus on and what to ignore.

  • Figure out what reserves you have so that the situation can be resolved successfully
  • You will understand what you need to pay special attention to. The cards will also show which circumstances can be ignored
  • Find out how the situation will affect your future if you act in one way or another
  • You will understand whether it is worth taking active action or whether it is better to wait until a more favorable moment
  • Thanks to the situation in the present, you can avoid big problems in the future, get competent advice and behave in the most correct way.

    Rules for working with Tarot cards

    To get a correct prediction, it is important to know how to use a deck of Tarot cards correctly.

    1. Study the meaning and interpretation of all arcana. It is advisable that you always have detailed interpretations at hand. Of course, it is unrealistic for a beginner to know them all by heart, but you can use the hints
    2. Try to feel the energy of each lasso. Take the cards out of the deck one by one and read the meaning. Then close your eyes and listen to your inner feelings
    3. The cards need to be charged with their energy if the deck is new. Take it in your hands and imagine how a powerful fireball comes out of your palms into the cards, filling the arcana with energy

    This is the required minimum of actions that need to be completed before you make your first layout. If you make friends with the Tarot, learn to feel the cards, and not just mechanically memorize their meanings, the prediction will always be correct.

    Popular layouts for analyzing the situation

    There are five most popular layouts. You can choose any of them to understand what to do in a particular case.

    List of schedules:

    1. Celtic cross. Used when you need to get a clear answer to a specific question. The cards will tell you how to act and lift the veil of future events
    2. Path. Used to analyze the situation. The cards will tell you what consequences this or that event may have for you. You will also be able to figure out what opportunities you have to achieve your goal right now.
    3. Confrontation. Fortune telling using this layout if you feel that a dark streak has come in your life. The cards will help you determine what is the cause of all the problems and will tell you how to proceed in the future.
    4. 9 cards. With the help of this fortune telling, you will predict how events will develop without your participation if you do nothing
    5. Spiral. He will tell you how to behave in a specific situation. Predicts the very near future

    Choose the layout that you like best and matches your goal.

    Situation at work

    If your problem is related to career matters, a simple three-card spread will do. You need to sit comfortably at the table, shuffle the cards, mentally formulate your question and randomly draw three arcana from the deck.

    Lay them out in a row on the table and start deciphering:

    • The first card is the reasons that led to the emergence of the situation that worries you. These are your past actions or circumstances in which you previously found yourself.
    • The second card reflects the state of affairs in the present. Things may not turn out quite the way you imagined.
    • The third card is Tarot advice on how to act so that the problem is solved with the desired result for you
    • Explanation:

      • Card No. 1: subtleties, details and features of the situation that are taking place at the moment
      • Card No. 2: your actions that influenced the situation
      • #3: Your emotional state in the past, thoughts and feelings that shaped your current reality
      • No. 4: thoughts, emotions and actions of participants in the situation in the past that became the source of problems
      • No. 5: your personal attitude to the situation. Perhaps we should change it and everything will work out?
      • No. 6: thoughts of the participants in the situation regarding what needs to be done. The results they seek
      • No. 7: how you need to learn to think in order to think not about a problem, but to look for ways to solve it
      • No. 8: Specific actions that need to be taken to successfully resolve the problem
      • No. 9: the most likely outcome of the situation. How will events develop if you do nothing at all?

      The main idea of ​​this layout is that the source of all problems is your thinking and attitude towards the situation. The cards will help you realize this and understand how to act and think in order to get the most favorable result for you and other participants in the situation.

      Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

      For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

      When you are ready, draw a card:

    Fortune telling on relationships using Tarot cards helps to find out the prospects for their development, understand the situation, and choose directions for further action. Below we will talk about the most popular layouts and fortune telling rules.

    In the article:

    Rules for fortune telling using Tarot cards for relationships

    If you are a beginner, the next few paragraphs are especially for you. The first thing you need is the right attitude. With experience, there will be no need to make special adjustments as long as you use aromatherapy, relaxing music, clothes or jewelry that you will feel more confident wearing. A special fortune-telling tablecloth and other attributes help.

    Do not take cards if you are feeling unwell. If you have a headache or fever, you will not be able to concentrate. You cannot work with the deck while in an altered state of consciousness, for example, intoxicated.

    Take the Tarot only with clean hands, the same goes for the surfaces on which they are laid out.

    You shouldn’t guess with the same question several times, hoping that the Tarot will say something new, more pleasant. As you try to look into the future, be prepared to hear more than just good news.

    Don't deal cards to someone you don't like!

    Remember: the meaning of the cards is voiced, not your own opinion. Be emotionally neutral to what is happening. The more emotions, the less reliable your interpretations.

    Tarot divination on the attitude of a loved one

    An important aspect of the Tarot is asking the right question. Often the questioner formulates it incorrectly. Below we provide a list of options that reflect the essence of what you want and help you get a reliable answer.

    1. How does the person I'm interested in treat me?
    2. What do you think about..?
    3. What are the intentions (plans) for me of the person I’m interested in?
    4. How should I behave with this person?
    5. What should I pay attention to in this situation?
    6. What are the prospects for the relationship?

    In plans for the future of relationships maps show the most likely path of events, but this does not mean that this is exactly what will happen. By your actions you can change the future by avoiding unwanted events.

    Tarot is a tool for awakening our intuitive abilities, a bridge to our inner world. This is a metaphorical system that leads us along the path of adventure and self-knowledge.
    Anthony Lewis "Tarot" Simple and clear"

    Tarot spreads for relationships and love

    A variant of fortune telling using one card, when you need a definite answer without details.

    • Yesterday Today Tomorrow.
    • I, We, He.
    • Situation, Action, Result.

    Another convenient way is “Compatibility” by a well-known tarot reader on the Runet. Het Monster.

    Six cards are laid out in two columns of three. The right column is a man, the left is a woman. Interpretation: the bottom row (1, 4 cards) speaks of the physical correspondence of the partners, the second (2, 5) about the emotional coincidence, feelings, and the third (3, 6) about the mental or mental kinship of the couple.

    Version "He's under attack" paints the whole picture .

    It looks like this: eight cards are laid out face down in a row. Interpretation:

    1. What does he think about me?
    2. What does he say?
    3. His feelings.
    4. What does he want?
    5. What will he do?
    6. What will he do?
    7. His goal.
    8. His goal.

    The following method can be used on the eve of a date. Six cards are laid out for him, which are interpreted:

    1. What querent looking forward to the upcoming meeting.
    2. How will the date go?
    3. The meeting itself.
    4. How comfortable the querent will be.
    5. What the querent can count on at best.
    6. Result of the rendezvous.

    Tarot is an excellent assistant in understanding the world and others. Use it wisely.

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